Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 779 Lin Juemin’s Blood Letter

We lay in a mountain col for a long time, feeling the sunshine and sea breeze, which was very nourishing. Wang Xun'er seemed to feel this state of unity between nature and man, and she even unknowingly held my arm, and I simply pretended to be asleep.

In the evening, we had a quick meal and quietly went to the commanding heights at the entrance of the village to observe. We looked for several houses where the villagers frequented most frequently, and found that there was a yard where no one came out to see off guests. We thought that was the Lin family ancestral hall!

Fortunately, Fujian people believe in ghosts and gods and have strong traditional concepts, which gave me the opportunity to find the ancestral hall in a short time. If we were in the north, if we were lucky, people would only come to worship at the ancestral hall during the Chinese New Year. If we were not lucky, no one would come to visit us for a few years, which would involve grandma's house...

After locking the ancestral hall, we rested for a few hours. After the village completely calmed down, Wang Xun'er and I walked into the village and came to the side of the ancestral hall.

This ancestral hall as a whole can also reflect the characteristics of Fujian earth buildings. It is surrounded by a layer of red bricks, which should have been reinforced later.

The courtyard was not locked, but the main entrance of the ancestral hall was tied several times with an iron chain as thick as a thumb. Fortunately, I had an invisible needle, and I controlled it to get into the keyhole and easily open the lock, and then carefully removed the chain.

As soon as I opened the door, I saw a wall full of photos and memorial tablets. Below was an incense table with incense candles and offerings.

I carefully looked at every portrait and photo on it, trying to find Lin Juemin's name, but I couldn't find him until I looked at the last person. Wang Xun'er looked again and couldn't find Lin Juemin's name. I had an idea and released Weiyu, but she still couldn't be found!

Could it be that the old lady didn't let us enter the ancestral hall because they didn't let Lin Juemin's tablet into the ancestral hall?

But he was a young talent who participated in the Revolution of 1911 and did nothing harmful to nature. How could the clan punish him like this?

Wang Xun'er and I searched around unwillingly, while Wei Yu stared at the pig head enshrined on the table.

This loli loves meat, but I thought she knew the rules and didn't talk nonsense. Who would have thought that she actually pounced on me when I wasn't paying attention and gnawed off most of the whole pig's head in an instant.


When Wang Xun'er saw this scene, her face became embarrassed. I called Wei Yu angrily, but she ignored me and just kept eating the pig head. At the end, she seemed to be unable to eat anymore but she didn't stop and just used it. The claws were picked up randomly, and after a while, the pig's head was reduced to a pile of minced meat.

I was very angry at first, but seeing how persistent she was, I knew that she might be feeling something. Sure enough, as the pig's head was solved, a black teacup appeared under the pig's head.

Oudama suddenly changed back to his human form, carefully held the cup and tried it, then winked at me and said, "Bad brother, the cup can rotate."

"Is this a secret door?"

I opened my mouth wide in shock, bent down and took a look, only to find that the incense table and the wall were connected together. I walked up and carefully turned the cup, and then the center of the wall suddenly separated and turned into those of the Lin family who died among the seventy-two martyrs. young people!

At the center of these people were Lin Juemin and Bai Jin.

I suddenly understood why the old lady wouldn't let me come to the ancestral hall: they worshiped white hibiscus.

Large families are relatively traditional, and certain standards are required to enter the ancestral hall. Putting aside everything else, the first step for a woman to enter the ancestral hall is to pass through the door!

Bai Jin and Lin Juemin were never together until their death, and she was not qualified to enter the Lin family ancestral hall.

As for why the Lin family worshiped Bai Hibiscus together, I'm afraid there is an inside story.

I opened my yin and yang eyes and took a closer look, and found that Lin Juemin's soul was not in the ancestral hall.

It seemed that it was unrealistic not to solve the problem through the Lin family. I took out my phone and took a close-up of the photo of the two of them, then bowed to the memorial tablets on the entire wall, and then exited and locked the door. reduction.

Having said this, I would like to warn my friends who like to take photos when traveling, some things can be taken, but some things cannot be taken casually. To take the simplest example, if you accidentally photograph a spiritual stone statue of ghosts and gods, it will follow you home.

Why do many tourists start to have major disasters and get sick again and again after returning home from travel?

To put it bluntly, you unintentionally brought dirty things home, so even though I was not afraid of the memorial tablets on the wall, I still carefully focused the camera only on Lin Juemin and Bai Jin.

After dawn, we went directly to the old lady's home. When she saw us, her face turned cold.

"Bai Jin and Lin Juemin are not married, why should the Lin family enshrine her?"

I ignored Wang Xun'er's dissuasion and showed off my cards when I came up. After hearing this, the old lady opened her mouth wide and said stutteringly: do you know.

"That's not important, you just need to know that I'm here to help, not to cause trouble for you. Do you know that Bai Jin has been waiting since 1911 until now! She doesn't ask for anything, she just wants to wait for an answer .”

"Since you are willing to worship her, aren't you willing to give her a chance to leave?"

The old lady must have known that Bai Jin had turned into a ghost, so there was no fear on her face, only shock and hesitation that could not be concealed.

Wang Xun'er helped her sit back on the chair, and I continued to tell Bai Jin's experiences over the years based on her memory.

At first I was hesitant to add fuel to the fire, but then I thought it would be a stain on Bai Jin’s One Hundred Years of Solitude!

The old lady finally relented, tears slowly falling down her old face, and she recounted the situation with choked sobs.

Before Lin Juemin came to Guangzhou to participate in the uprising, he knew that he might not be able to go back to find Bai Jin alive. He didn't want to deceive Bai Jin, but their relationship was too deep. If he told Bai Jin the true situation, Bai Jin would definitely commit suicide.

In order to reassure his beloved woman, Lin Juemin fabricated a kind lie, and the first thing he did when he came to Guangzhou was to hand over a black-and-white photo of himself and Bai Jin to General Huang Xing, the leader of the uprising.

This is an open secret among revolutionaries. Before the uprising, leave something to your family, such as a suicide note or a jade pendant...

Lin Juemin told General Huang Xing that if he unfortunately dies, he should ask him to send these two photos back to his hometown so that future generations can enshrine them both in the ancestral hall!

He knew the rules of the family, so he left a blood letter with his own blood behind the photo: He sacrificed his life for the country, and he will never give up. My relatives cherish it, and my wife cherishes it, cherish it.

Lin Juemin sacrificed his love for the country, but he did not betray Bai Jin!

Unexpectedly, his words came true. A few days later, while attacking the governor's office in Guangzhou, he was wounded and captured until he died.

General Huang Xing then fled everywhere. After the situation stabilized, he came all the way to Lin's house and brought back Lin Juemin's blood letter.

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