Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 775: Specially Killing Heartless People

Since this murder was committed by a female ghost, the director had no choice but to investigate the cases together. After assisting the hostess in disposing of the body of the wealthy businessman, he closed the team. On the way back, I kept recalling the previous tragedies, and I always felt that the female ghost did not kill because she was angered by me.

When she faced the man and woman who had an affair at school before, she obviously rushed to kill the man; this time she killed the wealthy businessman but left the mistress untouched, once again showing that she only kills men, not women. Moreover, to this day I still don’t believe that the surviving policeman that day escaped with his pistol. It was most likely that the female ghost had no intention of killing him at all!

Thinking of this, a bold guess popped up in my mind. I subconsciously looked at the police chief and asked, "Did your two dead police subordinates have a problem with their lifestyle?"


The police chief was slightly stunned, paused for a while, and then nodded with difficulty and said: "They do often appear in Fengyue places, and I have trained them a lot for this."

Sure enough, it was just as I imagined, the female ghost only kills men who are unfaithful in love. After getting this important clue, I finally gained some confidence.

After I separated from the director, I went directly to the school and came to the foot of the big tree where the female ghost was crying. It was midday, and the sun was shining brightly above our heads, but the surroundings of the tree were still as cold as an ice cellar.

I spit on the palm of my hand, and with the big tree as the center, I drew a simple Bagua diagram on the ground with my Emei thorn, and placed the Limen belonging to water in the southeast direction. The female ghost always appears with an umbrella on rainy days. It is believed that among the five elements, leaving the door is the most beneficial to her. Placing it in the southeast represents the intention of the peacock flying southeast.

After drawing the Eight Diagrams, I folded two relatively thick willow branches from the campus, carved them into two small wooden figures, a man and a woman, and placed them at the gate. They represented Liu Lanzhi and Liu Lanzhi who both died for love in "The Peacock Flies Southeast". Jiao Zhongqing also represents the female ghost and her sweetheart.

The most magical thing about Bagua is the transformation. After countless studies, I have mastered the application of Bagua. I can make Bagua rotate continuously with thoughts and spells, and I can freely control the speed of Bagua rotation.

As soon as I finished setting up the Bagua, Li Mazi came over with an umbrella when he got the news. Seeing that I only drew a Bagua, he said a little depressed: "Brother Zhang, you have been working hard for a long time and you have just made something like this." ah?"

"You look down on it, don't you? I will open your eyes today."

I replied with a smile, closed my eyes and silently recalled in my mind the formula I needed to use.

After a while, I felt hungry, so I started eating the food Li Mazi had brought. While I was eating, I looked at Mazi and said with a smile, "Brother Ma, how about I give you a task?"

"There seems to be no money to be made this time. Should I agree?"

Li Mazi squinted his eyes and pretended to be serious, and even he couldn't help but laugh after speaking.

The two of us did get together because of our interests, but we have experienced so many things together. If we could use two words to describe us, it would be: brothers!

If I want to drive the Bagua without any distractions, someone has to entangle the female ghost and lead her into the Bagua array. Although Oyu is powerful, she is a spirit after all and cannot escape the power of the Bagua array. This will only make Li Mazi bit the bullet.

In fact, the most suitable person is Wang Xun'er, but because of this matter, it doesn't feel worthwhile to watch "Bear Bears" with her again...

When I thought about Xun'er, I thought about the bankruptcy of my matchmaker career. I sighed and forced a smile and asked Li Mazi what his future plans were. Will he always be single? After all, there is no chance for Wang Xun'er, so he can still find other girls! He is now a wealthy uncle after all.

Li Mazi forced a smile, a trace of pain flashed in his eyes, and said dreamily, just take it one step at a time! I don’t dare to love anymore easily.

It seemed that he still couldn't let go of Ruxue's shadow for the time being. I nodded and turned the topic away, chatting with him one after another. In fact, I think Li Mazi is the loneliest person. Xiaomeng lives on campus all year round and never comes back to see him even on holidays; and since Ruxue's death, Nianchu's grandparents gradually drew a clear line with Li Mazi. I rarely see my daughter.

No joke, as a brother, I really want to find someone to accompany him! If there is a chance, I would also like to help him find a good girl.

The time passed in our unpleasant conversation, the night gradually deepened, and the temperature near the big tree began to drop little by little. By the time it was past eleven o'clock at night, I felt it was almost time, so I nodded to Li Mazi.

Without saying a word, he strode to the tree with his umbrella in hand, chanted a spell, and soon the umbrella completely illuminated the open space under the tree.

Dark air currents constantly emerged from the ground and wrapped around the umbrellas, but without exception, they were swallowed up by the umbrellas halfway. After a few minutes, there was suddenly no movement on the ground. I couldn't help but feel a little frustrated. I felt that the female ghost was not here today.

Li Mazi seemed to have lost his patience and turned to ask me if I wanted to continue.

Just when I was hesitating, I suddenly noticed a blue shadow behind Li Mazi!

"Be careful, she's behind you!"

I yelled subconsciously, but the female ghost was far faster than me, and in an instant she pinched Li Mazi's neck with her pale arms. I couldn't imagine Li Mazi's fate, so I got up and rushed forward.

Unexpectedly, Li Mazi suddenly moved aside as if he had eyes on his back, and waved his umbrella to block the ghost's hand.

What surprised me even more was that as the female ghost's movements became more and more ghostly, Li Mazi could swing the umbrella back and forth with ease, and he didn't lose at all when fighting with the female ghost.

Only then did I realize that after being hit by the last incident, Li Mazi had been immersed in studying the yin-yang umbrella, and his level of skill had improved by leaps and bounds, so much so that I was stunned.

It wasn't until Oudama stuck out half of his head to remind me that I came back to my senses, sat cross-legged on the ground and recited the spell quickly. Following my even spells, a silver halo suddenly appeared around the female ghost and Mazi. She realized something was wrong and turned around to run away. Li Mazi shouted loudly, and the closed umbrella opened instantly and rose to five meters above the ground. The height of six meters quickly rotated, and in a blink of an eye, the light emitted by the yin-yang umbrella connected with the Bagua.

This wasn't the end yet. After he threw the umbrella, he already had no one in his hand. The female ghost wanted to take the opportunity to deal with him. Li Mazi actually showed an amazing ability to escape and escaped from the gossip circle like a rabbit.

At this time, the Bagua array had been fully activated. The female ghost wanted to chase Li Mazi, but was kicked back hard. She may have thought that the parasol was easier to deal with, so she attacked the golden light above her like crazy, but it was bounced back as well.


The female ghost let out a shrill scream and looked around in confusion for an exit. Gradually she discovered that the southeast direction was Limen. She looked at me and smiled coldly before flying towards Limen.

This is the moment I have been waiting for. When I recited the incantation, the Bagua aperture continued to rotate, and the Limen in it naturally also rotated. The female ghost thought she had been approaching Limen, but in fact she was constantly circling around Bagua...

No matter how hard the female ghost tried, she still could not reach the Limen, and the longer she stayed in the Bagua array, the more her resentment was consumed. Gradually, the female ghost slowed down.

I felt that the time was ripe, so I slowed down the rotation speed of the Bagua array at the right time, and finally let Limen stop in the southeast direction.

As previously discussed, Li Mazi used his mobile phone to play the song of peacocks flying southeast.

"The peacock flies southeast, flying to the end of the world and never returning; if you don't disappoint me, I am willing to accompany you in life and death..."

As the sad song sounded, the desperate female ghost looked fiercely in the direction of the song, and soon she found that Li Men could get out.

As if she knew that I had deliberately left a hole for her, the female ghost looked back at me, with a hint of gratitude in her eyes.

It seemed that she had been moved by the singing. I breathed a sigh of relief and motioned to Li Mazi to step aside quickly.

Li Mazi had definitely performed exceptionally just now, and this state would definitely not last long.

The female ghost walked forward quietly, picked up the mobile phone on the ground, held it to her ear, and listened quietly. As she sang every sentence, she returned to her original appearance, with her exquisite little face full of intoxication and tears streaming down her face. Endless infatuation.

When the singing stopped, she came back to her senses, looked around in confusion, and finally found the two wooden figures I placed on the ground.

The female ghost picked up the wooden man representing the boy, gently traced the wooden man's cheek with her fingers, and murmured: We have promised never to be separated, why haven't you come to pick me up?

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