Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 772: The Old School of the Republic of China

Li Mazi agreed with my idea, so we returned home and went there the next day to get some information from nearby people. Unfortunately, times have changed, and now the people living nearby are basically bold migrant workers, who have no idea there is any school here.

Although a few elderly people are willing to help, they say that their parents were poor and never went to school...

I just went away, and after a long time of trouble, I still had to find clues by myself!

I simply took Li Mazi with me and went to the old school site again and found a rockery to hide in. Although neither Li Mazi nor I want to admit it, we may have to squat for a longer time this time.

Everything was normal in the first half of the night, and the weather was good. The full moon was high and the stars were shining. I was in a good mood lying on the grass.

In the second half of the night, Mazi Li and I were so sleepy that we asked Otama to stay overnight and prepare to sleep for a while, but we were woken up by Otama just as we were about to fall asleep.

Judging from her blushing face, it was obvious that there was an emergency, so Li Mazi and I picked up the guy and prepared to rush.

As a result, I followed her fingers and saw two white masses, accompanied by heavy breathing.

Um...I looked at Oudama, and suddenly I understood why she was blushing.

That's right, there was a migrant worker not far away from us who had a tryst with a girl. Instead of making trouble at home at night, he came to such a haunted place in a hurry. How anxious was this migrant worker brother!

Li Mazi had already begun to watch it obscenely, and Wei Yu shyly got into my pocket. I was about to turn away, but suddenly I noticed a hazy blue shadow appearing in the night.

I became nervous instantly and squinted my eyes to see. The image of the female ghost became clearer and clearer. She looked at the two people who were having sex, and her face became more and more ferocious. Finally, she roared hysterically and appeared directly in front of the two of them. before.

The migrant worker turned his head hurriedly when he heard the sound, as if searching for the source of the sound. The female ghost laughed eerily. When he turned around, he saw the droopy eyes of the female ghost. She screamed and put on her pants as soon as possible and ran out desperately. He ran away without even looking at his female companion.

After he ran out a few dozen meters, the female ghost showed a trace of disdain on her face and appeared in front of him again holding an umbrella.

This time he was not so lucky. A piece of intestine strangled his neck severely, and he fell to the ground and kept kicking his legs.

"Damn it, I really don't want to save this bastard."

Li Mazi cursed angrily, but took the lead and rushed out holding an umbrella.

I looked at his back and couldn't help but feel dumb. After experiencing so many things, Li Mazi finally became more humane.

After the female ghost saw me, she didn't even plan to fight. She let go of the migrant worker, just gave me a gloomy look and left.

I was afraid that Li Mazi couldn't handle it alone, so I had to stop chasing her for the time being and work together to send these two people to the hospital.

The young lady was just too frightened and quickly recovered under the doctor's comfort, while the migrant worker kept coughing and no treatment by the doctor helped.

It was probably the female ghost's Yin Qi that entered the deep part of his throat. I could cure it but I didn't care about him. From the moment he abandoned others and fled for his own life, he was destined to be punished.

After I came out of the hospital, I recalled the female ghost's previous behavior, and I felt even more that she had a special taste for me.

You are not afraid of me, but you run away when you see me. If you are afraid of me, why do you stare at me again and again?

Fortunately, Oudama had completely figured out her scent this time and took me on a "thousand-mile chase". Finally, we arrived at the old school site and found the female ghost crying under a big tree.

At this time, the female ghost changed back to her original appearance, with her petite body huddled together, her shoulders constantly twitching, and her face covered with crystal tears. She was obviously a girl who was frustrated in love.

Thinking of her actions towards Huang Mao and her protective complex towards this school, I boldly guessed that she has been appearing near the station, probably waiting for the man she likes. As for this school, they probably studied together. place.

Seeing that the hostility in her body gradually disappeared, I became much less wary of her. I stood up and walked towards her without deliberately hiding myself.

Of course she noticed me, but she only glanced at me and continued to cry. When I was almost close to her, she got up and floated away.

This time her speed was not fast, and she looked back from time to time, probably to lead me somewhere.

Li Mazi looked at her back and asked cautiously if there was any trap?

"Follow her! I think she needs our help."

I sighed and asked Li Mazi to follow the female ghost. This was the first time I walked completely through the campus. Both sides were planted with thick poplar trees. There were small pavilions in many places, which together with the ponds constitute the art of Jiangnan gardens. beautiful.

There are many famous medieval sculptures from European and American countries near the teaching building, but most of them have been damaged. What impressed me most was the huge stone in the teaching area with eight bright red characters written on it: Expelling the Tartars and Restoring China.

It is signed by Sun Yat-sen, but Sun Yat-sen did not stay here at that time. Maybe the students in the school erected the stone monument in response to Sun Yat-sen launching the Revolution of 1911?

The female ghost took us to the end of the school before stopping. This was an open area with no buildings around, but the ground was covered with grass. It was probably the school playground.

I looked at the female ghost in confusion and asked her softly what she needed from me. Unexpectedly, she grinned, and strong resentment suddenly emerged from her body, and even her skin turned purple.

At the same time, the temperature nearby dropped suddenly, and the remaining rainwater on the ground turned into ice slag.

"Brother Zhang, what should I do?"

Li Mazi asked while stamping his feet to prevent him from being frozen to the ground.

The female ghost released such strong Yin Qi in an instant that completely exceeded my expectations. Even Oudama began to move around restlessly in his pocket.

She didn't take the initiative to attack, she just stood in the distance and stared at me coldly. In addition to fierceness and hatred, there was also a hint of complexity in her eyes. I knew she was hesitating whether to take action?

If we fight now, even if we win, we will only lose both sides, and we will not be able to help her fulfill her wish.

I winked at Li Mazi, and the two of us started running out together, but the female ghost didn't catch up directly. During this period, I wanted to look back countless times to see if she was chasing me, but I held back because I was afraid of irritating her.

We didn't dare to stop until we reached the gate again. I panted heavily and looked back. I was completely relieved when I found that she hadn't caught up with her.

At this time, the ethereal and sad song came from deep in the campus: "Outside the long pavilion, beside the ancient road, the green grass stretches to the sky..."

"His grandma, what on earth does this female ghost mean? Is she deliberately walking our two brothers for fun?"

Li Mazi cursed and said that he couldn't figure out what tricks the female ghost was playing.

I didn't understand it at first, but as the female ghost sang, I suddenly realized. She led me to the playground just to let me see the scene just now.

She can reach her peak state in an instant, so it's not that she's afraid of me, but that she doesn't want to hurt others.

As for what the female ghost is thinking in her heart, I don’t think she knows it herself. She probably has a dual personality: on the one hand, she is still waiting for her lover, and at the same time, she becomes confused and resentful during the long wait!

The solution to such ghosts is simple: use facts to make them recognize reality and accept it.

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