Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 764: The Strange Story of the Pipa Demon

Jiajia kept looking at me with a sneer as I climbed up.

When I was about to come up, she slowly took out the Pipa from behind and started playing it leisurely!

The sound of pipa came out, and a dense layer of shadows appeared at the entrance of the cave. They were intertwined with each other, completely covering the entire sky above my head.

"go to hell!"

Jiajia laughed hysterically and said, "None of you men are good."

As she spoke, she played the pipa crazily, and more and more shadow corpses swooped down, knocking me back to the bottom of the cave.

"It's over."

This is my only thought. There are countless shadow corpses above my head, and there are alluring women around me who can make people's noses bleed, but I don't have a suppressive weapon in my hand.

We can only sacrifice the apricot-yellow flag to temporarily resist their attacks, but passive defense is meaningless. Shadow Corpse is not afraid of delaying time at all, but my spiritual power is limited.

After landing on the ground, the shadow corpses took on human shapes one after another, with bloodthirsty light shining in their eyes.

What surprised me was that not only did they deal with me crazily, but they also fought ferociously with the female corpses.

The apricot yellow flag is so powerful, any shadow corpse that comes close is instantly shattered by the light shield, and has no ability to recover.

Only then did I realize that the Shadow Corpse was able to come back to life through evil magic. As an ancient artifact, the Xinghuang Banner can be said to be impervious to evil and can defend against all evil magic. It was only natural to completely kill the Shadow Corpse!

It's a pity that it can only be used as a defense and not as an offense, otherwise I could kill them all with a sudden dash.

Jiajia's face changed when she saw the shadow corpses failed with me, and she showed a vicious look. Then she plucked the pipa a few times, and the shadow corpses seemed to have been saved and no longer cared about me, and concentrated on dealing with those shadow corpses. Female corpse.

Naturally, they were not as lucky as me, and they quickly turned into rotten forms under the siege of the shadow corpses. At this point, Jiajia did not stop, and continued to control the shadow corpses with the sound of pipa, completely tearing the rotten female corpses into pieces!

I witnessed the whole process, and while lamenting Jiajia's ruthlessness, I was also a little confused, why would she attack 'one of her own'?

Moreover, these female corpses were helpless when faced with the attack of the shadow corpses, and they were just constantly playing tricks on them.

Could it be that they haven't evolved well yet, so they transformed in advance because of my arrival, so they became a pile of waste?

I quickly turned my brain, thinking about all the possibilities, but forgot to control the apricot yellow flag. By the time I reacted, the shadow corpses had already poured in.

I quickly pulled out the magic talisman to temporarily repel them, grabbed the apricot-yellow flag in the air and re-arranged my defense, and then stabilized my position.

"Is this a protracted battle? Then I will accompany you to the end."

Jiajia stood on top and said with a sneer, then played a very sad tune on the pipa.

Affected by the sound, the shadow corpses no longer attacked me, but began to cry bitterly. Some hugged each other and cried loudly, while some knelt on the ground and cried silently.

There was only endless sadness at the bottom of the entire cave.

I had only seen this scene once before, and that was at Wangqingchuan in Fengdu!

Suddenly, the scene around me changed. It was no longer those shadow corpses in front of me, but my family, Yin Xinyue, Li Mazi, father-in-law and mother-in-law, and even my dead grandfather and senior rat!

They were all crying, although I didn't know why they were crying, and I also understood that Jiajia was deliberately confusing me.

But I really felt their pain, and gradually I couldn't help but shed tears. My thoughts were all led to the moment when grandpa and senior rat passed away, and finally I couldn't help crying!


As I cried, I spat out a mouthful of blood, and then the environment in front of me changed back to what it was before.

The apricot-yellow flag has been thrown aside. There is an arm stuck in my chest, and the shining nails are digging into my chest bit by bit.

I spat out a mouthful of blood again and kicked the shadow corpse away with all my strength, but fell to the ground due to my unsteady center of gravity.

As I fell, countless shadow corpses pressed up.

They were so dense that I could no longer retrieve objects from a distance, so I could only use the spiritual power in my body to support them and silently endure their torture.

Gradually, my vision blurred, and I vaguely heard the sound of Aunt Pei and Jiajia fighting above me, as well as Peng Yu's almost crazy shouting.

Then, his eyes went dark and his vision returned to calm.

More than once in my sleep, I heard the arguments between Peng Yu and Aunt Pei and Yin Xinyue's heart-wrenching cries. Her tears fell coldly on my face. I wanted to open my eyes, but I couldn't use any strength in my body, so I could only worry, waking up and falling asleep countless times in my anxiety.

"Husband, if you don't wake up, I will let you go down there. Can you bear it?"

Xinyue's cry woke me up again. She sobbed and said, "Fanfan is not even one year old. My parents are old. Can you bear it?"

Her voice became more and more pitiful, and I felt that my chest was getting heavier and heavier, and there was a feeling of suffocation that wanted to push up. This breath slowly rose, but it couldn't get out when it reached my throat.

Gradually, I realized that my spiritual veins were interrupted by the damn shadow corpse. Although the spiritual veins are not the meridians of the human body, if they are broken after being hit, they will still be in a coma. In severe cases, they will become a vegetative state for the rest of their lives.

I had no choice but to use my brain to recall the formula for repairing spiritual veins in the secret book, and explore it bit by bit. At the same time, Yin Xinyue kept crying about our love journey. I don’t know how long it took, but my chest started to feel hot, as if all the heat in my body was concentrated together. This heat kept rising and rising, and finally spewed out of my throat.

With a pop, I sat up from the bed. When I opened my eyes, I saw Yin Xinyue crying in tears, and Aunt Pei and Peng Yu sighing beside me.


When I just woke up, I didn't have much strength, so I could only gently stroke her hair with my hands. Yin Xinyue saw that I woke up and hugged me, crying and saying that she thought I would never wake up again.

"Silly girl, I can't bear to die with you and my son here!"

I looked at her and said very seriously.

While we were talking, Peng Yu and Aunt Pei kept standing outside the door looking at us. Especially Peng Yu's face, which was filled with self-blame and guilt. It looked like they were going to have a showdown with me. I called them after Yin Xinyue's mood stabilized. Come in.

"Xinyue, Jiulin, I'm sorry for you."

After Peng Yu entered the door, he knelt down in front of us without saying a word. Yin Xinyue didn't know yet, so she looked at him in confusion and I went up to pull him up. Aunt Pei stepped forward to stop him and said, "Let him kneel!"

"Say it."

I asked lukewarmly. Seeing how they wanted my help next, they naturally wouldn't hide anything anymore.

"Have you ever heard of Wang Li?" Aunt Pei asked.

"Wang Li?"

I didn't have this person in my mind at all, so I just let Aunt Pei say what she had to say.

Aunt Pei glanced at Peng Yu, sighed and told her story a little bit. The Wang Li she said was a famous general in the late Southern Song Dynasty. He once resisted the Yuan army at Diaoyutai. Later, after the country fell, in order to avoid the fate of massacre after the city was broken, Wang Li led The troops surrendered.

Although the Battle of Diaoyutai was only a very small battle in Mongolia's expansion, it profoundly affected the structure of the world. At that time, the Mongolian legion under the command of Khan Mengge was divided into four groups, three of which attacked the Southern Song Dynasty, and the other was the world-famous Mongolian Western Expeditionary Army.

The Mongol Western Expedition swept across Europe and had already reached Arabia; but later Mongol Khan died in the Diaoyutai battle, and the other princes returned to the court in order to compete for the throne, thus avoiding the destruction of life in Europe.

Therefore, the Battle of Diaoyutai has become a topic that historians have been studying, and the surrender of the last guard general Wang Li has naturally become a highly controversial topic. I'm not interested in history, but from now on, it seems that Wang Li still made meritorious deeds in history. After all, he saved the lives of the people in the city after surrendering.

"Is Wang Li related to this matter?" I asked.

"Have you heard the story about the Shadow Corpse resisting the Yuan army?" Aunt Pei's eyes were red at this moment, and her voice was trembling.

I was stunned after hearing this, and then thought about it, could it be that the person who used the shadow corpse to fight Yuan was Wang Li?

Aunt Pei nodded, confirming my guess.

In fact, Wang Li was not a general in the true sense. He was a corpse hunter who traveled in the southwest. Later, when the Yuan army attacked Diaoyutai, they caught up with him in the city.

Seeing the hard work of the city defenders, he used the art of exorcism to secretly nourish a group of corpse soldiers and used them to fight against the Yuan army. From then on, he was respected by the people and was appointed as a city defender in times of crisis. Later, after the corpse soldiers were eliminated, Wang Li had no choice but to creatively create shadow corpses and relied on them to continue resisting the Yuan Dynasty.

However, one day, a spy appeared in the Song army and stole the pipa that Wang Li used to control the shadow corpse. From then on, the Song army could no longer resist the attack, and he was eventually forced to surrender.

The Mongolian court wanted to use Shadow Corpse to unify the world, so it bribed him with high-ranking officials and generous salaries!

But Wang Lin would rather die than surrender and set an ancestral motto for his descendants: The descendants of the Wang family must find Pipa and regain control of the Shadow Corpse to regain the world that belongs to the Song people!

Soon after, Wang Li, Wen Tianxiang and other loyal ministers and generals who were unwilling to surrender were escorted to Dadu and brutally killed.

His descendants fled from Sichuan to live anonymously near Xiangxi. They remembered the ancestral precepts and never gave up looking for Pipa. However, after going through all the trouble to find it, they found that the soul inside had fallen asleep.

Unless the soul inside was awakened, it would be impossible to control the shadow corpse, so they began to look for the place where the Pipa was originally cast, which was the previous pit full of naked women...

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