Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 765: Win the world, lose you

After hearing what Aunt Pei said, I felt endless emotions in my heart. General Wang Li used the Shadow Corpse for the sake of the country, and it was truly tragic that he ultimately sacrificed his life for the country. It is also commendable that his descendants can remember their ancestors' instructions to this day.

But does that ancestral saying really have any meaning today?

I think, probably not! Otherwise Aunt Pei would not have pretended to be crazy and secretly stopped Peng Yu, and Peng Yu would not have knelt down in front of me to apologize now.

"Why kill so many women?" I asked.

"This is... the debt owed by our Wang family!" Peng Yu's body trembled violently just after I asked him. I should call him Wang Yu now.

It turns out that when Wang Li cast the pipa, he injected the soul of a peerless woman into it, so that the sound of the pipa could control the shadow corpse. In order to awaken the soul inside, the descendants of the Wang family kept looking for a woman with the same destiny and tried to awaken it by force, but they failed every time...

They did not give up. They kept trying for thousands of years, and women continued to sacrifice themselves, so there were more and more female corpses inside.

As for their clothes, they corroded naturally, but their bodies did not rot into bones because they were constantly nourished by blood.

"You found that Jiajia's destiny is similar to the soul in Pipa, so you wanted to take advantage of her!"

I gritted my teeth and sat up from the bed, pointed at Wang Yu's nose and said, "The Luohua Cave Girl does not exist at all. This is a smoke bomb deliberately released by your Wang family to cover up your actions, right?"

"Yes, those women did not lose their souls, but we collected their souls! After they died, we put their bodies into the cave again, hoping to rely on these grievances to continue to nourish Pipa!"

Wang Yu didn't dare to look at me and buried his head very low.

I kicked him on the head, coughed several times angrily, beat my chest and continued to ask: "After you took Jiajia's soul, you found that she was different from the previous women. She was not at the mercy of you and was even more powerful than you." Be powerful. If you are afraid that things will be exposed, invite me here through Yin Xinyue. After seeing my ability, you believe that I can eradicate the things behind Jiajia, so you deal with me while secretly making your own preparations. You made all the animal carcasses on the mountain, right?"

"I didn't mean to harm you..." Wang Yu said.

"Fuck you, Jiajia has been waiting for you for seven years, seven years!" I picked up the teacup next to the bed and smashed it on his head.

That's right, a simple Tujia girl waited for seven years, and the first thing she did after her lover came back was to take her own life. Is this an irony?

Recalling the scene before I fell into coma, Jiajia's tone of voice, and Jiajia's operation of Pipa and control of the shadow corpse in recent days, it is not difficult to imagine that the soul in Pipa has awakened, but Wang Yu made the wrong calculation. .

The soul in Pipa has awakened. She no longer wants to be a puppet of the Wang family, but wants to avenge herself, Jiajia and all the women!

When things have reached this point, no matter how angry I am, I have to find a way to deal with Pipa first, otherwise the shadow corpse will float thousands of miles away!

I tried to calm down, looked at the two of them and asked, "Who knows the identity of the female ghost in Pipa?"

"That's my ancestor, the silver-faced jade horse!" Aunt Pei said with tears.

I was stunned.

If Aunt Pei is really the descendant of the Yin spirit in Pipa, why would she care so much about Wang Yu? What is the relationship between them?

"Although he calls me aunt, in terms of seniority, I am Xiaoyu's aunt."

Aunt Pei choked up and explained that it turned out that before Wang Li became the guard of the Diaoyutai, he had been traveling around the world. Once when he was driving away corpses, his boat capsized in a ditch, and all his corpses turned into zombies. Humans simply couldn't deal with so many zombies. After the fierce battle, they fell to the ground dying. When they were about to die, they were saved by a passing silver-faced jade horse.

This silver-faced jade horse was originally an ordinary white horse. After hundreds of years of practice, it became a spiritual body, with its entire body glowing with emerald green light! The face exudes silver light, and after turning into a human form, it is even more beautiful than a fairy.

Wang Li fell in love with this half-fairy, half-demon woman, and began to pursue her crazily. Under his persistence, the silver-faced horse was finally moved, gave up the opportunity to continue practicing, and got together with Wang Li.

And she gave birth to a daughter, the ancestor of Aunt Pei's branch.

Silver-faced Jade Horse thought Wang Li would always be kind to her, but Wang Li later forced her to jump into a fire in order to cast a jade pipa, and promised that he would still love her even if he transformed into a pipa.

The innocent Yuma believed it, but later Wang Li only regarded her as an artifact that could kill enemies and perform meritorious deeds.

The faith in the silver-faced jade horse's heart was finally shattered, and she finally understood that she was just a chess piece...

Although Wang Li was defending the Song Dynasty, although he was worthy of the world, he only failed himself.

And her daughter remembered her mother's tragedy and vowed to kill all Wang Li's descendants!

After thousands of years of killing each other, Wang Yu and Wang Pei finally let go.

"It's such a pity for the silver-faced jade horse..."

I said seriously, feeling sorry for her tragedy, and asked Aunt Pei if she could find a way to calm down her resentment.

"Yuzu just woke up not long ago, I don't know what to do, but..."

At this point, Aunt Pei changed the subject and lowered her voice a bit: "I felt it as soon as Yuzu woke up, so I was able to save you in time. But before, Jiajia..."

I suddenly realized: besides Wang Yu and Yu Ma, something else is causing trouble!

Aunt Pei nodded, wiped her wrinkled face, and said seriously: "I can feel it, that Pipa is under Jiajia's bed. Yu Zu will never hurt me, you have to find a way to do it later." Jia Jia cheats you out, and I’ll take the Pipa away first.”

Aunt Pei wanted to use her own strength to deal with the silver-faced horse temporarily and buy time for me.

Jiajia now has two different powers controlling her. When Aunt Pei takes away the Pipa, Jiajia will only have another kind of power left. Then Wang Yu and I can follow the clues to find out that thing!

After we agreed, we got ready seriously. I continued to lie down all afternoon. When it was time for dinner in the evening, I climbed up to the roof of Jiajia’s house in advance. The moment she went out to serve the meal, I jumped out of the room and followed her. The Oudama I had agreed upon suddenly turned into a lute, and I hugged her and hurried outside, deliberately making a lot of noise.

Jiajia looked back in confusion when she heard the voice, and my heart was in my throat, because the soul of the silver-faced horse has returned to Pipa, and Jiajia will most likely not catch up now.

We are all betting that Jiajia's negative emotions during the seven years of waiting will be infinitely amplified by Yuma, because only then will she become dependent on Pipa from the bottom of her heart!

Fortunately, Jiajia was fooled. She screamed like crazy and threw the bowl in her hand. I took the opportunity to bite the flying chicken legs and ran outside while gnawing.

Although it appeared that I was running with Qi Ling Pipa in my arms, it was actually Oyu who was pulling me to run, so Jiajia couldn't catch up with me at all, and I didn't stop until she was halfway up the mountain.

Jiajia yelled fiercely: "Give me back the Pipa!"

"You see clearly, is she your Pipa?"

I smiled and clapped my hands, and Oudama instantly changed back to his original appearance, jumping up and down on my shoulders. Jiajia was stunned for a moment, then turned around and ran towards home crazily.

"Bad brother, what should I do next?"

During the day, I told Xiao Weiyu that there was a lot of blood in the pit and asked her to eat as much as she could, so the little guy was very active in working. I thought about it and wanted her to go to Aunt Pei. I was afraid that Aunt Pei wouldn't be able to control her.

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