Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 776: Holding an umbrella and waiting for a lifetime

"I can help you!"

I closed the Bagua array, walked forward gently, and said to the female ghost with a forlorn face: "Believe me!"

She stood up and looked at me, her face full of vigilance but she didn't rush towards me, which showed that she needed help and was just afraid of being hurt.

I took the umbrella from Li Mazi and threw it away, spreading my hands to express my sincerity.

"Tick tock...tick tock..."

The female ghost stared at me motionless, but her eyes gradually turned red, and finally tears fell to the ground drop by drop. She pointed to her head and motioned for me to come forward.

I was stunned for a while before I realized that she wanted me to communicate with her through mediumship.

The psychic technique here is not the magic used by the so-called psychic masters and Xia Yin goddesses in the world.

Those people are either swindlers who trick people into eating and drinking, or they have some magic skills and can see ghosts and gods, so they brazenly claim that they can be psychic.

The real spiritualism is to obtain the information in the mind of the ghost through magic in a short period of time, similar to a copy in a computer.

It’s just that there are very few people who truly understand spiritualism, and the Chinese people stay away from ghosts and gods, so there are so many so-called semi-fairies appearing...

Fortunately, I had read about psychic skills in the notes left by my grandfather, and I was able to use them in a so-so manner, otherwise today would have been embarrassing.

The female ghost's body had lost all her aggressive energy for the time being, so I boldly walked over and placed my bitten finger on her heavenly palace position and pressed it hard. At the same time, I closed my eyes and recited a crude incantation.

The blood on her finger was a powerful weapon to ward off evil spirits. The moment it was applied, the female ghost's forehead was burned. But she didn't retreat at all, and even took the initiative to reach out and hold me while screaming, and forcefully communicated with me.

After nearly a minute, I had obtained all the information in the female ghost's mind. She was combing her ponytail weakly and looking at me expectantly.

I closed my eyes and searched for her memories of killing people. Sure enough, as we had guessed before, she killed people who betrayed their feelings.

As for her own experience, it is a regrettable story!

The female ghost is called Bai Jin. She is a female student with a gentle personality and the school beauty of the school in the late Qing Dynasty. In the spring of 1911, Bai Jin graduated with her boyfriend. According to the oath they made in college, the two should get married after graduation.

Unexpectedly, at this time, the Qing Dynasty was rotten to the core due to domestic and foreign troubles. Mr. Sun Yat-sen raised his arms and called on all conscientious intellectuals across the country to join the army and use revolution to build a new country of freedom and equality.

Bai Jin's boyfriend loves her very much, but he can't help himself in front of the country.

Bai Jin recognized her boyfriend's wish, and wisely agreed to him going south to revolution, and made a promise: I will wait for you in school until you come back to pick me up.

The boy finally left, Bai Jin sent him to the inn, and the two said goodbye with tears.

From then on, Bai Jin stayed in school waiting for him. The places she went to most were the big tree where the two fell in love, and the inn where they said goodbye.

Before leaving, the boy said that he would write to her when he arrived in Guangzhou, and when the uprising was successful, he would marry Bai Jin back home on a night of pouring rain, because the day when the two fell in love happened to be a rainy night.

It's a pity that Bai Jin didn't wait for the letter or the boy's return...

Later, the Revolution of 1911 broke out, and her school became a temporary residence for the revolutionaries. None of the revolutionaries knew about the boy's existence, and Bai Jin never received a letter.

But she didn't give up. As soon as it rained, she would come to the inn and continue to wait. She would watch the young people who had cut off their braids coming and going, trying to find her boyfriend, but she was eventually hit by a speeding car in the pouring rain.

In this way, Bai Jin passed away.

With her obsession, she continued to wait for her boyfriend here. After more than a hundred years of futility, Bai Jin finally turned into a resentful female ghost in blue.

It was this resentment that made her continue to wait for that person, waiting for an answer, but she forgot the name of her sweetheart.

Fortunately, Bai Jin still remembered that the boy's hometown was Minhou County, Fujian, which was more or less a clue!

I retracted my thoughts, sighed and pulled her up, and said seriously: "I will help you find out the information about your lover as soon as possible, but during this period, please don't come out to harm others."

"I have never harmed anyone." Bai Jin replied.

I want to say, don’t you know your terrible reputation in Wuhan? People would be scared to death when they saw you, but when the words came to their lips, they felt that they were too cruel to such a little girl, so they suppressed them.

Fortunately, Bai Jin was not as paranoid as before. She nodded seriously and said that she would not leave school again in the near future. She also said that she would wait here for my news and keep waiting.

After hearing this, I felt sad. I waited for my sweetheart for love, and now I have to wait for my sweetheart for my sweetheart.

It seems that obsession is too deep, and sometimes it is a mistake!

After discussing it, Bai Jin tried his best to smile at me, turned around and picked up the two wooden figures from the ground, waved to me with them, and then disappeared into the darkness holding an umbrella.

"Already left?" Li Mazi asked a little confused as he didn't know Bai Jin's experience yet.

I shook my head: "It's not that easy. If we don't help her find information about her boyfriend as soon as possible, she will definitely become a ghost king, and there will be no way to deal with it..."

On the way back, I told Li Mazi about Bai Jin's experience. My original intention was to tell him that there are many good women in the world, and a bitch like Ruxue is not worth remembering at all.

But he replied with tears in his eyes: If I had worked half as hard as Bai Jin, I wouldn't have ended up like this.

I... didn't want to communicate with him for a moment.

After returning to the antique store, I frantically searched online for people who were born in Fujian, attended higher education in Wuhan, and went south to revolution. As a result, a lot of nonsense information came out on the Internet.

"Oh shit!"

Until the white fish belly appeared in the East, I still couldn't find any useful information. I threw the mouse down in anger. After eating three cages of Shaomai and a bowl of preserved egg and lean meat porridge, I forcibly hugged Yin Xinyue and fell asleep. .

I had a good sleep this time, because for the first time, I really managed to help the Yin spirit and save it, instead of killing her or destroying her. It was already afternoon when she woke up, and Yin Xinyue had already gotten up and gone out.

Oyu jumped up and down on the bed mischievously, muttering: Big lazy brother, get up quickly and take me to eat meat.

"What are you going to eat? Didn't you eat it in the morning?"

I replied lazily, and she angrily lay down on my belly and started scratching me, and kept cursing: Who wants to eat Shaomai? I want to eat meat, eat meat, eat meat!

Finally, I got up helplessly and took her to have a hearty meal of kebabs. Only then did Oyu nod with satisfaction.

She felt comfortable, but I was still worried about the boy's identity. When I returned to the antique store, I found Wang Xun'er here, peeling off a plate of crystal grapes and eating them.

Seeing my depressed look, Wang Xun'er casually put her white thigh on the coffee table and asked, "Do you need help? Boss Zhang."

I shook my head and said, "I'm afraid you can't help me with this."

When Wang Xun'er heard this, she lost her temper and insisted that I tell her the story.

After I finished speaking, she showed disdain on her face and said with a faint smile: "I thought it was such a big deal that co-authoring it was just asking about someone."

"You go out and ask, does Wuhan have any secrets for me, the eldest daughter of the Wang family?"

After saying that, she took out her mobile phone, went out and made a call quietly.

I curled my lips in disapproval, feeling that I had watched Wang Xun'er's "Bear Bears" too much, and I had also contracted the bald man's habit of bragging.

Unexpectedly, less than five minutes later, Wang Xun'er came back, proudly shaking her phone and asking me how to thank her.

There is obviously a clue from the look on her face, but I didn't expect the Wang family to be so powerful! However, the Wang family now monopolizes more than a dozen industries in Wuhan, so it is not surprising to find out the news.

Wang Xun'er knew the importance of the matter and told me a name as a joke: Lin Juemin!

After saying that, she put on her leather jacket and went back. I asked her to stay for a while. She turned her head and stuck out her tongue, and said with a charming smile: "The old man got angry and said that my elbows are turned outward all day long. If I don't go back, I will get hurt easily." beat……"

Watching her driving the Maserati all the way, I suddenly realized that this lady also has a feminine side.

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