Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 771: He was scared to death

Before I could react, a yin energy came from behind me. I quickly cut off the intestines on Li Mazi's neck with the Emei thorn. Then I turned around in panic and saw a spherical object flying over.

I raised my hand and grabbed it in my hand. Unexpectedly, it was an eyeball, still spinning in my hand, emitting a bloodthirsty and fierce light.

"Fuck you."

I cursed loudly to hide my uneasiness and slammed my eyeballs to the ground.

The moment the eyeball shattered, a scream came from not far away from me. Then the female ghost in blue appeared again, looked at me and asked sadly: Can you give me my eyeball back?

Her original Xiaojiabiyu face was now severely deformed, with only a black hole remaining in the left eye socket, and the eyeball of the right eye almost drooped to her neck, with only a few thin veins dripping blood left in the middle.

There were several ruts on the chest, and the lower abdomen seemed to have been cut open by a knife. The internal organs inside flowed out and hung on the body, and black ghost blood continued to ooze out.


I couldn't help but retched, it was really hard to accept that the little goddess just now had become like this.

She, who was originally pitiful, saw my disgust, and her bloody face suddenly turned ferocious, and a purple resentment quickly appeared around her body. She stared at me with her only eye and shouted hysterically: I'm going to kill you!

"Mazi, do it."

With such strong grievances coming out, just using words would definitely have no effect. I shouted to Li Mazi, and then I swung the Emei Thorn at the female ghost first. She obviously underestimated the Emei thorn, and reached out to grab it without overestimating her ability.


The moment she came into contact with the Emei thorn, her hands flashed with a blue light, followed by a puff of black smoke, and she screamed and took a few steps back.

At this time, Li Mazi came to me holding an umbrella. The female ghost saw that I was difficult to deal with, so she turned around and rushed towards Li Mazi. Unfortunately, she once again flew into the flames and was almost covered by Li Mazi under the umbrella. It took all his strength to escape.

She glared at us fiercely, turned around and flew to the platform, transformed into a little goddess and got on the bus.

As soon as she got on the car, the paper car started to move slowly. Li Mazi wanted to run after it, but the car disappeared in the pouring rain within a few seconds.

"Brother Zhang, why don't you chase me?" Li Mazi asked breathlessly.

I shook my head slightly. This girl looked like a person with a story. Since she got in the car and was probably leaving, why bother chasing her?

On the way back, Li Mazi kept pouting, saying that he had been busy for nothing. I looked at him with contempt and cursed: "You still have the nerve to say that you are crazy and you brought me with you."

Li Mazi smiled bitterly and said flatteringly: "It's not like you haven't seen how strong this female ghost's yin energy is, and you're not crazy, right?"

After Li Mazi said that, I realized something was wrong. The female ghost's yin energy was so strong that she would not be frightened by Emei thorns and yin-yang umbrellas.

If she was willing to leave, she probably didn't intend to fight with us in the first place. There must be some other purpose for singing there in the middle of the night.

Sure enough, less than a week after we came back from Wangzipo, we saw a report in the newspaper about a passenger who was scared to death at the Wangzipo bus station.

That’s right, I was scared to death!

Female ghosts often haunted people before but never scared anyone to death, so Li Mazi and I felt that the female ghosts were stimulated by us and started to harm people, so we felt a little guilty.

In order to completely deal with her, the two of us brought enough equipment and food and drove to the Wangzipo platform to imitate the police uncle and play squatting.

After squatting for three days in a row, the female ghost did not show up. However, I found that there was very little traffic in the area. Not to mention at night, very few people passed by during the day. Occasionally, people passing by looked hurried. It was obvious that the blue-clothed The female ghost is quite famous.

In order to truly experience the hard work of the police, Li Mazi and I fully implemented the principle of eating, drinking and eating in the car. After a few days, the smell in the car was so bad that it was comparable to the 731 chemical laboratory.

By the evening of the fourth day, Li Mazi's passion had been exhausted and he said he would leave if there was no movement at night.

I looked at him with contempt, nodded and said okay! I didn't tell him that I thought so too.

Around eleven o'clock in the evening, the surroundings suddenly became almost eerily quiet, so quiet that even the hands of the clock in the car could be heard clearly.

Mazi and I looked at each other, regained our passion, and stared intently.

Just like last time, the yin energy around her became stronger and stronger, and ethereal singing began to be heard from time to time. It seemed that she would appear soon, but at this moment, a young man riding a scooter appeared in the distance. !

He wore a pair of glasses, dyed yellow hair, and hummed with headphones on his ears. He seemed to be in a good mood.

"Brother, he won't be so unlucky, right?"

Li Mazi asked speechlessly.

This yellow hair is really unlucky. We have been here for three days, and the female ghost has not appeared and no one has passed by. Now that the female ghost has finally come out, this yellow hair has come to die.

I decided not to get out of the car for the time being to avoid alerting others, but I was prepared and could rush forward at any time if there was an emergency!

Soon Huang Mao arrived near the bus stop, stopped reluctantly, and walked up to look at the bus notice board.

Could it be that he wanted to take the bus in the middle of the night? When did Wuhan’s transportation become so developed...

It was simply unscientific for him not to hit a ghost. I no longer had to think about it and slowly locked the car door with one hand.

Sure enough, within two minutes of him going up, the female ghost in blue appeared in the dark night holding an umbrella, and said in a faint voice: "I have been waiting for a hundred years, and you are finally back.


Huang Mao screamed, his eyes suddenly widened, and then he fell straight down.

"Aren't you scared to death again?"

Li Mazi was speechless and wanted to get out of the car. I grabbed him and said to check the situation.

After seeing Huang Mao fainting, the female ghost in blue actually leaned over and held him in her arms. She held his face and looked at him carefully, but soon her face showed deep disappointment and she murmured: "" You are not him, he did not come back, he still lied to me after all..."

At this time, the paper car came again, and the female ghost put away the oil-paper umbrella and got on the car.

The two of us ran up quickly and found that Huang Mao had just fainted from fright. I left Li Mazi and Wei Yu to take care of the unfortunate child, and chased in the direction of the paper car alone.

Although the paper car ran very fast, the yin energy of the female ghost was so strong that I had no trouble following it. Finally, when I came to an abandoned factory, I was surprised to find that the smell of the female ghost had disappeared.

Damn, I lost track of him after chasing him for a long time. I regret not bringing Otama with me. But now that the female ghost is here, I believe there must be unexpected clues inside, so I sneak in quietly.

When I walked in, I realized that this was not a factory, but a deserted no-man's land, because there were many old slogans painted in red and white paint on the walls.

"Drive out the Tartars and restore China."

"Only revolution can make China strong and prosperous. How can China not think about revolution?"

Slogans one after another indicate that this building witnessed various major events in the late Qing Dynasty, but it was gone by the Republic of China. Moreover, some primitive farm tools, wooden carts and other things placed in the yard indicate that this place has derailed from society. century.

Although Wuhan only developed later, it would not allow such a large area of ​​land to go undeveloped!

I thought for a while and felt something was wrong, so I temporarily withdrew from it and went to the hospital to meet Li Mazi. The frightened yellow-haired brother had already woken up and was thanking him non-stop.

I didn't have time to argue with him, so I went to the corridor and called my friend from the Land and Resources Bureau.

A friend told me that the land used to be a school in the early Republic of China. It has not been dealt with now because the government wants to keep it as a tourism resource.

After hanging up the phone, Li Mazi also came out of the ward and asked me if I had any clues and if I wanted to continue to stay there.

"No, no, no, I have to squat. I almost smoked the baby to death in the past few days."

Before I could say anything, Oyu jumped out of Li Mazi's pocket and onto my shoulder, looking at me pitifully.

Li Mazi farts in the car all the time these days, and occasionally it's so big that even I can't stand it, let alone Otama.

I couldn't help laughing twice, and nodded at Wei Yu to show that I wouldn't squat anymore. Her happy eyes instantly narrowed into crescent moons, she hugged my arm and said, "Bad brother is the best."

The female ghost was wearing a student uniform from the Republic of China, and the place where she disappeared happened to be a school in the early Republic of China. This was definitely not a coincidence, so I decided to start with the school!

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