Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 773: Rules of Feminine Merchant

I spent the next few days collecting information about this school, and finally learned that this school was formerly a school built by the late Qing government, and was renamed the current school after the New Deal in the late Qing Dynasty.

In the nearly ten years from the New Deal to the Revolution of 1911, many people in the school went to Japan and the United States to study at public expense. Under the influence of overseas culture, these overseas students gradually developed democratic ideas. This also explains why there are words in the school to expel the Tartars and restore China. This was extremely rebellious in the Qing Dynasty!

Among all the information, what excites me the most is that a hundred years ago, there was indeed a female student here who waited for her lover all day long.

Although it is just unofficial historical information and no photos are attached, I believe that unofficial history also has some basis. Perhaps this female student is the female ghost in blue we met.

I asked Asako to collect more detailed information, such as famous alumni of this school, or major historical events, etc.

It's a pity that the school has been closed for more than half a century, and most of the old people at that time died. So after more than a week, Li Mazi still couldn't find any clues.

During this period, people started to encounter female ghosts one after another. Although she did not take the initiative to harm anyone, the most she did was go up to see if it was her sweetheart. But there was still a timid boy who was scared to death.

The police chief called specifically for this matter and said that as long as it did not violate the principles, the police department could give me the green light at any time, provided that I had to deal with the female ghost immediately.

Now that the director has given the order, I am not prepared to wait any longer. I cannot afford to risk a few more lives just to fulfill the dead man's wish.

At night, I led Weiyu to Wangzipo. After the female ghost in blue appeared, I said straight to the point: "Let go of your obsession! If this continues, it will only kill more people."

"I can't leave here, he won't find me!"

The female ghost said seriously, her voice was very pure and clean. But she forgot that she lived more than a hundred years ago, and her lover had died long ago, with no bones left...

Although I didn't want to hurt her, I could only tell the truth cruelly, expressing the hope that she would cheer up, let go of the long-lost feelings, and be reincarnated to welcome a new life.

"No...he's not dead, he won't die!"

The female ghost would cry and laugh, and her face would change again and again. Even if she was a living person, it would make people's skin crawl, let alone that she was a ghost.

I rubbed my palms and asked tentatively: "How about I help you reincarnate?"


The female ghost looked at me, her eyes flickering as if she was considering my words. Unexpectedly, she only thought about it for a moment before her eyes turned blood red, her body became mutilated, and she grabbed me with her hands that were only white bones.

I could already feel the cold on her nails from all this distance, so I had no choice but to take out the Emei thorn and stab it at her arm.

After all, I haven’t given up the hope of peace talks yet. I didn’t use all my strength to stab her. I just wanted to repel her temporarily. Unexpectedly, she caught the Emei Thorn with her palm and continued to stab me with her other hand. He caught me and ripped off my clothes.

With a muffled sound, she was forced to withdraw her arm.

I took out the slightly deformed Sha Hu Ling from my inner pocket, and I couldn't help but feel scared!

Killing Hu Ling was so tough that he was instantly hurt by her resentment. It seemed that it would be difficult to subdue her without some real skills.

While she was stunned, I recited the spell to activate the Emei Thorn. This time, I showed no mercy. The Emei Thorn directly ripped the air and stabbed her chest.

The female ghost stretched out her hand to resist, but quickly moved her hand back, stepping aside as if she felt threatened.

She stared at me with her scarlet eyes, and when she transformed, she had an oil-paper umbrella in her hand, and she rushed towards me randomly and crazily.

This is not the first time I saw this umbrella, but I didn’t expect that the female ghost could use it as a weapon?

Seeing her rushing towards me, my first thought was not to dodge, but to imagine who would be better than her oil-paper umbrella if the yin-yang umbrella was here.

Soon she rushed over and stabbed me in the chest. There was a metal tube on the top of the oil-paper umbrella, which shone with cold silver light.

I wanted to feel its power, so I pushed the Emei thorn forward, trying to get the umbrella between its teeth.

The moment the two came into contact, I felt like I was electrocuted and couldn't help but take my hand back. At the same time, the clamped umbrella swung flexibly, swaying back and forth like a snake for a few times and easily broke away from the Emei thorn, and then attacked my neck.

All this sounds complicated, but in fact it only takes a few breaths. By the time I reacted, the umbrella was already close to my throat!

At this moment, a white light flashed to my Adam's apple, and with a muffled sound, the oil paper umbrella was blocked back. Then the white light fell to the ground and turned into a fluffy little tail jade.

It turned out that she sensed my danger and came to the rescue at the critical moment. Seeing me looking over, Oyu glanced at me arrogantly and said unhappily: "I'll complain to Sister Xinyue when I get back, and I'll tell you that my bad brother shot you in the foot!"

After she finished speaking, without waiting for my reply, she rushed forward and entangled with the female ghost. I thought about Oudama's words, and my face turned red.

If you fail to show off and get beaten instead, that’s me...

Fortunately, Wei Yu bought me time, and I calmly used the power of the Emei thorn to the maximum. Looking at the female ghost who was fighting with Wei Yu, I secretly made a murderous intention!

Driven by the Beidou Tianlang Jue, the Emei thorn has illuminated a space of more than ten meters in radius. Weiyu knows that I am going to make a move and is eager to get rid of the female ghost. But the female ghost is not a fool, and she clings to Oudama.

Since the female ghost's umbrella was very powerful, it was difficult for Otama to deal with her for a while. I was worried about accidentally injuring Weiyu, so I had to take most of Emei Ci's spiritual power back into my body and rush forward.

Facing the attack between the two of us, the female ghost gradually lost the upper hand. After all, her resentment was limited.

At this time, the female ghost is already full of flaws, and I can use Beidou Sirius to kill her at any time. But I softened my heart again, not because of my kindness as a woman, but because during the days after the death of Senior Rat, I had a dream about my grandfather.

During that time, I was immersed in sadness and self-blame. I always felt that Senior Shu was indirectly killed by me.

It was precisely because of my rapid increase in strength that Longquan Villa sent more experts to deal with me, and even invited the divine weapon Fantian Seal. But I'm like a naughty child, I only have the ability to cause trouble but not the ability to make peace. Every time, I have to ask a few of their elders to help wipe my butt.

I wanted to change, but was so powerless. Finally one day, I suddenly woke up from my sleep and found my grandpa sitting by the bed looking at me with a loving face.

"Grandpa, you are finally back..." I cried and told him about Senior Shu's death while crying.

"I know, this has nothing to do with you, it's just that the mouse's life span has expired."

Grandpa touched my head and said with a smile.

"The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility, but this requires a process. In the first year of junior high school, which one of them, Baimei, is not a master who has been practicing for decades? You have only been in business for a few years? Do you still want to become a master in one go? You can't blame me for that. you."

After speaking, he sighed and said with a less serious look on his face: "Of course you are also at fault. Your fault is that you are too direct. Every time you do business, you just want to get rid of the negative things as soon as possible. This is exactly wrong."

"Remember, let everything return to its original state, let every Yin spirit go away without worries. This is what Yinwu merchants should do! Only in this way can you quickly improve your cultivation. , so that you can be worthy of me and the mouse."

Grandpa left, but I woke up completely. Although he didn't blame me in his words, I could still hear my grandfather's reproachful tone. He was blaming me for violating the rules of the femininity merchant.

Since then, I have come to understand and my attitude towards femininity has also changed. Take the female ghost in front of me as an example. I can easily use the apricot-yellow flag or even the Eternal Spirit Ring to beat her to the point where she will never recover!

But this is not what a ghost dealer should do. What I should do is find a way to understand the life of the female ghost, fulfill her wish, and bring a happy ending to the past.

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