Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 782 Unknown Medal

I followed him to the second floor and found a little boy of fourteen or fifteen years old lying on the bed, dying.

He was only wearing a pair of underwear, and his entire body, except his chest and face, was completely covered in ulcers. Especially on his two legs, the skin had turned black and purple, and maggots could be seen faintly crawling on them.

The child was still in a coma, and the boss's wife was wiping her tears and using an embroidery needle to pick out maggots for him.

I didn't expect my child's legs to be so sick. I felt sorry for him and asked the boss what was going on.

"I took him to see many doctors. I tried traditional Chinese medicine, Western medicine and even folk remedies, but it didn't work. Instead, it got worse and worse. If this continues, let alone his legs, I'm afraid he might even die..."

At this point, the boss sighed and said with red eyes: "Master Zhang, if you can cure Xiao Ning, I will let him serve you like a cow and a horse for the rest of his life."

"Brother Xiao, don't worry!"

My son's name is Xiao Ning, and my surname is naturally Xiao. I patted the boss on the shoulder and asked him to wait a moment. I pulled Yin Xinyue to the corridor and asked her to go back first.

I'm afraid the medal issue won't be resolved for a while. I'm really worried about Yin Xinyue staying here.

"Then please pay attention to safety and don't rush forward if anything happens. Fanfan and I are still waiting for your protection, you know?" She smiled helplessly at first, but then she encouraged me.

Even though Fanfan was poisoned and Yin Xinyue was so anxious to divorce me, she still supported me without hesitation afterwards.

This is my woman! A hundred times better than snow.

After sending Yin Xinyue away, I called Li Mazi again and asked him to come over with the Madonna's staff and parasol. I asked him to help me, but actually I wanted to take him for a walk after the matter was resolved. This old boy It's time to take a breather.

"Damn, I'm really impressed by you. You can find business even when you go out with your wife. It would be a pity not to give you the Oscar for Best Professionalism. Wait, Brother Ma will be here soon."

When Li Mazi heard that there was something to be collected, he became more energetic and agreed.

According to what the shop owner said before, it seems that he already knew that there was something wrong with the medal. It seemed that he had thought about throwing it away before, but it found it again on its own.

I felt that I currently knew too little about this medal, so I called my boss over and asked him what the origin of this medal was.

Boss Xiao knew that I needed to collect information. He rolled his eyes and thought for a long time before telling me in detail: "In 1950, my father participated in the War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea. A fellow countryman went with him at that time. Yes, that fellow’s name is Zhang Jun.”

"Later, Zhang Jun died heroically in the war, and the country awarded him a second-class merit medal. After the war was over, the medal was placed in our museum here for future generations to admire..."

museum? Why does the medal appear here? Could it be that it grew its own wings and flew here?

I looked at Boss Xiao and motioned for him to continue.

It turns out that since the museum was built, people living nearby have always heard strange noises coming from inside in the middle of the night. At first, everyone thought it was decoration by employees. After all, it had just been completed and many places needed to be improved.

But as time went by, everyone gradually realized that something was wrong. Every night, the museum would make a uniform sound of soldiers’ footsteps!

It was still in the early days of reform and opening up. The museum officials did some research and decided to send a few brave people to keep vigil. As a result, those people were all scared crazy the next day...

From then on, the rumors that the museum was haunted could not be suppressed, and fewer and fewer people came to visit, until it finally became an unpopular place with no visitors.

Later, the price of nearby land increased, and the museum lost its significance. The government demolished the museum and built a school on the old site.

Since then, there has been no news from the school.

Speaking of this, Boss Xiao said with emotion: "Some old people said that it was the students' yang energy that suppressed the dirty things below, and some people thought that the unclean things inside were moved to other places, so there is nothing wrong here. . We ordinary people can’t care so much, so let’s continue talking about the commemorative medals!”

After the museum was demolished, the cultural relics inside were moved to museums in other areas. Boss Xiao's father couldn't bear that Zhang Jun's last honor was lost in a foreign land, so he applied to the government for a personal retention medal.

In view of their war brotherhood, the superiors agreed to this matter, and the medal came to Boss Xiao's home.

But not long after, he noticed that there was a commotion at home in the middle of the night. Then he realized that there might be something wrong with the medal, so he secretly threw it into the lake.

Who knew that no matter where he threw it, when Boss Xiao came home again, the medal would have been quietly lying back in the red box!

The most unbearable thing for Boss Xiao is that Xiao Ning's legs also got sick because of this.

Since the medal was unknown, he repeatedly told his son not to touch it, but teenage children tend to do whatever they don't want, the more they do it.

One time, when neither of them were paying attention, Xiao Ning secretly took the medal out to play with the neighbor's children. As if to prove that the medal was strong, Xiao Ning smashed the medal with a brick several times in front of several children, that is, From then on, he suffered from leg rot!


After listening to all this, I probably knew in my heart that it was probably the medal that was taking revenge on Xiao Ning. As long as the evil spirit was found out and persuaded to go away or dispersed, Xiao Ning's legs would naturally get better.

It's just that I haven't seen the Yin spirit so far. I don't know what form it appears in? The only understanding is the red yin energy in Yuan Qinghua and these memories of Boss Xiao.

I thought about it and decided to stay the same in the face of all changes, and comforted me: "Brother Xiao, don't worry yet, my companion will probably arrive tomorrow. He and I will immediately start investigating and we will definitely help you solve this matter." .”

Seeing that I was so concerned about this matter, he was very grateful and entertained me warmly. I had a delicious meal of Nanjing specialty, delicious chicken soup dumplings.

At noon the next day, Li Mazi found this place according to the address I gave him. I went downstairs to pick him up. The boy gave me a bear hug as soon as we met: "Brother Zhang, you are eating and having fun these days." Alright?"

Although he was expressing his longing for me, many people around him gave me weird looks, obviously thinking that we were gay.

I quickly knocked open Li Mazi's head with my hand and said awkwardly: "You are still so unserious, you are talking about business, have you brought all the things I asked you to bring?"

"Brother Ma is doing something, are you still worried? I brought everything." Li Mazi patted the huge travel bag behind him.

When Xiaowei Yu heard the noise, he got out of my pocket, stuck his head out and made a face at Li Mazi: "Brother Mazi, when will you take me to eat meat?"

"Easy to say, easy to say."

Li Mazi smiled and touched Oyu's head.

Then I took Li Mazi to the room where I lived, briefly packed up my things, and then took Mazi out to look for clues.

We first went to the ruins of the previous museum to have a look. Since it is now a school and many students are attending classes there, I asked Otama to turn into a little girl and sneak in to see if I could smell anything unusual.

Odama stayed in for about five minutes and then came out, shaking his head and saying that everything is normal in the school now.

It seems that once the medal leaves here, it will no longer have an impact on this place. In this way, things will be relatively simple, and I can't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

I asked around and it was said that after the museum’s employees were converted into schools, many of them continued to stay in the school and do some odd jobs.

But now, decades later, those people may not still be there, so I had to go to the principal’s office in person and ask him to help provide some information about old employees.

Coincidentally, the principal happened to be Li Mazi's former classmate. He was so excited after meeting us that he immediately took us out for a meal, and then returned to school to open the archives and help us check it out. In the end, it was discovered that most of those people had passed away, and only one aunt still stayed at the school to clean the house.

Li Mazi's classmate originally wanted to take us there in person, but considering his status as the principal, I only asked for the aunt's phone number and left. Then I called her, and we finally agreed to meet at the gate of the school playground.

Through this phone call, I felt that my aunt was easy to talk to, and I felt somewhat confident.

Soon the aunt came, carrying a broom, and she was working. I exchanged simple greetings and asked directly: "Auntie, did you work in a museum before?"

"Yes, I was cleaning at the museum. What's the matter? Young man," the aunt said.

"We just want to ask, do you know any strange things happened in the museum back then?"

Li Mazi asked first in order to increase his presence.

Unexpectedly, the originally amiable aunt immediately dropped her face when she heard this, and said in a very aggressive tone: "Don't ask questions that you shouldn't. There are some things that you shouldn't know!"

After saying that, he went to do his own thing.

I looked at Auntie's back and thought about her change in attitude just now. I always felt that she must know something, and Li Mazi insisted that Auntie was involved in this matter, otherwise he wouldn't have reacted so strongly.

I held my chin and thought for a while, and decided to use my aunt as a breakthrough. She seemed to leave because she didn't want to pay attention to us, but in fact it just meant that she was panicked!

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