Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 759: Three Evils in Western Hunan

Peng Yu didn't know how to face Jiajia, let alone how to tell his relatives and friends about it. In recent days, many people had called to inquire about the marriage, but he had excused themselves with the excuse that he was not ready yet.

If it weren't for Yin Xinyue's good relationship with him, he would have continued to keep this secret until now.

At the end of the sentence, Peng Yu started to choke, and I could feel his powerlessness through the phone.


Yin Xinyue glanced at me, obviously wanting me to come over and help.

I nodded in agreement. I was keen to help ordinary people, let alone Yin Xinyue's best friend. What's more, if things are done well, it can also be considered as a marriage, which can accumulate a lot of blessings.

Yin Xinyue immediately offered to help, and Peng Yu immediately said that he would personally go to Xiangxi to pick us up.

"This man, I really can't tell when he will encounter difficulties!" Yin Xinyue sighed.

I smiled and shook my head, went back to my room to tidy up my usual things, and rushed to Xiangxi with Yin Xinyue and Xiao Weiyu that day.

This was not the first time I came to Xiangxi, so I rushed to Jishou, the capital, with ease. I stopped in front of a local restaurant, ordered a few dishes, and prepared to eat while waiting for Peng Yu.


Before the dishes were all served, Yin Xinyue suddenly put down her chopsticks and said excitedly, and then went to greet her.

I walked out of the store and saw a young man waving to us, with a forced smile on his face.

It seems that he is Peng Yu. He looks quite strong, but his hair and beard are messy. It can be imagined that he has been struggling a lot recently.

We simply had a bite to eat and then followed Peng Yu back home. He didn't speak much along the way, but his brows were twisted into a knot. When we arrived at the village entrance, he gritted his teeth and said, "Brother Jiulin, please save Jiajia. If you do this again, No one will die if we go down!"

"Do not worry!"

I shook his shoulders vigorously, and then followed him to an old tile-roofed house. Peng Yu said embarrassedly: "Jia Jia has a very weird personality after her accident..."

"I won't let her find out."

It was rare for Peng Yu to be so considerate. I nodded and told him not to worry, and asked him to lead me to the door of Jiajia's room.

He must have greeted Jiajia's parents before. Neither of the two old men spoke to us, but their eyes were full of longing and gratitude.

I winked at Yin Xinyue, and she led the two old people to the next room. Then I quietly leaned forward and put my ear against the door to feel it.

There was no sound in the room. Even when I closed my eyes to feel it, I didn't hear a sound!

I frowned and looked at Peng Yu. He nodded firmly to indicate that Jiajia was in the room.

After receiving his affirmation, I couldn't help but become cautious.

After many soul extractions, my perception has become very strong. Under normal circumstances, I can tell whether there is anyone in the room just by standing outside the door, because I can hear the heartbeat and the flapping of insect wings!

But now I didn't hear anything. I thought about it and took out the invisible needle, let it go into the room along the exhaust hole, and then closed my eyes and felt it. As the picture in my mind continued to clear, I saw a girl wearing a red wedding dress from an ethnic minority sitting in front of the dressing table, combing her hair over and over with a wooden comb.

I could see her face clearly through the mirror, and even the meridians on her neck were clearly visible, but I couldn't see through her heart.

Just like Peng Yu said before, Jiajia has become a purely emotionless puppet, mechanically repeating the movements of his hands...

Her state was very consistent with the characteristics of a ghost, and there was no Yin Qi in the room. I felt that she probably lost her soul, so I rubbed my fingers and pressed hard between the eyes with my hot fingers.

As soon as I took my fingers away, my eyes started to feel astringent and then became lighter!

It turns out that I have been relying on cow tears to open the heavenly eye. Sometimes I forget to bring the cow tears with me when I go out to take over business, which can easily delay things. Some time ago, I accidentally put my warmed hands on the celestial palace, and it accidentally opened my heavenly eye. .

Since then, I finally got rid of the cow's tears and had a method to quickly open my eyes. After Yin Xinyue learned this secret, she also thought about opening her third eye to play with it, but she had no cultivation at all, and rubbing the skin of the Tiangong position until it turned red had no effect...

As the Sky Eye was opened, the picture in my mind became blurry, and I could only see a rough outline, with three flames flashing on it.

This meant that all of Jiajia’s souls had not been lost, but had become a little weaker. It was possible that they had hit something unclean while walking. I breathed a sigh of relief and prepared to try to summon her soul.

Just when I was about to open my eyes, I suddenly caught something unusual in my mind. Jiajia's eyes were actually full of desire.

Calm on the outside, fiery on the inside!

Which man is she longing for? She was deliberately hiding something again.

I suddenly felt that things were not that simple, but I decided to summon the soul first.

When Peng Yu saw me opening my eyes, he quickly gestured with his arms. I pointed to the outside of the house and then walked out first.

I didn't stop until I left the yard of her house. Peng Yu caught up with me eagerly and asked, "How was it?"

"It's hard to tell. Go find some of Jiajia's favorite things before her accident." I said while observing the surrounding environment.

After hearing this, Peng Yu returned home without saying a word.

Because Jiajia is very wary, I can only summon spirits where she can't see her. And summoning spirits outdoors is a very dangerous thing. It is easily affected by feng shui, air and even the geomagnetic field. If you click on it, it will be possible. Invite other Yin spirits.

Of course I'm not afraid of them, but the bit of soul Jiajia lost is too weak, and it will fall apart if you're not careful!

After searching for a long time, I found a dilapidated mud house nearby. It was relatively remote and didn't have much yin energy, so it was a good choice.

At this time, Peng Yu came over panting, holding a bunch of dirty medals in his hand and said: "This is her favorite thing, the medals I won when I was a soldier in the army!"

"Huh?" I gave him a confused look, wondering why it took him so long to get a medal.

Peng Yu seemed to see what I was thinking, and added with embarrassment: "After the accident, she threw everything related to me into the trash, including these medals..."

"Um, it'll be fine."

I suddenly felt a little sympathy for him, so I took the medal in my hand carelessly, then walked to the earthen house, placed some incense and candles, and started to call the spirits.

"Feng Jia is back!"

"Feng Jia is back. Please let all heroes go. Don't ruin your good relationship..."

I was chanting like a demon and waving the medal loudly.

But until all the incense candles were burned out, my voice became hoarse while reciting, and the remaining soul of Jiajia never appeared.

It did attract a lot of erratic souls, and in the end they were all eaten by Xiaoweidama.

Since I entered this profession, I have summoned souls more times than I can count, but I have never encountered such a situation, and I felt very uncomfortable for a while.

"Hehe, hehe, you idiot, you still want to summon spirits."

Just when I was in a daze, a series of sharp sounds suddenly came from above my head, like an old woman or a baby crying.

I shivered reflexively, then jumped up from the ground and looked towards the source of the sound, and suddenly I saw a skinny old lady on the wall.

Her head was covered with a white cloth, her furrowed face was filled with a weird smile, and her pair of bright and deep eyes were inconsistent with her crazy voice.

"who are you?"

I asked coldly, my intuition telling me that the person in front of me was not simple. The old lady looked at me for a second, then turned back to her crazy look, jumped off the wall and ran quickly away.

"Go back and protect everyone."

I was worried that this person was here to cause trouble, so I turned around and told Peng Yu, and then hurriedly chased after him.

Unexpectedly, she was an old lady who was half-buried, and she could run faster than a rabbit. I tried my best not to lose her, but she seemed to lure me out on purpose, and stopped at the entrance of the village.

"Tell me, where are you from?" I looked at the old lady who had stopped and asked breathlessly.

She stared at me for a while before slowly speaking: "The Feng family's girl has fallen into a hole. It's useless for anyone to help. I advise you not to get involved in this matter, so as not to anger the evil god and cost your own life!"

Her voice was very slow, so slow that every word seemed to be trembling. I couldn't help but feel a chill on my back, and I rubbed my palms before I began to digest her words.

When the word 'falling into the hole' flashed through my mind, I was stunned.

The first time I came across this word was from the three major evils in western Hunan mentioned by Mr. Shen Congwen in his article: driving corpses, spreading poison, and falling flower cave girls.

People in Xiangxi believe in gods and generally believe that everything has spirits. Because there are many caves in the area, cave gods have become the most widely spread local gods.

According to legend, if a young and beautiful unmarried woman passes through a certain cave and is attracted by the cave god, she will become otherworldly when she goes back. She will dress up like a bride every day, waiting for the cave god to come to get married, and never treat her like a bride again. The mortal world holds feelings until the end of life.

Modern psychologists say that this is just a rumor, and the Luohua Cave Girls are actually women who suffered from schizophrenia due to emotional difficulties.

I remember that my grandfather was still there at the time, and I asked him what was going on with the Luohua Cave Girl? Grandpa told me that no legend is necessarily true, and no legend is necessarily false.

In the end, he joked and asked me to go to Xiangxi to investigate in the future. Unexpectedly, his words came true. Now I have really met the Luohua Cave Girl!

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