Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 760 The Girl from the Falling Flower Cave

I had never thought of this at first, but after the old lady reminded me, no matter how much I thought about it, I felt that Jiajia had really fallen into a trap.

"Is there really a cave god?"

I asked subconsciously after thinking for a long time, but got no response. When I looked up, I saw that the old lady had walked away.

On the way back, I kept searching for information about the Luohua Cave Girl in my mind, and I became increasingly unsure.

Every nation has its own gods. Just because you haven’t seen them doesn’t mean they don’t exist. If Jiajia really falls into a cave, should I go against the cave gods?

After going back, I saw Peng Yu and Yin Xinyue talking quietly, while Jiajia's parents sat next to them and sighed.

"Why did you come back? Didn't you realize that the old lady was a fool?" When she saw me coming back, Yin Xinyue came up to me and asked.

I glanced at her in confusion, and Jiajia's father explained for Yin Xinyue: "The old lady used to be a famous Gu master in our village, but for some reason she suddenly went crazy. She would come out to look for crazy people every once in a while. A sense of presence…”

Peng Hai had just returned from the army and didn't know that the Gu master had gone crazy. Moreover, he was too nervous to recognize the person just now, so he let me catch up.

The old man said so much, and the implication was that I should not blame Peng Yu.

I was stunned after hearing this. I thought the old lady was pretending to be crazy to scare me, but now it seems that she is pretending to be crazy in front of everyone!

What's her purpose in doing this?

Judging from the fact that she appeared after I failed to summon the spirit, it seems that she has been paying attention to me, or that she has been paying attention to Jiajia's condition. So what role does she play in this matter?

Seeing that I was stunned, Yin Xinyue asked me what I was thinking.

Since the old lady helped me, I decided not to expose her for the time being. I shook my head and said it was okay. Then I looked at the two old people and asked, "Is there really a cave god?"

"Cave God? Are you referring to the legend of the girl who fell into the cave?"

Jiajia's father replied, and then his eyes suddenly shrank together, and he said in disbelief: " mean, Jiajia...she fell into the hole?"

Before I could reply, the eyes of the old couple were full of despair, and they hugged each other and started crying.

Peng Yu's face also became ugly. He dragged me into the yard, shook his head and said solemnly: "The Cave God does not exist at all. Don't believe what that crazy old woman says!"

Their reactions were stronger than when I heard about the Luohua Cave from the old lady. This shows that the Luohua Cave Girl, who has been rumored for a long time, has not been paid attention to in the local area.

From this, it is possible that the cave god does not exist, but something else is causing trouble. Thinking of this, I decided to pay close attention to Jiajia, because there were no other clues for the time being.

I discussed it with Peng Yu, and we climbed up to the roof to observe.

Jiajia was still sitting in front of the dressing table as before. The difference was that she looked back in the direction of the door from time to time, as if she was about to do something but was afraid of being discovered.

Peng Yu's eyes were full of caution and worry. He took out his mobile phone and communicated with me by typing: "I have been observing at night these days, but she goes to bed early every time. This has never happened before."

Seeing that Jiajia seemed to want to go out, I sent a text message to Yin Xinyue and asked them to go back to the room to rest early. Soon Yin Xinyue and the second elder left the outhouse, and the whole yard became extremely quiet as the lights were turned off.

After Jiajia heard the noise, a ghostly smile appeared on her face, and then she quietly opened the door, walked quickly to the yard, came to the edge of the wall, jumped lightly, and jumped up the wall.

She only paused on the wall for a second or two and then jumped off. She didn't make any sound during the whole process. I couldn't help but open my mouth wide.

Peng Yu was even more shocked and speechless. His body couldn't help shaking. He rubbed his palms and said intermittently: "This is not Jiajia. She has been afraid of heights since she was a child. This is definitely not her!"

"Under control." I said as I watched Jiajia leave quickly, and then handed the Sirius whip to Peng Yu, telling him to stay at home to protect everyone, and to use the whip to greet him if necessary.

Peng Yu gritted his teeth and agreed, but worriedly begged me not to accidentally hurt Jiajia. I hummed and quickly chased after her.

After I left the village, Jiajia was no longer around. I didn't expect her to be so fast. Fortunately, there was only one road leading to the outside world. I ran around and finally saw her.

She just walked forward with her head down, as if she was running something urgent and didn't care about the situation behind her. She probably didn't expect that she was being followed, right?

Seeing her like this, I became bolder and quickened my pace to gradually close the distance between us.

There are many mountains in western Hunan, and the village is built at the foot of the mountains. Soon Jiajia walked to the entrance of the village and walked up the rugged mountain road.

Standing at the foot of the mountain and looking over, it is a mountain road made of square stones, with dark meadows on both sides. The vegetation becomes more lush as you go up, and in many places the road is blocked by vegetation. He walked up regardless, even though his clothes were torn by thorns, he didn't stop, and his speed was almost as fast as before!

In order to avoid being discovered by her, I didn’t dare to use the flashlight and followed her. Unexpectedly, the weeds that did not pose an obstacle to Jiajia caused great difficulties for me, especially after reaching the middle of the mountain. The mountain road was full of branches and vines covered with thorns, which directly scraped my clothes into rags.

What's even more annoying is that the stone slabs in some places are slightly loose, and they will make a creaking sound when you step on them. She almost discovered it several times!

After struggling for nearly an hour, I finally succeeded in climbing to the top of the mountain. I cautiously looked around and found her kneeling in front of a dark cave with her back to me, mumbling something.

I cautiously leaned over and listened carefully, and found that she was singing "A Fairy's Match", with the shyness of a woman about to be married on her face.

I wonder what kind of medicine she sells in her gourd? Just lean against a big tree and wait.

There was a hint of laziness in her deep voice, and I was already very tired from climbing the mountain. I fell asleep very quickly, and my eyes looking at her became increasingly blurry.

Just when I was about to fall asleep, Jiajia suddenly stopped singing and turned around to look at me.

I leaned against the tree and it was too late to hide away, so I looked directly at her. Jiajia stared at me for two seconds, then a playful smile appeared on her face, she got up and walked towards the cave, her steps light and pious.

It seemed that she had discovered me a long time ago, but she never revealed it. She looked at me before going in, obviously trying to lure me into the hole!

She must have a conspiracy, but I had already chased her here, and I had to find some clues no matter what, so I followed her with no guts. As soon as I arrived at the entrance of the cave, I smelled the stench of dead fish.

But there was no river nearby, so naturally there wouldn't be so many dead fish, most of which were carrion.

I silently held the invisible needle in my hand and put the other hand in my pocket to ensure that I could take out the magic talisman at any time, then took a deep breath and headed into the cave.

Before entering the cave, I thought the cave would be very deep, but after walking a few steps, I reached the end. I breathed a sigh of relief and started looking around.

Soon I looked through the entire cave, and there was nothing inside except bare rocks. Only then did I realize something was wrong: Jiajia disappeared!

"Are you looking for me?" Just when I was horrified, a sneer suddenly came from the entrance of the cave.

I looked over reflexively and suddenly found Jiajia standing there with her arms around a pipa. She moved her charming red lips, put her fingers on the strings and plucked them a few times. I felt the air around me suddenly change. It dropped by a few percentage points!

Then I found that my chest felt tight, my limbs were weak and I felt like I was about to vomit. It seemed that the pipa in Jiajia's hand was a very powerful vagina. I quickly recited a few passages from the Tao Te Ching, and after I recovered, I quickly controlled the invisible needle to fly out.

I promised Peng Yu not to let Jiajia get hurt, so I didn't plan to attack her and just let the invisible needle stab the pipa string.

Unexpectedly, the pipa string not only did not break when the needle was dropped, but the invisible needle bounced back at a strange angle.

"Little tricks!"

Jiajia hummed disdainfully, and continued to pluck the strings much faster than before. In the blink of an eye, there was a strong yin energy in the air, and at the same time, there was a rumbling sound outside the cave, which seemed to be thousands of times. Thousands of troops are coming towards this side.

Seeing her fearless look, I knew that dragging her down would be detrimental to me, so while silently reciting the Tao Te Ching to resist the harm caused by the sound of the pipa, I swung the Madonna's Staff at her.

This time it was about whether I could break out of the encirclement, so I subconsciously poured the spiritual power obtained from the spirit in my body into the Holy Mother's Staff. For a moment, the Holy Mother's Staff's red light illuminated the entire cave red!

A trace of panic flashed across Jiajia's face, and she turned around and fled along the entrance of the cave. I hurried to catch up to the entrance of the cave, but was completely stunned the next moment.

There are countless corpses staring at him in front of him. Some of them are wearing the military uniforms of Manchu soldiers, some are wearing ethnic minority costumes, and many corpses are only covered with animal skins and tree leaves, but they are all without exception. Staring at me, his face was so blue that water seemed to drip out of his eyes, but his eyes were filled with scarlet light.

I know this look too well, they regard me as their prey!

Many of the corpses were still covered in dirt, and they had obviously just crawled out of the ground. God knows how Jiajia had such an ability.

Fortunately, I had two sun-shielding charms on me, and I quickly attached them to my body to find a chance to leave. Unexpectedly, as soon as I took a step, the group of corpses screamed and rushed towards me!

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