Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 769: Female Ghost in Blue

After returning from Xiangxi, the New Year arrived in a few days, and I hadn't seen Xiaofan for several months. Yin Xinyue and I discussed it and shamelessly left Li Mazi alone in the store again. This made Li Mazi complain endlessly, calling me even more outrageous than Huang Shiren!

I felt like I had gone too far, so I called Wang Xun'er and asked her to go to the store to accompany Li Mazi.

Wang Xun'er thought I was inviting her to watch a movie. She was very happy. When she heard that she was going to accompany Mazi, she hung up the phone on me without saying a word.

I laughed loudly and happily stepped on the accelerator to return to Shandong to spend an early holiday with my father-in-law and mother-in-law. As for Li Mazi being lonely and cold, I really had no choice, so I called several employees in the store and asked them to take some time to accompany Li Mazi.

I remember that when I was celebrating the New Year in my hometown for the first time, I met Zhang Fei sadly, causing people to die every day in the village. Looking back, I was filled with emotion!

Two years later, this ordinary northern village has not changed at all, except that there is no snow this year, and the wind blows dust all over the sky and the yellow leaves hit the face, which is quite uncomfortable.

Yin Xinyue and I are not hypocritical people, but we really feel that the environment is gradually deteriorating. Unfortunately, most people nowadays do not consider this. If even the countryside is lost in the end, how will China be governed in the future?

Even though the long sandy weather was annoying, the folks kept inviting me to drink during the entire Spring Festival.

Last time I said I was the new son-in-law and I couldn’t do it without drinking. I thought I could escape this time, but every household said that in order to thank me for getting rid of the ghosts in the village, they had to get drunk.

I feel relieved when I think about it. This is the most simple way of expression for hospitable rural people.

Fortunately, I only stayed there for five or six days before returning to Wuhan, otherwise I would have suffered a gastric perforation.

In order to surprise Li Mazi, I didn't tell him in advance and drove the car to the antique shop.

As soon as I entered the door, I heard the sound of a bear coming and going. I was stunned for a moment and thought to myself that Wang Xun'er didn't hate Li Mazi as much as he said. Didn't I just come to spend the New Year with him?

Yin Xinyue's eyes also showed disbelief, and she asked me in a low voice what was going on. I shushed her to stop talking, and the two of them quietly opened the door, and sure enough they saw Wang Xun'er leaning on the sofa watching TV.

She was wearing an OL uniform, high heels, and even light makeup on her face. I shamelessly thought about Wang Xun'er standing in front of her and bowing and saying "please take care of her." She would definitely kill a series of Japanese actresses instantly.

However, there was no Li Mazi in the room, and even some of the clothes that Li Mazi usually put here were missing.

"Brother Zhang, you are back!"

At this time, Li Mazi's voice of surprise came from behind me. I turned around and found Li Mazi standing in the warehouse next to the toilet with a washbasin in hand.

I quickly walked up and opened the door and saw that Li Mazi had moved into his usual warehouse. This warehouse hadn't been cleaned in several years and didn't even have air conditioning. I suddenly felt sorry for Li Mazi.

When Wang Xun'er heard the noise, she leaned out and said angrily: "Li Mazi, you are yelling and screaming. You are so annoying. Believe it or not, I will let my men beat you to death."

I raised my eyes and asked Li Mazi what was going on? He smiled angrily and said that Wang Xun'er was the guest you invited. You can't let her live in the warehouse!

Needless to say, Li Mazi was kicked out of my big room by the powerful Wang Xun'er and suffered unfair treatment during the Chinese New Year...

Xun'er's dress shows that she is interested in helping me with my business recently. Can I blame her for treating Li Mazi badly?

I sighed, went into the room, chatted with Wang Xun'er for a while, and then asked her to go back first. It seemed that the idea of ​​​​bringing her and Li Mazi together was completely wrong.

If Wang Xun'er only came to help in the name of a friend, Wang Xun'er wouldn't target Mazi like this. She probably saw what I meant, so no wonder it was so difficult for Li Mazi.

When I went to bed at night, Yin Xinyue was still laughing at me, saying that I messed up the rules and pushed my pink beauty to others. I blushed at what she said, roared and rushed forward to hug her, raised my foot to hook the door, and Yin Xinyue fell into my arms.

There was thunder outside the window and sweat dripping inside the house. It was simply the most wonderful moment in the world.

But before I could make love to the end, there was a sudden knock on the door downstairs. Each sound was heavier than the last, as if there was something urgent.

"Stop knocking! There's no business today."

Being disturbed, I cursed in a depressed mood, put on my clothes and went to open the door.

Before he even touched the door, Li Mazi's urgent voice came from outside: "Brother Zhang, it's me, open the door quickly."

It turned out to be this guy. I sighed helplessly and went up to open the door. I saw that he was all wet and asked him what happened.

"Don't worry about it. A good deal comes to your door. If you're a little late, someone else will take advantage of you..."

Li Mazi wiped the rain off his face and pulled me outside.

Seeing what he said was true, I didn't dare to neglect, so I quickly grabbed a few things and started the car.

"Wangzipo is haunted. Many people have witnessed a female ghost in blue wandering there." Li Mazi gasped as soon as he got in the car.

I nodded and told him to continue talking, but he lay on his seat and stopped talking.


I suddenly felt that I was being fooled, and angrily picked up a cushion and hit him on the head: "Do you know that the young master was busy just now!


Li Mazi smiled bitterly and explained that since that place is haunted, we can go and have a look before other colleagues intervene. If we are just ordinary little ghosts, we won't lose anything; if we encounter some valuable evil things, wouldn't it be a huge gain?

Anyway, I was already in the car, so I could only accept my fate and let him explain it to me in as much detail as possible. After all, my understanding of Wangzipo was limited to knowing that it was a place name in Wuhan City.

Li Mazi blinked his eyes and told me in detail that it turned out that he was tired of staying at home during the New Year, so he wandered around alone.

He had been to many places since he had been in Wuhan for so long, so he checked a few places he had never been to on the map, and then walked for a while and took a bus to express his inner depression.

Everything was fine originally, and Li Mazi felt much better after wandering around for a long time. Only the last place called Wangzipo was left.

So I casually asked the taxi driver, what is there to do in Wangzipo?

Unexpectedly, the driver's expression changed, and he stopped in the driveway cursing: "He's a bad guy, don't scare me."

Li Mazi knew something was going on when he saw this posture. After questioning, the driver finally revealed the truth and quietly told Li Mazi that there had been a ghost in blue at Wangzipo.

Upon hearing this, Li Mazi became interested and immediately asked the driver to take him to Wangzi Slope. Unexpectedly, the driver pulled him close to Wangzi Slope and stopped.

Li Mazi didn't force it, so he went in in the dark and walked around, but he didn't see even a ghost. But he didn't give up, so he came back and dragged me to try his luck.

"You...I'm convinced."

I couldn't bear to complain about him anymore, so I followed the navigation and drove all the way to Wangzipo bus station and stopped.

The rain had stopped by now. I got out of the car and looked around. I found that there were some old houses in disrepair nearby, and there were even some buildings from the Republic of China period.

The sound of raindrops falling from the tile-roofed house made me feel inexplicably irritable. When I looked up, I saw that many buildings were in the mist, but they were not as poetic as I imagined. Instead, they gave off a spooky feeling!

It seemed that what Li Mazi said was probably true. I calmed down and looked around again.

Li Mazi saw the solemn look on my brows, so he took the Emei thorn from the car and handed it to me, holding the umbrella himself on guard.

It rains a lot in the south of the Yangtze River, but it usually goes away as quickly as it comes, and the dense feeling caused by the rain usually dissipates with the wind. But we stood near the bus stop for a long time, and the fog around us still did not dissipate. Instead, it became thicker and thicker. The white fog at the beginning turned into a gray-black airflow.

"I'll go, what a strong Yin Qi!"

Li Mazi reacted suddenly and opened his mouth to shout. I quickly covered his mouth and said in a deep voice: "Don't make any sound."

He was right. The buildings surrounding the bus station were all filled with Yin Qi. I closed my eyes and smelled it carefully, and found that the Yin Qi smelled the same. Combined with what Li Mazi said before about a female ghost in blue haunting this place, I can almost conclude that the Yin energy is emanating from her body.

I have been to many turbulent rural ancestral halls to deal with Yin objects. Those ancestral halls are large and small, and without exception they all enshrine the tablets of ancestors, so the Yin energy inside is quite strong, but the current Yin energy is stronger than the entire ancestral hall. Even heavier.

It’s hard to imagine what the so-called female ghost in blue experienced during her lifetime.

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