Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 774: Past Events

When I was thinking about it, there was a sudden roar in my ears, and my thoughts suddenly came back. When I looked up, I found that the female ghost had run away, and Oyu clenched her pink little fists angrily, preparing to catch up.

It seemed that the female ghost knew that she was no match, so she tried to escape while I was distracted. I called Oyu back, and she angrily asked me why I dropped my chain at the critical moment.

"Isn't it easy to kill her? I want to save her."

After I finished speaking, I patted the little Odama's head, who seemed to understand, and drove back to the antique store.

On the way back, I called the police chief and told him that the female ghost could not be subdued yet. I hoped that the police station could send some manpower near Wangzipo to save some blind people from getting into trouble.

The police chief had seen my abilities and immediately agreed to my request, but added very seriously: "Police officers are also human beings, and they are also in danger. Little brother, please be more careful!"

Naturally, I agreed wholeheartedly, and I was not idle after I returned. I continued to search for information about that school with Li Mazi.

After unremitting efforts, Li Mazi got a piece of gossip through his own channels: the students in this school were divided into two factions. In the year of the Revolution of 1911, there were no boys in the school...

As for the reason, I'm afraid not many people will believe it. All the boys defected to the camp they wanted to join the army. For example, the students who supported Cixi Lafayette all went north, while those who believed in the same faith as Sun Yat-sen all went south.

So that year, scenes of girls bidding farewell to their sweethearts would always be staged at the Ten Mile Pavilion outside the school...

After listening to it, I was really shocked and yearned for that era full of revolutionary fighting spirit. At the same time, I also had a vague understanding of the experiences of the female ghost in blue during her lifetime.

She was undoubtedly one of the many female students who bid farewell to her lover, but her lover never came back for unknown reasons.

This news not only confirmed my thinking, but also made it more difficult for me. After all, there were so many people joining the revolution at that time. How could I know who the ghost’s lover was?

Li Mazi didn't expect that his news would backfire. He smiled angrily and comforted: "This news is probably false. If it really happened, why don't the elderly people nearby know about it."

"Zhu Yuanzhang immediately banned Mingjiao when he conquered the world; and the Republic of China, which was founded on students, how could it promote student movements?" I waved my hand to indicate that he did not need to comfort me. I believed there would always be a way.

Unfortunately, something happened before I could think of a solution.

As soon as I lay down that night, the police chief rushed to my store and knocked on the door. After entering, he said with a sullen face: "Brother, that female ghost has appeared again..."

"How is it going?"

I instantly became nervous and felt increasingly uneasy. There was probably only one possibility for him to come to the door in person.

Sure enough, the police chief said with red eyes: Three lives!

Since I told the police chief last time, he has sent three police officers to Wangzipo to keep an eye on the area, mainly to prevent uninformed people from entering the dangerous area.

But it hadn't rained these days and no one was passing by. The three comrades proposed to close the team today. The director thought about it and decided to wait.

Unexpectedly, it started to rain at night, and things suddenly started to feel weird near Wangzipo. A waste picker happened to be passing by that road.

Just like the last time Li Mazi and I rescued Huang Mao, the three policemen persisted in rescuing people even though they knew something was going on!

Unfortunately, they were no match at all, and the female ghost became extremely violent. In the end, the two police officers and the rag picker were killed by the female ghost.

The remaining policeman shot into the sky to scare the female ghost, and survived by chance, but he went crazy after he came back. To put it bluntly, he was scared to death.

"Brother, are you going to sacrifice more innocent people for a dead man?"

After the police chief told me what happened, he was silent for a while and asked slowly. After asking, he patted my shoulder hard, turned around and left.

I looked at his back, my head completely confused.

Killing the female ghost directly would violate the rules of the ghost merchant. Slowly getting rid of the female ghost, but innocent passers-by were killed. What should I do?

I grabbed my hair frantically and fell to my knees in a state of collapse. From a certain perspective, I had indulged the female ghost!

"Bad brother..."

Oudama flew out of his pocket and turned into a human form. He wiped my tears with red eyes and said seriously: "I have killed many people in the past. The first leader could have killed me, but he kept me here." , so far I have saved more people.”

"Husband, no one can be perfect, just do what you should do!"

Yin Xinyue also came over. She put her head on my chest and whispered.

I looked at the two of them and suddenly became determined, I was right! The rules set by grandpa are even more correct!

Giving up eating because of choking is not Zhang Jiulin’s style!

After I figured it out, I took the guy I had taken advantage of and Odama and set off. I went to the bus station and school successively, but I didn't wait for the female ghost to show up. She didn't show up for several days in a row, and there were even occasional people passing by the station at night. , none of the female ghosts showed up.

Just when I thought the female ghost had dispersed on its own, another murder occurred. This time the incident took place in a villa dozens of miles away from Wangzipo.

This villa was bought by a wealthy businessman as a gift to his mistress. On weekdays, his mistress lives here, and the wealthy businessman occasionally comes back to spend spring nights with his mistress. Last night, the wealthy businessman came here as usual. Unexpectedly, he was attacked by a female ghost in the middle of the night. His chest was injured by a sharp weapon and died on the spot. Her mistress became crazy because of the stimulation. The police comrades were comforting her in the villa.

I was quite shocked when I learned the news from the police chief. No matter how rampant the female ghost was before, it was only in her own third of an acre. If she now commits crimes everywhere, it will undoubtedly make it more difficult for me.

Soon I followed the director to the villa. The villa was divided into three floors. There were two luxury cars in the yard, and there was a swimming pool in front of the court. It was surrounded by various flowers and plants. It seemed that the deceased had no feelings for his mistress. Put in less effort!

As soon as I entered the door, I smelled a smell of blood. The police chief coughed, and immediately a police officer came out and said proactively: "The woman's mood has stabilized now. She should be able to ask for some information."

I asked the police chief to question the victim's family and walked to the room where the body was stored. The smell of blood was very strong. The deceased was lying on the bed wrapped in a bath towel in a sleeping position, with his eyes still closed. He was obviously sleeping. died in. There was a bloody hole on his chest that was as thick as a thumb, and it was still bleeding out, and it solidified into a disgusting blood pimple at the wound.

The wound looked very much like the one the female ghost in blue had made with an oil-paper umbrella. I turned around and walked out with a bad look on my face.

The police chief had already asked about the general situation and said with a gloomy face: "The woman said that she was sleeping in a daze yesterday when she suddenly smelled a smell of blood. When she came out, she found that her man was dead and there was still someone standing beside the bed. A woman in blue holding an umbrella.”

"It's really that female ghost!"

I couldn't help clenching my fists, and listening to the villa mistress crying next door, I suddenly sympathized with her.

No matter who sees a female ghost holding an umbrella in his room in the middle of the night, he will be scared, not to mention that her umbrella is still dripping blood...

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