Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 777 The Seventy-Two Martyrs of Huanghuagang

After seeing off Wang Xun'er, I was instantly excited. Lin Juemin, Bai Jin's boyfriend turned out to be Lin Juemin!

Speaking of Lin Juemin, many people are not very familiar with it, but if you mention Sun Yat-sen, the founding father of the country, I am afraid no one does not know it, and Lin Juemin was one of the first people to follow Mr. Sun Yat-sen's revolution.

According to historical records, Lin Juemin was handsome, jade-like in appearance, and very talented in literature. As soon as he joined the revolution, he was greatly praised by Dr. Sun Yat-sen.

It is a pity that such a strange man died young. In 1911, Sun Yat-sen launched an uprising in Guangzhou, preparing to overthrow the corrupt rule of the Qing Dynasty. However, the uprising ultimately failed. Lin Juemin was surrounded by a large number of Qing soldiers armed with live ammunition. After being captured, he refused to surrender and shouted loudly: The Qing demands my life, and I will kill the Qing's heart! He was eventually shot at the Guangzhou Pier.

Seventy-two young people died with him. These are the famous Seventy-two Martyrs of Huanghuagang in history.

However, Lin Juemin's information mentioned that he went to Japan to study in his early years, and after returning to China, he participated in the uprising until his death, but it did not mention that he studied in Wuhan.

Is Wang Xun'er's news wrong?

I struggled for a long time before I remembered that I had the memory of Bai Jin. I quickly closed my eyes and searched for her boyfriend's personal experience. Finally, I learned that Lin Juemin first studied in Wuhan for several years after returning to China, and then went south to revolution.

This shows that her boyfriend is Lin Juemin. As for why the information does not mention that he is studying in Wuhan, maybe he wants to draw a clear line with the Manchus? After all, this school was founded by the Qing government at that time.

He went south in the spring and died heroically in April. In addition, transportation was inconvenient at that time, so it would take a long time to travel.

Obviously, it was not that Lin Juemin did not want to reply to Bai Jin, but that he caught up with the uprising as soon as he arrived in Guangzhou and then died...

well! I couldn't help but sigh deeply.

In that war-torn era, love was often out of control. Countless martyrs whose names we cannot remember sacrificed their lives for the future of this country.

I have no doubt that I admire martyr Lin Juemin, but I question his words of waiting for me to come back.

Promises that cannot be fulfilled are the most terrifying yoke!

Anyway, I finally finished what I promised Bai Jin, and came to school that night. After calming her down, I took the printed photo of Lin Juemin and asked her if this was the person she was looking for.

Bai Jin was stunned for a long time, then snatched the photo from my hand and touched Lin Juemin's facial features in the photo. She was so attentive.

"He has not forgotten you. In fact... he died as soon as he arrived in Guangzhou to participate in the revolution."

Even though I have always been decisive, I stuttered a bit when I spoke at the moment. I didn't dare to look directly into Bai Jin's eyes.

"He's not dead. Don't lie to me. He won't die. He definitely won't die."

Unexpectedly, Bai Jin was not as grief-stricken as I imagined. At first I thought she was overly sad and said this, but gradually I discovered that she was not sad or pretentious, but really didn't believe it!

"Thank you for helping me. Since you can't find him, forget it! I will continue to wait for him at the station until he comes back. Don't worry, I won't harm anyone."

After seeing the photo, Bai Jin suddenly became extremely tender, like a child and she promised me, but none of us laughed at her naivety.

"Damn it, I can't stand it anymore."

Li Mazi choked and said, turning his head and crying.

My nose is also a little sore. There are too many Yin spirits with obsessions, but how many Yin spirits can still maintain their original intentions after experiencing pain?

There is only Bai Jin!

After a while, Bai Jin held up an oil-paper umbrella and was about to leave. I subconsciously stepped forward to call her and offered to take her to Lin Juemin's hometown.


Bai Jin instantly became excited, and then said a little embarrassedly: "It's not good to come to visit before you're engaged, isn't it?"

"You've been waiting for a hundred years, and there are no rules anymore."

It felt like there was sand in my eyes and I couldn't stop crying. Girl, are you going to be so cruel?

Finally, under my persuasion, Bai Jin agreed to go to Lin Juemin's hometown with me, and I temporarily put her in the ice jade gourd.

After I got back, I asked Yin Xinyue to go on a long trip. She knew that I had been busy with this matter for a long time, so she agreed sensibly, and deliberately said that she would go home to breastfeed her son after I left.

There shouldn't be any danger on this trip. I planned to let Li Mazi go with me to relax, but this guy said he couldn't stand Bai Jin's life-and-death love and refused to go.

Not only that, he also told Wang Xun'er about it in a cowardly manner, so that Xun'er appeared at the airport strangely before departure.

Wearing brown sunglasses, she threw her bag to me and said domineeringly: "Carry my bag on the way."


I protested angrily, and she sneered and said, "Who asked you for the news?" I fell silent for a moment.

Although I told Bai Jin that I was going to Lin Juemin’s hometown, I still planned to go to Guangzhou Huanghuagang Martyrs Cemetery first. Maybe Lin Juemin’s soul is still there. Even if there is only a trace of the remnant soul, it can comfort Bai Jin.

Two hours later we arrived at Baiyun Airport, then took two motorcycles and went straight to Huanghuagang Martyrs Cemetery.

This was Wang Xun'er's request. She said it was to reminisce about her childhood, but I couldn't convince her, so I had to obey.

It was still dark when we arrived at Huanghuagang, so we ate some glutinous rice cakes nearby and pretended to have a cup of tea.

I didn't finish the meal, and my ears were full of words about sucking your father's beans and fucking your mother. Several times, I thought someone was fighting, but they were just chatting normally. Maybe it was really a matter of regional and cultural differences!

After dinner, we entered the park early to find Lin Juemin's tombstone, but later we discovered that we were very naive.

Facing the burial place where seventy-two people were buried together, I felt a little weak. These were all people who had the future of the country at heart, otherwise they would not have the guts to make a revolution.

It's easy to deal with one or two. If there is really a commotion and dozens of ghosts come out, won't Wang Xun'er and I have to deal with this...

After hesitating for a long time, I decided to give it a try. It would be better to just leave if possible!

Nowadays, there are many methods of attracting ghosts circulating on the Internet. I am extremely disdainful of them. It is not that these methods do not work, but that the consequences of their coercive methods of attracting ghosts are often unimaginable.

Take the simplest Bixian game as an example. One time, Li Xiaomeng’s classmates learned the Bixian ghost-calling skill from nowhere. Several of them played the ghost-calling game in the dormitory in the middle of the night. As a result, they really attracted a few fierce ghosts out of nowhere. It scared the shit out of them.

Fortunately, Li Mazi had taken some medium-level magic talismans from me before and asked Li Xiaomeng to take them with him for self-defense. Xiaomeng bit the bullet and used the magic talismans to fight them away. Otherwise, all the classmates in that dormitory might not have been able to escape the bad luck.

This is just one of the small things, but it can show the dangers of blindly recruiting ghosts. After discussing it with Xun'er, I decided to use orthodox Taoist methods to summon ghosts!

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