Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 762 Loach Gu

Next, when I chatted with Jiajia's parents, I consciously turned the conversation to their ancestors, wondering if they might have come into contact with the Shadow Corpse? But the content of the speech of the two elders was very ordinary. Their ancestors had been farmers in western Hunan for generations, and there was no valuable information.

Peng Yu saw what I was thinking and followed me while I was on the toilet, asking me if I had discovered anything.

"This seems to be no accident..." I said with a frown.

"Is someone trying to harm Jiajia?" Peng Yu became nervous upon hearing this.

I shook my head. If I just wanted to harm Jiajia, any shadow zombie could kill her. But that thing has been holding off until now. It must be trying to use Jiajia for something.

The appearance of shadow corpses on the mountain next to the village indicates that this place was a battlefield a long time ago, and the corpse driver at that time probably never left his hometown. There must be descendants of the corpse driver among the residents of the village.

Thinking of this, I asked Peng Yu if there was a corpse exterminator in the village? Or do you know whose ancestors did this?

Peng Yu rolled his eyes and thought for a long time, then said awkwardly: "I've been away all year round, and I really haven't noticed this."

"never mind."

Years of military service had made him dull, and I could tell. I couldn't get any useful information from him, so I simply went back to the house and asked the two old men.

What surprised me was that even they had never heard of Mr. Jiajia’s father. Jiajia’s father even recalled: “There should not have been such a person in the previous generation. When the Four Olds were destroyed, there were only a few people in the village. The wizard has also been dragged away for criticism, and if there is a corpse exterminator, he will definitely be arrested as well."

What he said was so clear and logical that I could only give up this idea for the time being and focus on Jia Jia wholeheartedly.

After everyone went to bed in the middle of the night, Jiajia slipped out quietly like the day before.

Since it was discovered while tracking yesterday, I had to ask Oudama to follow it first and come back to tell me when it finds something.

After Wei Yu left with her, Peng Yu and I jumped into Jiajia's room along the roof. After he entered, he looked around and reached out to touch the small mirror on the dressing table. I quickly stopped him.

"Jiajia's sense of smell is very sensitive, don't touch anything here!"

When Peng Yu heard the "whoosh", he took his hand back, and I took a closer look. The room was very clean. It could be said to be spotless except for the ash in the corner. It felt like an ancient daughter's boudoir, but it was very cold in this room. Not a trace of popularity!

After staying there for a few minutes, I didn't find any clues. Peng Yu couldn't stand it anymore and asked me tremblingly when I was going out.

I glanced at him and asked him to go out and watch for me. Peng Yu opened the door and ran out, wiping his cold sweat. I locked the door and wiped it with a tissue. I looked again and finally found a few long hairs under the dresser.

I carefully grabbed a few hairs and put them in my pocket, then grabbed the rope and climbed up to the roof little by little.

It didn't take long for Oyu to come back. She said in frustration: "Bad brother, her scent suddenly disappeared while we were following you, so..."

"Do your best."

I sighed and took her back. Even Otama couldn't follow her, so it was hard for me to think of any other way.

At this time, my back suddenly felt cold, as if something was staring at me from behind.

I paused and turned my head sharply, and saw the crazy old lady I met that day sitting on a big tree and looking at me coldly.

Seeing me looking over, the old lady waved to me and pointed to the house at my feet.

She obviously knew something. Without saying a word, I parkoured along the nearby houses and arrived under the big tree in a blink of an eye.

"My skills are okay."

She nodded and jumped down from the tree. There was only a soft sound of sand when she landed.

I asked myself that I couldn't do this, so I couldn't help but look at her more.

"The following two days have been quite unsuccessful, right?"

"The shadow corpse will follow wherever the girl goes. Unless she exposes herself, no one can follow her!" the old lady said with a ferocious smile.

My heart trembled, and then I said in disbelief: "Impossible! Shadow corpses can only appear in specific environments, and they will never wander around like you said."

The old lady smiled and asked me if I knew how wide the Shadow Corpse's range of activities was? I was immediately stopped by her question and was speechless for a long time.

After a while, she thought to herself and said: "The whole of Xiangxi is the territory of shadow zombies. Didn't you notice that they wear all kinds of clothes?"

She was right, Jiajia should have gathered all the shadow corpses nearby, so that no matter where she went, she would always have such invisible bodyguards around her!

"You spy on me!"

The old lady clearly told me every move I had made in the past two days, and she had obviously been watching me secretly.

"I'm protecting you!"

The old lady didn't deny it. She looked at the barren mountains in the distance and sighed, asking me if I wanted to cooperate with her.

"I have a loach Gu in my hand. As long as Jiajia eats it, she won't be able to escape my sight even if she runs to the horizon."

After saying that, she took out a small bottle from her arms and handed it over. I didn't take it. I took a step back and asked coldly: "Who are you, and what is your purpose in approaching me?"

"Of course it's to help you." She showed an intriguing smile: "You can use the loach Gu and find a solution on your own, but you'd better act quickly, that girl won't last long."


I gritted my teeth and stared at her, but I couldn't tell what she was thinking. Finally, I exhaled and grabbed the loach Gu in my hand.

"This is right!"

The old lady smiled and opened her mouth as if she wanted to say something else. Then footsteps were heard not far away, and then Peng Yu's voice came: "Jiulin, are you there?"

The old lady's expression changed, and she burst into laughter. She pulled a handful of weeds from the ground and threw them on me. She laughed and cursed, and finally skipped away.

I couldn't help but be stunned. The old lady pretending to be crazy just now was different from when she faced other villagers. She seemed to be particularly afraid of Peng Yu. Why was this?

I didn't come back to my senses until Peng Yu came up. He asked me why I was here. I said I came over to take a look when I saw someone here, but I didn't expect it to be that crazy woman.

After I finished speaking, I took a sip and pretended to be unlucky. When I lowered my head, I looked at him quietly. I don't know if it was an illusion or something, but I always felt that Peng Yu's eyes were a bit complicated.

We entered the yard together. Peng Yu sighed and asked me what should I do? I thought about it and decided not to tell him about the loach Gu yet. I just said that I would think of a solution later.

That night we ignored Jiajia and went back to the room to sleep. As soon as I entered the room and lay down, Yin Xinyue opened her eyes and pitifully asked me if things had progressed.

"It's hard to say!"

It took so long to even follow Jia Jia. It's hard to imagine how powerful the guy behind him was.

"Brother Zhang, no... no, let's withdraw."

Yin Xinyue huddled in the quilt and said in a low voice. She used to be particularly interested in this kind of thing, but now she wants to retreat when she encounters some difficulties. After all, she has become a mother and has concerns.

"We have reached this point and there must be a result. Besides, do you really have the heart to ignore Peng Yu?"

I smiled bitterly and held her in my arms. Yin Xinyue said "Oh" and said no more.

After getting up the next day, Jiajia locked herself in the room again as expected, and the Yang Fire in her body became a little weaker.

When it was time for lunch, Jiajia's mother was carrying a bowl to deliver her meal. I thought of the loach Gu the old lady had given me, so I took the bowl and put the loach Gu in it.

But in order to confuse Jiajia, I found a dead eel and put it in another bowl of rice, and asked Jiajia's mother to take it in.

"Why are you so careful?"

Yin Xinyue asked unexpectedly, and I helplessly said that she was too wary and it was always good to be careful.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for Jiajia to come out with a cold face, holding the dead eel between her chopsticks and looking at me, smiling disdainfully, then walked to the table and brought another bowl of rice.

It's the bowl with the loach Gu!

As soon as Jiajia walked in, Yin Xinyue gave me a thumbs up, but I was not as optimistic as she was, so I hurried to the door and monitored her with an invisible needle.

Jiajia put the bowl on the dressing table, lowered her head and smelled it. Although I didn't smell anything from the loach Gu, it didn't mean that she couldn't smell it. For a moment, my heart was in my throat.

Fortunately, after smelling it for a while, she picked up her chopsticks and started eating. Watching her eat a bowl of rice, I was completely relieved.

Although I didn't see her eating the loach, she must have eaten it. I think the old lady must have done something about the loach, otherwise Jiajia wouldn't let down her guard so easily!

I searched for information about Shadow Corpse on the Internet all afternoon, but unfortunately I couldn't find any definite information. There were quite a few descriptions with a literary flair, but they would interfere with my train of thought.

The T-shirt man and Taoist Master Yiqing should know something about each other, but now was not the time to ask them for advice. I had no choice but to relax myself for the time being and have a good sleep.

After dinner, Peng Yu couldn't wait to ask me what solution I had thought of. He must have seen from my indifference that I had a solution.

"continue following!"

I covered it up with one sentence. Peng Yu looked at me for a while without believing it, but didn't say much.

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