Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 766: Weasel Spirit

After returning home, Aunt Pei was no longer there. Wang Yu pointed to Jiajia's room worriedly and said: "After Jiajia came back, she kept looking for Pipa in the room, and then sat inside without saying a word..."

Wang Yu obviously has feelings for Jiajia, and is worried that cannot be expressed in words.

I patted his shoulder and told him not to worry, I believe things will break through soon!

"Go back and rest. I'll call you if something happens." Considering that my body had not fully recovered, Wang Yu proposed to keep vigil by himself. Anyway, we didn’t need many people to guard Jiajia, so I agreed to take Yin Xinyue back to the room to rest.

I was asleep when I suddenly heard a rustling sound. I opened my eyes and saw Yin Xinyue packing her things, so I asked her what she was doing.

"go home."

She didn't even turn her head, she replied without any emotion, and then she went to pack herself up.

I felt no sleepiness at all in an instant, lifted up the quilt, hugged her and said, "This matter will be settled soon. If we leave now, won't we trick your old classmates?"

"I want to divorce you."

Xinyue pushed me away and said expressionlessly. There was no color on her whole face, which was exactly the same as Jiajia's previous performance.

Damn it, it’s all on my wife!

I pretended to be helpless and argued with her for a while, then deliberately watched her go away, and then quickly climbed into the room.

At this moment, Wang Yu was observing Jiajia with his buttocks sticking out. When he saw me coming up, he said in a good mood: "She is asleep. It seems that nothing will happen today. You can go and sleep for a while."

"She is fine, but Xinyue was taken away..."

I pointed at Yin Xinyue who was leaving quickly. When Wang Yu saw it, he said "ah" and looked at me.

Since Yin Xinyue had a problem, Jiajia was safe for the time being, and the two of us quickly followed behind.

This thing was obviously not as vigilant as the silver-faced jade horse. I didn’t look back much along the way. Wang Yu took me on shortcuts with his familiarity with the terrain, and finally found her stopping in front of a dilapidated tomb.

I thought this tomb had some important origins, but Wang Yu confirmed that it was the cemetery of local villagers and there was nothing special about it.

So it seems that that guy took over someone else's grave, and this happens mostly to those half-human, half-demon beasts. I sneered and took out the staff of the Holy Mother, and quietly observed it. Yin Xinyue sat tenderly in front of the tombstone and said with eyes full of admiration: "Husband."

Let me go, your husband is here!

I hid behind and felt so sad that I almost didn't rush forward. Wang Yu held me down tightly and kept saying: "A little impatience will ruin a big plan."

After Yin Xinyue shouted several times, a gust of wind suddenly came out of the tomb and circled around her several times. Then a white shadow appeared in the wind and slowly stopped beside her.

Although this guy is fair and fair, with a shiny face like the pig mane in "Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons", the animal smell on his body cannot be concealed at all costs. It stared at Yin Xinyue for a while, couldn't help but swallowed, reached out and grabbed Xinyue's collar, and wanted to take off her clothes.

Seeing that I was about to turn green, I stood up directly. Wang Yu was still saying that being impatient can lead to big plans. I was so angry that I slapped him on the face and coldly cursed: "You are planning on me!"

After rushing out, I threw the Holy Mother's Staff in the air. The guy's entire attention was on Yin Xinyue. The Holy Mother's Staff was extremely fast. As long as I hit it, I was sure to kill it instantly.

Unexpectedly, when the Madonna's staff was about to touch it, a burst of yellow smoke suddenly appeared from its side and struck me like lightning. I subconsciously dodged to the side. When I came back to my senses, the Madonna's staff had fallen into the air. Things also disappeared.

Yin Xinyue stood in the distance and looked at us and then at the grave, confusion written on her face.

I ran up to her in a few steps and hugged her in my arms. Just as I was about to say a few thoughtful words, I heard Wang Yu shouting from the side: "Jilin, be careful!"

I was stunned after hearing this, and then looked at Yin Xinyue as if I was shocked. There was a hint of cunning in her eyes, and she opened her mouth and bit my throat.

Looking at the teeth that were sharper than dog teeth, I could only lie back passively. Then her teeth fell on my shoulders. I groaned in pain and quickly sealed the acupuncture points on my shoulders to prevent them. Poisoned, he randomly took out a handful of talismans from his pocket and slapped them all on Yin Xinyue.

She originally wanted to bite me, but her whole body froze after being suppressed by the magic talisman. I took the opportunity to withdraw the holy staff and tap her forehead. Yin Xinyue's eyes instantly turned red, yellow and white hair appeared on her face, and then her entire face turned into an animal look.

"Fuck you, if you don't come out now, I will crush you to ashes!" I yelled viciously, but I was panicking in my heart.

Generally speaking, Yin spirits will escape from the human body after being attacked, but this guy in front of me understands human nature and sees that I care about Yin Xinyue, and he resists without knowing whether to live or die, and wants to take a gamble with Yin Xinyue's body.

"Jiulin, get out of the way."

At some point, Wang Yu had a scimitar shining with cold light in his hand. He rushed forward and slashed at Xinyue's neck with the knife. I felt that this machete was unusual after just one glance. I also knew that he was deliberately trying to scare the thing away, but I still wanted to stop him uncontrollably.

"go to hell!"

Wang Yu seemed to have expected that I would take action, and immediately increased the speed of his sword swing.

The thing's face finally showed a trace of fear, and it flew out of Yin Xinyue's body, turning into a stream of yellow smoke and rushing towards the mountain.

Seeing that the scimitar was about to hit Yin Xinyue, Wang Yu shouted loudly, turned his body in the air and then withdrew the knife. He looked at me and said calmly: "I'm offended."

What he did was right. I had obviously been captured just now, and this was the only way to force that thing out!

"The smoke this thing emits smells like farts. It's probably a weasel." Wang Yu muttered as he looked at the direction it was leaving, and chased after it with a machete.

I carried the unconscious Yin Xinyue home and gave her a bowl of talisman water. Soon she woke up and said in a cute way: "Husband, I seemed to have had a dream just now..."

"Haha, it was just a dream." I didn't tell her the truth, otherwise she would have nightmares again at night.

It didn't take long for Wang Yu to come back and said frustratedly that the guy disappeared when he reached the mountain.

"I have a way to deal with it."

While waiting for Yin Xinyue to wake up, I came up with an idea. Since that guy is a lecher, I can just use this to deal with him. After all, my little tail jade is a rare beauty, so it is best to use a beauty trap.

But I was worried that Aunt Pei wouldn't be able to control Pipa, so I called and asked. Aunt Pei said that the silver-faced jade horse has always been peaceful. I guess she felt that Aunt Pei was her descendant, right?

Now that I don't have anything to worry about, I called Otama back and let her wander around the mountains as long as she had nothing to do in the past few days. I didn't believe that guy wouldn't be fooled. When Oyu heard that he was going to use a honey trap, the other party was still a beast, and he said arrogantly that he would not kill him.

"Are you sure you don't want to go?" I asked.

"I won't go even if I kill you." Oudama snorted and turned his head to the side.

"Okay, don't think about eating meat again for a year."

"If you don't want to eat, then you won't eat, hum!"

After Oyu said that, Gululu rolled his eyes, and then he ran out of my arms obediently and flew towards the mountain. When he flew to the gate, he turned around and made a face at me: "Bad brother, he knows how to bully Oyu!"

I looked at her and shook my head helplessly.

Wang Yu also smiled, and then looked at Jiajia's room, his face turned ugly.

Seeing this, Yin Xinyue reached out and pushed me, and whispered: "Honey, can you help Jiajia now?"

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