Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 781 The Journey of Femininity

During this time, my relationship with Wang Xun'er became more subtle. After returning from Fuzhou, she became even more ambiguous towards me. A pair of long black silk legs were dangling in front of me all day long. She probably thought I was attracted to her!

In the conscience of heaven and earth, I only have Xinyue in my heart, so I really couldn't withstand Wang Xun'er's indiscriminate bombardment, so I chose to escape and took a self-driving trip while Yin Xinyue was not busy at work.

We first went to Hangzhou to enjoy the beautiful scenery of the West Lake, then went to Gulangyu Island for a wave, and then headed north back to our hometown to see Xiaofan.

This little guy has grown plump under the care of his father-in-law and mother-in-law, and has learned to speak. He can shout vaguely: Dad, Mom, Yin Xinyue and I are so happy.

After living in my hometown for a week, it was more than half a month since I left Wuhan. Although Li Mazi didn't call to urge me, I felt a little embarrassed, so I packed my things and prepared to go back.

Unexpectedly, Yin Xinyue would have to go to Nanjing. She said that she might be filming in Nanjing recently and wanted to take the opportunity to familiarize herself with the local attractions.

I had no choice but to accompany her to Nanjing again. The only feeling I felt after the trip was that I was tired. I will never travel by car by myself again in the future. I almost traveled half of China without paying attention...

Nanjing has many famous tourist attractions, but what Chinese people remember most is not these beautiful scenery, but the Nanjing Massacre Memorial Hall. However, I have gone there many times before to feel the solemn atmosphere, so I didn’t go there again this time.

Yin Xinyue wanted to see the Jiangning Love Tunnel, so we went there.

The hundreds of meters of railway are lined with dense ginkgo trees. Due to the grinding of passing trains, the leaves on both sides stand straight forward like two long dragons. From a distance, they look like a green tunnel, symbolizing immortal love.

I sincerely feel that in front of nature, any wonderful buildings are just floating clouds. This is a return to nature!

Compared to my intoxication, Yin Xinyue seemed extremely excited. She held my hand and walked in the tunnel, like a young couple who had just gotten together.

Her delicate face looked particularly cute under the soft light, and I couldn't help but be fascinated by it. Suddenly, she stood up on her tiptoes and kissed me gently on the face with her little cherry mouth.

"We are already an old married couple, why are we still having intimate contact for the first time?"

I choked on my words, but my hands dishonestly touched her chest, and at the same time I kept rubbing my chin on her earlobe. Yin Xinyue's cheeks instantly turned red, and she cried out sweetly: "Don't...someone... …”

After a brief moment of love, we went to visit some of the more famous places such as Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum, Wuyi Lane, Meihua Mountain, and Xuanwu Lake. After this big circle, I was already exhausted, but Yin Xinyue still worked tirelessly. She refused to let me go back to the hotel because there were too few opportunities for her to travel alone with me.

I didn't want to disturb her interest, but I didn't know where to go. Finally, the sensible Yin Xinyue took the initiative to suggest that she go to the nearby antique market.

If I were Popeye, antiques would be my spinach. As soon as I heard this, I became interested. I immediately asked others about the famous antique market nearby, hailed a taxi and hurried there.

As the ancient capital of six dynasties, Nanjing’s historical heritage is naturally not comparable to that of other cities. Although the antique market we went to is not famous, the antiques inside are really dazzling!

Although this place is not as big as Panjiayuan, there are far fewer fakes than Panjiayuan, especially the piles of authentic products from the Ming and Qing dynasties!

If I hadn't lost interest in ordinary antiques, I would have bought a lot of them.

After walking around for nearly four hours, Yin Xinyue finally realized that she was tired and asked me when I would go back. I directly pulled her out, but when I was about to walk out of the antique street, I accidentally caught a glimpse of a blue and white porcelain vase.

I let go of Yin Xinyue, stepped forward, took the blue and white porcelain vase in my hand, looked at it, and put it back where it was.

According to my experience, this should be an authentic Yuan blue and white bottle. It is indeed very old, but it is not considered high-quality because there is a crack on the mouth of the bottle and there is a large piece of black next to the official kiln logo at the bottom. It seems that there is something there. Qin is inside.

What interests me is the red air rising from the mouth of the bottle!

Generally speaking, this situation means that the bottle is a yin object, but the blue and white porcelain bottle in front of you does not have any yin energy at all, and there is no discomfort when you reach out and touch it.

This shows that the red air flow was emitted by other negative substances and then got into the bottle.

Gases are very fluid, especially Yin Qi, which moves rapidly with temperature, wind speed and even fluctuations in the surrounding geomagnetic field. However, the Yin Qi in the bottle is motionless at the moment. I even picked up the bottle and shook it hard once. Shake, the red air is still silent.

This is the strangest thing to me. I really want to know what kind of Yin Qi exudes is so strong?

"Little brother, you have good taste. This is an authentic product from the official kiln of the Yuan Dynasty."

When the stall owner saw that I was reluctant to leave, he thought I was tempted.

Immediately, he took the initiative to express that his home was nearby and there were many antiques at home. If necessary, you could invite me to visit your home.


I nodded and agreed. As I walked, I chatted with the boss. I didn’t understand why he would set up a street stall when he already had a shop.

"Well, the child at home is sick and needs money urgently, so I have no choice but to sell some antiques and sell them, while my wife guards the shop." When mentioning his son, the boss's face was filled with sadness.

Seeing his appearance, I just wanted to ask him what disease his son had? Unexpectedly, he waved his hand and said not to mention the unhappy things, and then began to introduce me to the treasures he collected.

I have to say that his talking skills are as good as Li Mazi's. After only a few minutes of walking together, we have become quite familiar with each other. Under his leadership, Yin Xinyue and I arrived in front of an independent two-story building.

This is the boss's shop. Just like my previous antique shop, the first floor is used for business and the second floor is used for living.

I have a special affinity for this kind of small shop. I put my hands behind my back and followed him through the door leisurely. The boss even greeted me with a smile and asked me to choose whatever I wanted!

I was about to respond, but the moment I stepped into the store, I felt a deep chill! He shrank his neck subconsciously.

Yin Xinyue saw this scene and asked me nervously what was going on?

I shook my head and looked around carefully.

Others can't feel it, but I am very familiar with this feeling: this is obviously the chill that only occurs when I get up in the middle of the night to go to the toilet in the cold winter.

"Not bad, you have a lot of treasures in this store."

In order not to worry anyone, I pretended that nothing happened and carefully selected from the shelves on both sides. In fact, I was looking for the source of the chill.

After the spiritual extraction, my perception of vaginal objects became much stronger. Although this thing is a bit illusory and I can't feel its shape for the moment, I am sure that the femininity must be in this shop!

I rummaged through the antiques on the shelf from beginning to end, but couldn't find any vaginal objects. I couldn't help but curse in a low voice: "Damn it, what kind of thing has such great power? I don't believe I can't find you..."

I looked left and right, and suddenly I found a beautifully packaged red box at the bottom of the shelf. It immediately caught my eye!

This red box looked like it had been specially preserved. Driven by curiosity, I squatted down and wanted to open it to see what was inside.

Unexpectedly, as soon as my hand touched the box, my fingers shivered from the cold. I took my hand back reflexively and frowned as I looked at it.

Apparently, the chill you felt when you first entered the house was from it!

But no matter how violent it gets, it met me today, haha...

I poured Ran Min's powerful power into my hands, and then carefully opened the red box. I found a metal medal lying inside. The surface of the medal was covered with mottled rust, and the fonts on it had also been damaged. It's so corroded that it's hard to see what it originally looked like.

The only thing that can be clearly seen is that there is a picture of Chinese soldiers crossing the Yalu River with rifles on their backs on the front. I think it should be a medal of military merit for the War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea.

"Boss, this medal is interesting. Can I buy it?" I turned around and looked at the boss and asked.

This thing is somewhat valuable to me, but it is definitely harmful to him. Being corroded by the cold air of the medal all year round, his health will definitely get worse and worse.

"Sorry, this medal was left by my father when he participated in the War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea. It is the greatest honor of my father's life, so it cannot be sold!" The boss' face was full of apologies.

Seeing the boss's embarrassment, I said honestly: "Brother, actually this medal is a yin object. I bought it mainly to get rid of the yin energy inside, otherwise I'm sure it will cause trouble after a long time." What's going on?"

After hearing this, his expression changed drastically. He was shocked and a little excited. He stepped forward and grabbed my arm and said, "Brother, to be honest, there is something wrong with this medal, but how did you see it?"

"Since you are in the antique business, you should have heard of the femininity merchant, right?" I smiled faintly: "I am a femininity merchant, and I usually specialize in collecting some harmful femininity objects! I felt a strong feeling as soon as I entered the door just now. The biting cold air, just wanted to do you a favor."

After I explained, I saw the distrustful look in my boss's eyes and added, "If you don't believe me, you can let me stay and observe for a few days."

"Actually, it's not that I don't believe you, it's mainly because that thing is too powerful and I can't get rid of it even if I want to. I'm afraid it will hurt you, so let's forget it!"

Seeing my sincerity, the boss patted me on the shoulder and then shook his head.

Seeing that I was very interested in this medal, Yin Xinyue quickly advised me: "Boss, don't worry, my husband specializes in this business. He has dealt with more than a hundred items of femininity, and he has also helped the police solve cases. , is quite famous in Wuhan, it can be said that as long as he takes action, there will be no injustice."

When the boss heard this, he suddenly looked at me and asked me if I was the legendary Zhang Jiulin, the number one expert in Wuhan's antique industry?


I nodded, suddenly feeling a little embarrassed. Although I am indeed very famous in Wuhan, I won't become a legend, right?

I blushed and said, "Although there are legends about me everywhere in the world, I am just an ordinary person in reality."

As if grasping a life-saving straw, the boss said excitedly: "Brother, no, no, no, Master Zhang, I'll bother you with this matter. By the way, my son got a strange disease because of playing with this medal. I hope You can save him!"

Seeing how excited and incoherent he was just after hearing my name, I felt a little proud. I waved my hand in a pretentious manner and asked the boss to take me to see his son.

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