Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 778 Soul Calling

In the early morning, the yin and yang meet, and the moon rises to the middle of the sky, just shining on the monument.

The two of us sat cross-legged on the ground, cut our fingers and put a few drops of blood on Lin Juemin's photo, and drew an arrow in the direction of the tombstone facing the photo. After doing this, we closed our eyes and recited the incantation silently.

After several times of spelling, there was still no movement nearby. I couldn't help but feel a little frustrated. Wang Xun'er moved as if he was about to get up. At this moment, there was something strange in the air. I quickly said, "Here he comes."

Wang Xun'er immediately sat back and continued to recite the incantation. I moved my ears and listened to the rustling of poplar leaves nearby. I clearly felt that something was approaching us, and there were more than one!

Gradually, an invisible pressure appeared around us, just like a ghost pressing down on the bed. It made me feel uncomfortable all over. I quickly recited a passage from the Tao Te Ching and waited until my body was no longer so cold before I opened my eyes and looked around cautiously. Go and suddenly find a group of Yin spirits standing around!

Each of them had dense bullet holes on their bodies, and they all looked at me with hostility.

All of them were unkempt and had long hair. At first glance, they looked like revolutionaries who had just cut off their braids. They were dressed in rags, and a few of them were still wearing prison uniforms.

"What do you want from Juemin?"

After a stalemate for a long time, one of the Yin spirits came up and asked. It seemed that they just looked fierce and were not as violent as imagined.

I breathed a sigh of relief and simply told what happened to Bai Jin. Unexpectedly, the other party waved his hand and asked me to go to Fujian to find Lin Juemin.

It turns out that these heroes returned to their hometowns after they died. The ghosts in front of them were all martyrs born in Guangdong.

Since this was the case, there was no point for us to stay any longer. I stood up and bowed to them, took out some ingots, paper money, etc. from my bag and burned them for them, and then left with Wang Xun'er.

"Juemin found a good girl, but it's a pity that I...alas! I didn't even have time to express it to my beloved."

A Yin spirit behind him began to cry as he spoke, which then caused a large number of Yin spirits to wail, and their cries echoed throughout the park.

I sighed, looked at the four characters "Long-lasting Magnificence" written by Mr. Sun Yat-sen above my head, turned around and bowed to the heroes again.

That night we found a hotel nearby and stayed. It was already noon when we woke up. After a quick meal, we headed to Fuzhou, Fujian. By the time we arrived in Minhou County, where Lin Juemin was located, it was early morning the next day.

Minhou County is known as the first city of Fujian. It is one of the cities with the longest history in Fujian. More than 5,000 ancestors lived there. The famous Tanshan Cultural Site is located here.

Before coming here, I thought that as a historical figure, Lin Juemin should be very famous here. In other words, I should be able to find information about him easily!

Unexpectedly, I asked many people in succession, but no useful information was obtained. Only then did I realize that Minhou County was formed from the merger of Min County and Hou County in 1913, and Lin Juemin had already done so in 1911. It has already been sacrificed.

Bai Jin has a very vague impression of Lin Juemin's hometown. I found this place based on information on the Internet. In desperation, I could only try my best to find a map from the Revolution of 1911, and first determine where Fujian and Hou were. Where, and then split up with Wang Xun'er to find out the news.

In the end, Wang Xun'er went to the old site in Min County, and I went to the old site in Hou County. After a morning of investigation, I basically knew that I had no clues. At the same time, Wang Xun'er called me and said that he had made an important discovery, and then used his mobile phone to send me the location.

Without saying anything, I took a Didi and rushed towards Wang Xun'er's position.

I didn't expect that the two places were so far apart from each other in the same county. The driver took me for nearly three hours to get there.

When we parked the car, there was no city scene around us. As far as the eye could see, there were primitive farmhouses everywhere, and the hills in the distance were covered with green tea trees.

The environment in Fujian is one of the few in the country. I was used to breathing car exhaust in Wuhan, and I already felt very happy when I came to Fujian. Now there is a quiet fragrance of tea in the air, which makes me feel a little intoxicated.

Soon Wang Xun'er walked out from the bottom of a hillside, accompanied by an elderly lady. When she saw me, Wang Xun'er stopped and waved to me, and then helped the old lady.

I quickly went up to her and asked her what she had discovered. Wang Xun'er pointed at the old lady and said, "This Grandma Lin is a descendant of Lin Juemin! Her grandfather and Lin Juemin are cousins."

Among the seventy-two martyrs, there are several Lin family members, all of whom are Lin Juemin's family. Perhaps Lin Juemin is handsome and is the backbone of the revolution, so he is the most famous.

The Lin family is a big family, and they sacrificed several lives to overthrow the Qing Dynasty. Therefore, the descendants of the Lin family are very respected in Min County. Over the years, leaders have come to invite them to live in the city more than once, but the Lin family has refused. , they are unwilling to leave their old home.

Perhaps because we respected their wishes, we found nothing when we investigated in the county seat.

Coincidentally, when Wang Xun'er came to Min County to inquire, he happened to meet the old lady's granddaughter, and then he found the real Lin family.

"Old man, can we go to your Lin family ancestral hall and take a look?"

Since Wang Xun'er had already told her her purpose, I simply asked straight to the point, but I was still a little worried.

As a place to worship ancestors, some families welcome outsiders to visit, and even try their best to promote their glorious history; but more people feel that it will disturb the leisure of their ancestors, so they stay away from outsiders.

Unexpectedly, after thinking for a while, she actually shook her head and refused!

"Grandma Lin, please think about it carefully..."

"No, outsiders are absolutely not allowed to enter the Lin Family Ancestral Hall!"

For some reason, when the originally approachable old lady heard that we were about to enter the ancestral hall, her attitude immediately cooled down. She even ignored Wang Xun'er's coquettishness, pushed her away abruptly, and turned back to the village.

Wang Xun'er still wanted to catch up, but I grabbed her and sighed: "If you don't let me in, I won't go in."

After saying that, I didn't explain anything at all, I pulled her back and walked back. I didn't stop until I left Linjia Village.

The more the old lady doesn’t want us to enter the ancestral hall, the more it means there is something fishy inside the ancestral hall. After countless similar scenes, I still have this discernment.

Although the old lady went back just now, there were still many villagers around. In order not to alert others, I could only pretend to leave, and then find an opportunity to sneak into the ancestral hall.

Wang Xun'er nodded after listening and praised my wit, but she frowned and said, "I don't think the old lady is a bad person."

"Pfft! I didn't say he was a bad person, it's just that he wanted to keep it secret and we had to find an answer."

I smiled helplessly. Sister Yu was indeed Sister Yu. She was a very thorough person who thought she was either a friend or an enemy...

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