Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 780: Wait for me to marry you

Lin Juemin's cousin naturally would not violate his deceased brother's last wish, but he was not like being pointed at his nose and spat on by those in the feudal ethics. He finally thought of a compromise and built a small organ in the ancestral hall, which is what we saw before. The rotating cup that arrived.

After the old lady said all this, she broke down in tears. She sobbed and said: I never knew why the second master wanted to receive offerings at the same time as this woman. Now I finally know. The second master can close his eyes...

In the old society, big families had many brothers, and the ranking was based on the entire family. It was not surprising that she called Lin Juemin the second master.

After she stabilized her mood, I bit the bullet and asked, "Old man, do you know where the soul of martyr Lin Juemin is?"

I always feel like asking this is weird, but I have to ask. Fortunately, she had taken it lightly. After all, after two lifetimes, she couldn't be too sad. She just said awkwardly: "My father said when he was still alive that the second master would come to the ancestral hall when the moon is full."

"I don't know if it's true or not, and I don't have the guts to verify it. If you believe it, you can wait until the full moon night and give it a try. I also hope you can succeed!"

Obviously the old lady was also moved by Bai Jin. Although Bai Jin was two generations older than her, it took her a hundred years to make an eighty-year-old man feel grateful and admire her from the bottom of his heart.

We temporarily returned to Minhou County, visited nearby tourist attractions, and waited until the full moon before returning to Lin's house.

I originally planned to continue secretly, but the old lady actually told the news to the people who came after me. Every household in Linjia Village had placed offerings, and many people still had Spring Festival couplets posted on their doors, as if they were celebrating the New Year.

It seems that this group of descendants want to make up for Lin Juemin and Bai Jin's wedding, which has been delayed for a hundred years!

In the second half of the night, everyone fell silent at my signal. Even though the whole village was there, no sound was made. Everyone was staring at the candlelight on the incense table.

Suddenly, a gust of wind came from behind and blew into the ancestral hall, and then the originally stable flames began to sway.

I pressed my hot fingers on the Tiangong, and found a shadow floating in the air, looking at everyone, and then flashed into the photo.

Lin Juemin came as expected. I nodded to the villagers and deliberately shouted in a loud voice: "Kneel down!"

With a brush sound, everyone in the Lin family knelt on the ground.

I released Bai Hibiscus from the ice jade gourd. After she landed, her face was full of doubts, but I just pointed to the ancestral hall gently.

She turned her head, wearing a blue student uniform, holding an oil-paper umbrella, and looked directly at Lin Juemin.

If I were a director, I would definitely let them hug each other with tears in their eyes. But life is never a fucking script. After the two met a hundred years later, they were in a daze for the first time, and then Bai Jin's expression became confused.

She walked up slowly and touched Lin Juemin's face: "Who are you? Why do I have a familiar feeling? Have we met before?"

Yes, she has completely lost her memory.

It's not that I'm cruel, the reality is that Bai Jin really suddenly forgot about Lin Juemin!

So many years later, every time I told this story to everyone, Li Mazi, Yin Xinyue and others couldn't help but ask me, what happened to them?

I smiled, and my eyes always got wet.

Lin Juemin looked at Bai Jin with trembling lips, and his soul slowly returned to the handsome man he had been. He tried to get close to Bai Jin and put her in his arms.

Bai Jin glanced at Lin Juemin with a confused face, and subconsciously hid aside.

Lin Juemin was stunned for a moment and cast a pleading look at me. The only thing I can do in this regard is to use the Hehe technique to promote the relationship between men and women, provided that they must be living people...

In desperation, I quietly exited the ancestral hall and asked Wang Xun'er in a low voice if there was anything I could do. She rolled her eyes and said awkwardly: "I can't help it, but they have been waiting for their relationship for a hundred years, and God will definitely give an answer!"


I looked at the descendants of the Lin family behind me with a sad face. Although they could not see what was happening in the ancestral hall, they could clearly feel the presence of Lin Juemin, and they were all very excited.

"I can let you see it, but don't make any noise!"

I explained in a low voice and recited the Xuanguang Spell to create an illusory mirror at the door. Through this mirror, living people can see Yin spirits without any obstacles. To put it bluntly, it is a group-wide opening of Yin and Yang eyes. .

Although the descendants of the Lin family were mentally prepared, they couldn't help but open their mouths when they saw Lin Juemin and Bai Jin in the room.

At this time, the originally clear night sky suddenly became gloomy, and then bursts of raindrops fell, and in the blink of an eye, the sky and the earth were connected together by the rain.

In the drizzle, Lin Juemin stretched out a hand to Bai Jin and said affectionately: "Jin Jin, do you really not remember me? I said I would come back to marry you when it rains."

He shed tears slowly and hummed the song "Farewell" with red eyes desolately: Outside the long pavilion, beside the ancient road, the green grass stretched to the sky, the evening wind blew the willow flute, and the sun set outside the mountain. At the end of the sky, in the corner of the earth, acquaintances are half scattered, and a pot of turbid wine has exhausted all the joy. Don't dream coldly tonight.

If Bai Jin's previous singing was sad or melancholy, Lin Juemin's singing now has an extra sense of generosity!

As his singing echoed over and over again, Bai Jin's empty eyes flickered a few times, and his face was not as ugly as before: "You... are you really Juemin?"

Bai Jin finally recovered her memory. She couldn't wait to hold Lin Juemin's hand: "Why are you so cruel and never come back? Do you know how long I have been waiting for you? I finally...waited for you."

"I sacrificed myself for the country back then, and I failed you."

"Now I have no regrets, I only have you in my heart!" Lin Juemin took Bai Jin into his arms and said tenderly, and Bai Jin also blushed and curled up in Lin Juemin's arms like a docile kitten.

Seeing this scene, I smiled brightly. The scene in front of me seemed to be back a hundred years ago, when war was raging. For the future of the country, countless passionate young people said goodbye to their loved ones without hesitation and followed Mr. Sun Yat-sen to launch the Revolution of 1911.

Although they fell and did not even leave their names for future generations to commemorate, they gave a fatal blow to the decadent Qing Dynasty and set China on the road to democracy and self-reliance.

And Lin Juemin is the representative of these thousands of people. In the ten-mile long pavilion, young Lin Juemin reluctantly left, Bai Jinqiang smiled and waved to him, but she cried after he left, holding an umbrella and waiting for her lover in the rain for hundreds of years.

Love is stronger than gold, nothing better than this!

Before I could react, the scene returned to the present. The two of them walked lingeringly into the heavy rain, their figures getting brighter and brighter until they disappeared.

Just like Wang Xun'er said, God gave them an answer.

(This story is adapted from real history and art. Please do not take the wrong place. We would like to commemorate all the martyrs who sacrificed their lives in the Revolution of 1911.)

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