Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 761 Shadow Corpse

"Oh shit!"

I am no different from them when I cover my Yang Qi, but these corpses can always pounce on me accurately. After trying to escape in several different directions to no avail, I could only make up my mind and hit the corpse with the Madonna's staff.

The Holy Mother's Staff is extremely powerful. Jiajia was overestimating her ability to rely on these corpses to keep me here. I waved the Holy Mother's Staff shining brightly while thinking of Beidou Sirius, and all the corpses that came close to me were instantly bombarded. Flying, there were even many yin-heavy corpses that burned as soon as they touched the Holy Mother's staff, and howls continued to ring in the ears.

Soon I fought my way out and rushed out from the countless dead bodies. But in front of me was not a road down the mountain, but a vast expanse of white. I thought it was fog at first, so I walked over and took a closer look. , it feels like this is not the same hillside at all!

"Is it an illusion?"

I muttered, beating a small drum in my heart, and decided to retreat to the cave and wait for daybreak before trying to find a way to get out. Who knows what could be in this barren mountain and old forest in the middle of the night.

But after I turned around, I was shocked to find that the area behind me had turned into a vast expanse of white. When I looked around, everything was hazy. Before I could react, I suddenly heard a rumbling sound, and then there was a wave of light coming from all directions. An invisible force came over. I couldn't stand upright and almost fell to my knees. I relied on the staff of the Holy Mother to regain my footing.

After standing up, I looked around cautiously, only to find that I was still in the cave!

Jiajia looked at me with a smile while stroking her pipa: "Your sunshade charm is scrapped."

After saying that, she stuck out her tongue and licked the corner of her mouth, took a step back and played the pipa seriously. The corpse that had been standing there jumped up and rushed towards me.

No wonder it was so easy to deal with those corpses just now. I was busy for a long time and stayed in the same place. I didn't expect her pipa to be so powerful! I exhaled, held up the Madonna's staff with one hand, and swatted at the Qing Dynasty soldier who rushed over first.

There was just a muffled bang, and the soldier's body was crushed to pieces. I struck while the iron was hot and swung a few times to kill all the bodies in front of me, and then strode forward. After taking a few steps, I suddenly felt my ankle. I was caught, but there was no dead body behind me.

Could it be...

Looking at Jia Jia's charming smile, a terrible thought flashed through my mind. I looked back cautiously, and I was shocked to find that the body that caught me was the corpse that had been crushed by the Madonna's staff just now!

Damn it, it can really come back to life, but this time it's a problem.

I knew it would not be good for me to get entangled, so I quickly chanted a spell to maximize the power of the Holy Mother's staff, and instantly shattered the corpses surrounding the cave entrance into pieces. I wanted to take the opportunity to escape, but Jiajia once again showed her strength. , the faster I attack, the faster she recovers her dead body.

After several rounds, I couldn't make a step forward, but most of my physical energy was consumed. Instead of reducing the number of dead bodies in the cave, there were more, because the dead bodies outside were constantly crowding in.

Soon my sight was blocked by the wall of corpses in front of me, and I could only retreat passively. The cave was not very deep, and soon my back was pressed against the cold stone. I looked at the cave getting closer and closer. A layer of cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

"Bad brother, why are there so many dead people?"

Oudama seemed to feel this strong pressure. He poked his head out of his pocket, looked outside, and said nervously. I thought to myself that I was so nervous that I forgot about this little fox fairy, so I quickly asked him to take me out.

Unexpectedly, Oudama rolled his eyes and said that it would be fine for him to rush out on his own, but he couldn't take me with him...

"Oh, I raised you in vain."

I gritted my teeth and complained, waving the dead body close to me and flying it away.

Oyu jumped on my shoulder and looked at the entrance of the cave. He spread his hands and said, "There are too many dead people. You will be exhausted! Come out!"

I was stunned for a moment and realized that now we are trapped here unable to move. We can definitely be protected from harm in a short period of time, but if we lose our physical strength over time, we will only be torn apart. The only way is to pull his soul out of his body, and then use Oudama's speed to rush out first, leaving his physical body in the hole.

"What about my body?"

I asked weakly, this method is feasible, these corpses will definitely not continue to attack me after coming out of the soul, just for fear that Jiajia will disgust me.

Not to mention burying me alive in a cave, even if one or two parts are removed from me, I can't bear it...

"You are a burden and an idiot!"

Weiyu pinched Xiaoman's waist and tapped me on the forehead. I suddenly reacted and couldn't help but give her a thumbs up.

Then I blocked the approaching corpse with one hand, and quickly made a gesture with the other hand to gather the spiritual power in my body to the Dantian. When my body started to heat up, I shouted loudly, forcefully forced the soul out, and then jumped to the end. In Jade's arms.

The body lost the support of the soul and knelt on the ground with a thud. The dead bodies were instantly surprised, but before they touched me, they all stopped, with blank expressions on their faces. They were probably thinking: Strange, how could this person just disappear without saying anything? ?

"Hold on to me..." Oudama whispered and quickly flew towards the entrance of the cave.

Jiajia obviously noticed Oudama and played the pipa faster, causing the corpses to jump up and try to catch her. Oudama snorted, quickly swung his snow-white tail, stepped on the corpse's head and led me out of the cave.

Then I got off her body, found a nearby big tree and climbed up. Oudama returned to the cave without stopping and dragged my body out again. Because there was no soul in my body, the corpses did not attack me.

I returned to my body again, moved my body for a while and felt everything was normal. Then I looked at Oyu with a smile and said, "You did well, I'll give you a credit."

"Tch, I want to eat meat! Eat meat!"

Oyu pouted to show that she did not accept my verbal praise. I touched her head and said that I will let you eat as much as you want when you get back. Then I looked towards the cave, only to find that in just a moment, the corpses had disappeared. .

Although I was not at the top of the mountain, I could see the entire hillside clearly, but I couldn't find a single body after looking for a long time, as if they had burrowed into the ground.

Oudama was obviously a little confused and asked me cutely what should I do?

"No matter, let's find Jiajia first."

All of this was caused by Jia Jia's Pipa. After finding her, everything became clear. It was impossible for a living person like her to disappear out of thin air in such a short period of time. She must have gotten into a hole. I ran over and stood at the entrance of the cave to look over. I saw countless shadows flashing across the innermost rocks. Just as I was about to go in and see what was going on, I was pulled back by Oudama.

"These are the corpses just now. They disappeared in this cave." Oudama said.


I followed Oyu's words and watched for a while, and sure enough I found those shadows lining up and pouring in, like a shadow army!

Shadow Corpse!

It was only then that I felt scared and realized how dangerous I was just now.

Shadow corpses are the most mysterious page in the culture of exorcising corpses. According to legend, in the pre-Qin period, in order to defend their territory, the ancestors living in western Hunan used corpses to fight against the Central Plains army despite insufficient human resources. These corpses were invulnerable and invulnerable. Very powerful, often capable of defeating one against a hundred. But no matter how powerful the corpse was, it was still tangible, and the capable people and strangers of the Central Plains Dynasty soon found ways to decipher it.

So these indigenous people came up with a way to expose the corpse in the sun, and at the same time set up a specific formation in the shade, combining it with the deepest obsession of the deceased; these corpses were already Carrying resentment and experiencing the harsh sun, it naturally turns into a vicious spirit. After being projected by the sun, it moves to a dark place, and then passes through the magic of the corpse exorcist, gradually forming an inexplicable spirit: a shadow corpse.

Shadow corpses generally hide underground and will only appear when summoned by specific spells, musical notes, etc. of the corpse exorcist. Because they are immortal and can serve the corpse exorcist forever, the only way to restrain the shadow zombies is to find ways to summon them. The magic weapon must be destroyed!

Because this kind of magic is too mysterious, coupled with the lack of information in border areas in ancient times, there is very little information left about the shadow corpse culture. People in the industry generally only tell it as a legend. Even my grandfather told me it as a story. , but never took it seriously!

The most classic legend about the Shadow Corpse is that when the Mongolian army attacked Diaoyutai, the soldiers and civilians in the Bashu region had no choice but to use the Shadow Corpse when their country was ruined and their families were destroyed. They finally defeated the Mongolian army and killed their Mongolian Khan, so that the Mongols It took decades of fighting to capture the Diaoyutai.

I didn't expect that the seemingly inconspicuous Pipa could be such a terrifying thing. This made me interested in the thing that controls Jiajia. What is it?

"What are you thinking about, bad brother? Are you still chasing me?" Oyu shook my arm and called me out of my thoughts.

Only then did I realize that the most important thing now was to find Jiajia. I immediately ran out and searched all over the mountains and plains, but I couldn't find her until the sky turned white.

I took my tail jade back and walked down the mountain with some distress, not knowing how to face Peng Yu. Unexpectedly, when I reached the halfway point of the mountain, Peng Yu called and said that Jiajia had gone home.

"What?" I immediately widened my eyes.

"I don't know either. She suddenly walked out of the room just now, as if she had never been out before."

Peng Yu finished his sentence: "But I kept watch all night last night and didn't see her come back to the house."

I was afraid that Jiajia at home was fake, so I hurried back and lay down outside the door to observe, only to find that she was really Jiajia herself, but the Yanghuo was weaker than yesterday. How did she come back?

I was reluctant to observe carefully, and finally found a small pile of lime in the corner of her room. When I looked up, I saw that many tiles on the roof were loose. It seemed that she had climbed to the roof and jumped off.

"Impossible, why didn't she make any sound when she jumped in from the roof?" Peng Yu didn't believe in evil.

"You were there when she jumped over the wall yesterday. Was there any sound?" I said coldly.

Peng Yu was silent for a moment, and he hesitated before asking me: "You think this Jia Jia, why does she have to jump over the wall if she doesn't leave a good door?"

This is also a question that puzzles me. If you jump over the wall when you go out to avoid being discovered by me, what about when you come back? This doesn't make sense!

Although there are too many things that cannot be explained at the moment, Jiajia's life is getting more and more dangerous. At this rate, the sun will be extinguished in a few days. By then, everything will be over. I must find out as quickly as possible Prime culprit!

Jiajia is so cautious even when going out and returning home. I think the thing behind her doesn't want to make things uproar, but it already has a shadow army, so there is no need to be so low-key.

I think it must be brewing some conspiracy, or it may have some concerns!

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