Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 767: Love and Harmony

In fact, the reason why Jiajia has not recognized her relatives for a long time is because her life soul was taken away by Wang Yu, and the remaining soul is under the constant control of the silver-faced jade horse and that damn beast.

Now that both forces have left her body, as long as Wang Yu hands her soul to me, Jiajia will naturally return to normal.

After this incident, Wang Yu finally no longer shouldered the mission of the family. Although he was ashamed of Jiajia, he still wanted to continue to be with her. After listening to what I said, he took the initiative to hand over his life soul to me, and I didn't hesitate. Immediately, a soul-inducing lamp was inserted to put the soul of life back into Jiajia's body, and then she was given a small bottle of ointment that strengthened the body and strengthened the body.

Speaking of which, these ointments were prepared by Senior Shu during his lifetime...

Jiajia finally woke up in the middle of the night. She regained her memory and became the simple and sensible mountain village girl. She hugged her parents and cried for a long time, expressed her gratitude to Yin Xinyue and me, and finally looked at Wang Yu.

There was no love in her eyes, and I suddenly felt very bad. Sure enough, the first thing she said to Wang Yu was: "Don't blame yourself, I don't blame you. But, let's forget it!"

With these words, Wang Yu's eyes turned red. The 1.8-meter-high man knelt down on the ground and begged. The old couple all said good things, and even Yin Xinyue and I had red eyes. But Jiajia still had no mercy, her eyes were still full of determination.

Looking at Wang Yu's performance, I feel that he has really changed his ways, and how determined Jia Jia is now proves how much she loves him!

I thought about it for a while and came up with an idea: Harmony!

Harmony Technique is a kind of benevolent technique that enhances the relationship between men and women. According to legend, Harmony Technique began with the two immortals Hehe in ancient times. They had a stable relationship and respected each other as guests, becoming the embodiment of perfect feelings. Later, it gradually evolved into a magic for Taoist disciples.

The art of harmony is profound and profound, and I can only be considered half a Taoist disciple, so I don't have much confidence in success. It's just that when Jiajia is so decisive, it won't have any reaction.

I racked my brains to search out the impression of Hehe Shu in my mind. After Jiajia went back to her room to rest, I asked the two old people to take out a photo of Jiajia, and also asked Wang Yu to go home and get his own photo.

Waiting until midnight, I asked out the birthdays of the two people, and wrote them behind their photos with a cinnabar pen. Then I tied the photos with a red rope several meters long, set up an incense altar in the middle of the red rope, and silently Recite the mantra.

The art of Harmony is called Harmony, but in actual operation it is called Destruction, destroying things that hinder feelings!

After a few spells, the originally calm red rope began to shake violently, as if being pulled by an invisible hand.

This showed that there was something wrong with the relationship between the two of them. I calmly picked up a wisp of incense ash with the Emei thorn and sprinkled it evenly on the red rope. I only heard a sizzling sound from it, and at the same time, a gray smoke came out, and soon The red rope returned to calm.


The recovery of the red rope means emotional reconciliation, but now that the red rope has returned to calm so easily, it makes me feel uneasy.

Sure enough, the next moment the red rope started shaking again. This time it was no longer a small shaking, but like drawing a bow to shoot an arrow, the rope continued to extend, challenging the limit of length.

The photos on both sides of the rope were stretched out of shape, as if they might be torn to pieces at any time. I couldn't help but frown, and had to read the "Tao Te Ching". Under the influence of the scriptures, the red rope gradually became calm.

I know that the biggest problem between the two of them is that Jiajia can't believe Wang Yu anymore, so Wang Yu kneels next to Jiajia's photo and keeps talking about the good times in their past.

I gradually slowed down the speed of chanting sutras until I stopped chanting sutras and the red rope stopped beating. It was obvious that Jiajia finally forgave him.

Yes, Jiajia was willing to wait so long for him, so how could she really make the decision?

"She wakes up tomorrow and everything is fine."

I put the altar away, looked at Wang Yu seriously and said, "The opportunity is in your own hands. The Hehe Technique can only be used once in a lifetime. Do you understand?"

"I have failed her once, and I will never fail her again!" Wang Yu nodded heavily.

"That's good." I sighed.

I have done everything I should and should not do. If we still break up later, it can only be described as a deep love but a shallow relationship.

Sure enough, Jiajia forgave Wang Yu when she woke up the next day. The two of them hugged each other and cried for a long time. They agreed to get married as soon as the trouble was solved. I gave the crystal ring I had chosen before coming. them.

I hope you two can be happy forever!

It is precisely because Jiajia's fate is very similar to that of the Silver-faced Jade Horse that the Silver-faced Jade Horse awakens. Now that Jiajia has returned to normal and Yuma is accompanied by his descendants, there should be no trouble for the time being. Our attention turns to the pervert again.

But Oudama wandered around the mountain for several days without touching it, as if it had disappeared from the world. Wang Yu even thought about getting married first and finding opportunities to deal with it later.

I refused directly. This kind of beast has a strong vindictive mentality. It will definitely find an opportunity to take revenge on Wang Yu. What's more, even if Wang Yu can scare it, there is no guarantee that the guy will harm other girls in the village.

Thinking about its lustful weakness, my mind suddenly recalled the scene of being seduced by so many naked women under the pit. The jade horse was present at that time, so it was reasonable for the thing not to dare to appear. If those naked girls could still show up now, it would definitely take the bait!

Wang Yu agreed with my point of view, but smiled bitterly and said that the female corpses were torn apart by the shadow corpses and could not be restored. The only way was to extract the female corpses from the shadow army and soak them in blood. After all, the shadow corpse can transform into a physical body at any time, and with the animal blood saved by the Wang family in the pit, a bunch of bewitching girls can be transformed into them in minutes.

Speaking of shadow corpses, I looked at Aunt Pei helplessly, because I found that the final breakthrough was still with the silver-faced jade horse.

"Yu Zu hates because of love!"

Aunt Pei looked at me for a long time and said seriously.

This situation is very similar to what Jiajia and Wang Yu were doing before, except that I can use the Harmony Technique between the two people, but I can't use it on Yuma. There would be a glimmer of hope if I pretended to be General Wang Li to admonish her, but after learning about Yuma's experience, I couldn't bear to lie to her again.

Yuma's heart is not about waiting, nor about sacrificing her life to make a pipa for Wang Li. Her greatest hope is to be able to advance and retreat together with her husband.

To paraphrase the words of the famous poet Tsangyang Gyatso: Forget everything, give up faith, give up reincarnation, just to meet.

Farewell after meeting, this is a tragedy of love!

There are very few film and television dramas about the Yuan Dynasty, especially the film and television materials about the Diaoyutai Battle are unheard of.

Fortunately, information technology is now advanced. Yin Xinyue followed my request and found my friend Lao He who was filming in Hengdian. Lao He used his free time to film a historical micro-movie of the Diaoyutai surrender before and after, focusing on three scenes: Wang Li's loss when the pipa was stolen; the ancestral instructions for finding the pipa left behind before the surrender of Kaicheng; before being killed with Wen Tianxiang and others, Wang Li recalled the good time he spent with Yuma.

The three scenes lasted ten minutes in total, but they were very visual. I could feel General Wang Li's state of mind through the screen.

After all, Lao He is the best actor in the industry for playing a tough guy. I called him specifically to express my gratitude, and asked Li Mazi to choose a set of Tang Dynasty tea sets that could protect luck and gather wealth and send them to him!

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