Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 770: The Strange Story of the Hearse Demon

Li Mazi was even more nervous than me. He wiped the sweat from his forehead and pointed to a stone tablet not far away and said, "There seems to be... something moving there..."

I took out the Emei thorn from my waist and touched it carefully, only to find a nest of rats under the stone tablet. When they saw me, they crowded together and looked at me with their eyes rolling.

It seemed that I was a little too nervous. I shook my head mockingly and turned around to leave, but suddenly I realized a question: shouldn't rats run as fast as they can when they see people?

Yes, they were obviously scared but didn't leave. The only explanation is that something they were more afraid of was nearby and they didn't dare to move!

"Keep an eye on the mice. If they move, it means something is wrong."

After I finished speaking, I looked at the bus stop, and the inexplicable irritability in my heart became stronger and stronger.

After waiting for more than an hour, the mouse still stayed under the stone monument, and a thick layer of dark clouds gathered in the sky. There was a crack of lightning, thunder exploded, and then it started to rain heavily.

It seemed that the female ghost would not come again. I turned back a little frustrated and prepared to greet Mazi and go home. When I turned around, I suddenly found that the rats were gone.

Li Mazi is becoming more and more unreliable, and he can't even look at a mouse!

I was about to scold him, but I found that he was staring behind me dumbfounded. Through his stunned eyes, I saw a bus slowly driving towards the platform in the heavy rain. The bus had a strange shape and was covered with paint. With its blood-red paint, it doesn't look like a modern car at all.

It's almost one o'clock in the morning, why are there still buses in Wuhan? Moreover, the car didn't even have its lights on, and the driver couldn't be seen, as if it was driving by itself in the wind and rain.

I stared at the car and patted Li Mazi. After he came to his senses, he immediately wanted to find out what was going on, but I stopped him.

The Beijing Bus 375 Incident is still going viral on the Internet, and laypeople just listen to it as a story, but I understand the whole story.

It is said that the last bus at midnight disappeared together with all the people on the bus. The criminal police searched for a week before they found the bus in the valley of a nearby city. They really couldn't figure out how the bus drove in. In the deep mountains and old forests? At the same time, the forensic doctor found that there were no signs of fighting on the bus, but all the passengers died of myocardial infarction. The bus driver, the only one alive, also became a lunatic. The identification said that the driver had been severely frightened before, which would cause permanent mental trauma.

The more the criminal police investigated, the more they felt something was wrong with the case. They quickly looked for knowledgeable people to help, and finally found the T-shirt man, but the T-shirt man couldn't solve the matter. Just tell the detective captain that this 375 bus has been turned into a hearse. If you don’t want to have an accident in the future, cancel all 375 bus routes! In addition, prepare funeral arrangements for the driver. He will be taken away in a hearse within seven days.

When the man in the t-shirt mentioned this to me, I jokingly said, "You also have times where you stumble?" The man in the T-shirt was stunned for a moment, and said coldly: It has nothing to do with that. It is best not to touch things that do not belong to this world for the rest of your life, no matter how powerful a person is.

Since then, I have kept an eye on it. The car in front of me is probably the legendary hearse, the kind specially used for the dead.

The car came to a slow stop in front of the platform. Only then did I see clearly that the car was made of paper, and the tires were also painted on. Through the weak street lights on the platform, I could vaguely see the driving sign saying 'Wuhan City-Huangquan Road'. 'Six words.

"His grandma's, this kind of thing happened to me."

I muttered silently, hesitating whether to leave, but suddenly I heard an ethereal song: Outside the pavilion, beside the ancient road, the green grass stretches into the sky...

This is the famous poem "Farewell" written by Master Hongyi. The poem contains a deep feeling of farewell.

Later, this poem was sung all over the country during the war-torn Republic of China. Countless good men bid farewell to their lovers, parents, and joined the revolution in this tender and passionate melody. From then on, they were separated forever.

Although I like this song very much, when such a gloomy song suddenly appeared in this environment, I couldn't help but feel a little bit in my heart. I didn't even know where the sound came from.

I asked Li Mazi in a low voice if he heard me clearly. He shook his head and looked very ugly.

"Outside the pavilion, beside the ancient road, the green grass reaches the sky..."

At this time, another terrifying song came, this time right next to my ears. I felt the hairs all over my body stand up all of a sudden. I reflexively used my Emei thorn to stab at my side, but it was in vain. At the same time, the sound rang in the Bell and Drum Tower in the distance.

The Bell and Drum Tower is very empty, and the echoes are constantly coming out and coming back. It is cold and sad, and every word touches the soul.

The reason why I stabbed toward my side just now was because the singing sound was right next to my ears. I could even feel the strange itching caused by the airflow entering my ears.

This shows that the thing did come to me just now, but left in an instant...

Listening to the singing that came and went, like a soul calling out, my heartbeat suddenly accelerated, and I quickly reached out to plug my ears.

Li Mazi also imitated me and covered his ears, but as soon as he raised his arms, they dropped down again. Then he was like a walking zombie, slowly walking towards the bus with his eyes closed.

No, this is the time to take Li Mazi away with him!

I quickly bit my middle finger and drew some blood on Li Mazi's forehead. He suddenly came to his senses and shouted in horror: "Brother Zhang, this place is so damn evil."

I nodded, put a drop of blood on my forehead, and then stared at the paper car motionless.

With the Blood of the Sun, the sound of that thing has been disabled and should appear soon!

Sure enough, after a while, the song "Farewell" that made people get goosebumps came to mind again on the platform. Accompanied by crackling lightning, a girl holding an oil-paper umbrella slowly walked out in the heavy rain.

She has a ponytail and blue clothes that show off her good figure. She wears small black leather shoes. This is a typical student outfit of the Republic of China!

After walking into the platform, she slowly put away her umbrella, and then I saw her face clearly. She looked very similar to the goddess Lin Huiyin. Although there was no makeup on her face, there was an aura that was ready to come out! It's just that the face is too pale, without a trace of blood.

Moreover, she had no shadow at all under the street lights, and she was not wet at all after walking in the heavy rain. She was obviously not alive.

I was surprisingly not scared, I just sighed deeply!

This kind of temperament can kill many goddesses in an instant, let alone the Republic of China period more than a hundred years ago. It is a pity to die so young.

I thought the female ghost in blue was about to get in the car and leave, so I stood there and watched, but unexpectedly she suddenly disappeared, and then a scream came from Li Mazi. I looked over hastily and was horrified to find that something was strangled around Li Mazi's neck.

He was trying hard to pull it out with his hands, but it was obviously to no avail, and his face turned red from suppressing it. I hurried up to help, only to find that what was wrapped around his neck was a large intestine!

Human large intestine!

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