Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 763 Who are you?

As the night deepened, the whole village returned to calm again. I came early to wait under the big tree yesterday. After all, the old lady was elusive, and I was afraid she had other purposes.

Soon Jiajia jumped out along the wall, looked around, and then hurriedly walked towards the mountain.

When she was about to disappear from my eyes, the old lady hadn't appeared yet, so I decided to ignore her and chase after her.

At this time, someone tapped me on the shoulder, and I glanced out of the corner of my eye. It was a hand that was so thin that it was just skin and bones!

"Silly boy, now is not the time."

The old lady came up from behind, pointed to the place where Jiajia had just walked, and said, "The shadow corpse is hidden there."

I looked at her, then opened my eyes and looked in that direction, and sure enough I saw some imperceptible shadows moving on the surface.

"These shadow corpses will disappear only after she goes up the mountain and is completely out of tracking. But after she took my loach Gu, it won't be that simple to get rid of me..."

The old lady said very confidently and proudly. I couldn't help it anymore and asked her sternly who she was.

The old lady smiled slightly and said you don't need to know my identity, you just need to understand that I am also saving Jiajia. To me, you are just a dispensable ally.

After she said this, she closed her eyes and waited, ignoring whatever I asked. Facing such a tight-lipped person, I had no power to complain.

If it weren't for the fact that I couldn't get close to Jiajia, I would have left long ago!

After asking for trouble several times in a row, I learned the lesson and simply fell asleep leaning against a tree.

I don't know how long I have been sleeping, but I just heard the old lady let out a sigh, took two steps forward and said to herself: "What is this boy from the Wang family going to do now?"

She muttered for a while and then suddenly exclaimed something bad, and then quickly covered her mouth as if she was afraid of waking me up.

She didn't know that I was awake, so she waved her hand in front of my eyes, and then hurriedly chased after me.

After she left, I looked over under the moonlight and found that the person she was chasing was Peng Yu!

What was Peng Yu doing out at this time? Why did the old lady call him Wang's boy? Could it be that there is some secret between them?

I have been passive since I got involved in this matter. Now I finally got a chance. I quickly chased after them and finally found two people stopped halfway up the mountain.

They were whispering something, and they glanced towards the mountain from time to time, probably to guard against Jiajia. This way, no one paid attention to them behind them. I took the opportunity to touch them and lay down behind a tree to listen.

“It’s still too late to rein in the situation, don’t bring about your own destruction!”

This sentence was said by the old lady, and her hoarse voice was filled with concern.

Peng Yu paused and replied through gritted teeth: "It's been a thousand years, but there must be an answer."

"No one holds grudges against the Wang family, let the past pass..." the old lady advised.

"Impossible! You don't have to help me, but you can't stop me!"

Peng Yu interrupted the old lady and shouted hysterically: "After waiting for so long to find the most suitable girl, I beg you, Aunt Pei!"

After saying "Pei", the old lady didn't speak again for a long time, and the arm holding Peng Yu fell weakly.

He glanced at Aunt Pei gratefully, turned around and walked quickly towards the mountain.

It is not difficult to see from their conversation that Peng Yu and Aunt Pei have known each other for a long time and have an unusual relationship. Peng Yu's original surname is Wang, but he kept his name anonymous for some purpose.

Most of what happened to Jiajia was done by himself, and Aunt Pei should have played the role of a stopper.

She understood everything, but she was not determined enough to stop him.

When I figured it all out, I looked up and saw Aunt Pei walking past me and slowly going down the mountain.

She was obviously a little lost, and she didn't even notice me hiding behind the tree. She should look for me after she comes down the mountain, but what Peng Yu has to do now is the key. After a short weigh, I decided to follow Peng Yu first!

After running forward for a long time, I didn't see him, but there was a strong smell of blood in the air, as if the entire mountain had been soaked in blood.

Now we are close to the top of the mountain, and danger may appear at any time. I hold the Emei thorn in my hand to feel more at ease, and slow down my pace to walk slowly towards the top of the mountain.

As I was walking, I suddenly stepped on something fleshy. I jumped aside reflexively, looked down and found that it was a dead wild cat.

Its body was still soft and it must have been killed just now. I knelt down and picked it up and took a closer look, only to find that there was a blood hole as big as a walnut on the kitten's neck.

Logically speaking, with such a big wound, the cat's blood should be all over the floor, but there were only a few drops of blood on the ground!

I pressed its body hard, but not a drop of blood was squeezed out. Did Peng Yu just kill it to drain its blood?

With this idea in mind, I went up the mountain anxiously. Along the way, I kept seeing the corpses of small animals such as puppies, deer, wild boars and even sparrows.

They were lying on the ground crookedly. Some bodies were stiff and smelly, and some still had body warmth like the kitten just now, but their blood had been drained without exception.

This confirms my thinking. Someone is indeed collecting blood these days. Judging from the current situation, it is undoubtedly Peng Yu who is doing this.

Although I don't know what he is doing, it must not be something good. I was afraid that Jiajia's parents might also have problems, so I quickly called Yin Xinyue and asked her to put a few talismans on her body and get a piece of stuff to defend herself. After Yin Xinyue did it one by one, I felt relieved.

Going up further, the density of corpses suddenly increases, and those who don't know better think that there is an exhibition of prey here.

With so many corpses placed here, it is likely to bring plague over time. I frowned and was about to burn them with spiritual fire, when suddenly there was a splashing sound in my ears, as if someone was pouring water from a basin. .

I stopped what I was doing, listened carefully, determined the direction and then strode towards that direction. As the sound became clearer and clearer, a deep pit as big as a basketball court appeared in front of me, and the sound came from the pit!

This mountain is surrounded by vegetation, making it impossible for an excavator to get up, and such a large amount of work is definitely beyond the capabilities of manpower. I couldn't help but think of those shadow corpses.

I'm afraid only those tireless shadow corpses can do this.

I was eager to see what was making the noise in the deep pit, so I ran over in big strides. After a few steps, my feet suddenly slipped, and I fell to the ground with a thump. I cursed secretly and was about to get up, but suddenly I found that there was an indescribable smell under my body.

Could it be...I looked over with wide eyes, and my mouth opened wide in shock!

The entire land beneath me has been stained red with blood, and the thick layer of blood is now in a semi-solidified state, sticking me to the ground like glue.

It took a lot of effort to stand up. I looked at the roaring pit and suddenly found that I didn't have the courage to go over.

After standing there for a long time, I mustered up the courage to walk up and take a look. I was shocked to find countless female corpses standing in the pit.

They were all naked and looking forward motionlessly, as if they were being inspected.

Fortunately, these corpses were already rotting, otherwise I would have fallen into a beauty trap in minutes.

Looking at these women with varying degrees of decay, I recalled what I overheard Peng Yu say before going up the mountain.

"After waiting for so long to find the most suitable girl, I beg you, Aunt Pei!"

Could it be that Peng Yu also killed these women?

I couldn't imagine that Peng Yu, who looked a little dull, could be so cruel, but I knew that these female corpses were the key to the whole thing. After hesitating for a while, I gritted my teeth and jumped down.

After landing, I first closed my eyes and apologized to these corpses. After saying how sorry I was, I opened my eyes and prepared to find the source of the rushing sound?

Unexpectedly, before I could take action, several openings suddenly opened around the pit. The next moment, countless blood poured down from the openings like rain, covering me and all the corpses in an instant.

I was horrified and subconsciously looked at the waist-deep blood, only to find that the blood was seeping into the ground at a speed visible to the naked eye. At the same time, more blood was splashed from the hole in the air.

This is like a fucking circulator!

"Is sister pretty?"

Before I could recover from the blood, an intoxicating moan came from my ears, and then I felt a smooth tongue swirling around my earlobe.

I suddenly turned around and looked around, and I was shocked to find that the rotten female corpse next to me had turned into a perfect ketone body that all men could not control.

It actually came to life and was firing electricity at me with its tongue sticking out!

When I looked again, all the female corpses in the pit came to life, and they all looked at me ambiguously.

I am a normal man. Looking at countless naked women, my lower body became respectful, and my hands began to touch the belt uncontrollably.

"not good!"

I cursed in my heart and hurriedly recited the "Tao Te Ching". The verses came out of my mouth, and the golden light poured into my mind. Gradually, I felt myself recovering, and I breathed a sigh of relief.

"Zhang Jiulin, are you a man?"

At this time, there was a sound of disdain from above my head. I looked up and saw Jiajia looking at me with a wicked smile and pointing at the female corpses beside me.

It's obviously an insult to my ability!

"Fuck you."

I blushed, threw the Emei thorn out with a curse, then jumped up with Ran Min's strength, and climbed up quickly on the uneven cave body.

Only now do I understand what Peng Yu wants to do. He wants to use the blood of those animals and these female corpses to create his own female corpse army!

After being nourished with blood, these female corpses are no different from living people, and their appearance is first-class. Pulling out any one of them can make those lustful people fascinated!

If Peng Yu wanted to do something with these female corpses, it would be easy. What's more, he already has a group of shadow corpses in his hands. This is too scary!

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