Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 783 Who is the murderer?

After returning to Boss Xiao's shop, he hurriedly came up to us and poured us a cup of tea. After we sat down, he asked us if we had discovered anything?

This is the personality charm of Boss Xiao. He is so anxious that he can bend his bayonet, but he still maintains his courtesy towards us.

"We have found a breakthrough. I believe there will be clues soon."

I said to Boss Xiao with a smile.

Before returning from school, I asked Otama to stay and let her monitor every move of the aunt. If Auntie is really involved in this matter, she will definitely be exposed.

Just after dinner, Li Mazi and I were about to go for a walk when we received a call from Oyu. She said excitedly: "Bad brother, there seems to be something wrong..."

I immediately took Li Mazi and rushed towards the address Wei Yu gave me. Li Mazi kept smacking his tongue on the way, and I asked him what was wrong.

"The little fox is already using a mobile phone. It feels quite new."

"That's a spiritual pet regardless of who raised it."

I replied shamelessly, and the two of them laughed and laughed all the way, and finally stopped in front of an old-fashioned unit in the suburbs.

There are two units in this house, both with six floors. There are more than 20 households in this house, but there are only three or four rooms with lights on. It seems that almost no one lives here, and it is not easy for the old lady.

As I was walking forward, a sudden gust of cool wind blew over me. Then Xiaowei Yu came from behind the unit building and landed on my shoulder. He said softly: "That old lady is very strange. I wonder what she is doing?"

As she spoke, she led us across the smelly drainage ditch to the back of the unit. Old-fashioned buildings like this have walls. The open space between the wall and the main building was covered with grass. On the grass stood a man holding a candle. people.

Take a closer look, who else could it be if it wasn’t the aunt?

As the wind blows, the candlelight casts her long shadow on the wall, giving off a strange aura out of thin air!

After a while, she sat on the ground, held a handful of loess to fix the candle, and began to mutter something. I listened carefully for a long time and found that she was talking to her dead father.

She was talking to herself here alone in the middle of the night. Others would definitely think she was crazy if they saw her.

Just as Li Mazi was about to go up, I noticed that the aunt reached into her arms as if to pick up something, so I pressed Li Mazi down and signaled him not to act rashly.

I saw the aunt slowly taking out a wooden sign from her arms and inserting it behind the candle, then she knelt on the ground and began to kowtow.

I took out the invisible needle and threw it out, deliberately controlling the speed very slowly. When the invisible needle got close to the wooden tablet, I realized that it was a spiritual tablet of the deceased.

The name on the spirit tablet is Zhang Jun!

I seem to understand why the medal started to make a fuss after entering the museum. This aunt is Zhang Jun's daughter. She may have come to work in the museum by accident, or she may have come to work here to protect her father's last honor. .

Whether intentionally or unintentionally, her working here stimulated Zhang Jun's evil spirit!

Zhang Jun sacrificed his life for his country and died on the Korean battlefield. Most of his bodies never returned to the country. This in itself caused a certain amount of resentment in his soul. Then after entering the museum and seeing his daughter, the helplessness of the eternal separation between heaven and man made the grief and anger in his heart even more intense, so much so that he became so resentful that he became a ghost king-level existence.

Boss Xiao's son had offended such a resentful Ghost King, but he only had a bad leg, which meant that he was very lucky.

Li Mazi nodded repeatedly after listening to my thoughts, and told me the story of Pearl Spirit.

It turns out that in order to help me, Li Mazi checked some information on the way from Wuhan. A lot of information showed that people in Nanjing will return to their hometown after death, no matter how far apart they are.

Because a story has been circulated here a long time ago. In ancient times, a man in Jinling rowed a boat to go to another place. As a result, he encountered waves on the road and was eventually knocked into the water by the waves and died.

Later, he transformed into a pearl and drifted back to his hometown with his ship. He was discovered and collected as a treasure.

Because the man kept the pearl clean, it gradually became grateful to the owner. From then on, anyone who bullied the owner would be punished. Later, the owner realized that the pearl was spiritual, communicated with it, and finally helped it return to its original home.

This is the allusion of Pearl Spirit that Li Mazi heard recently. He feels that it is very similar to what happened to Zhang Jun and his daughter.

Some yin objects need to be controlled by people, but some yin objects are so powerful that they have their own independent consciousness!

I don’t know if the Yin spirit wants to take care of Boss Xiao’s son, is it its own intention or is it controlled by the aunt? But based on past experience and the aunt’s attitude towards us at school today, I feel that she should have done it.

But just now I deliberately slowed down my speed when controlling the invisible needle. Anyone with a little spiritual power could detect it. But the aunt never responded from the beginning to the end. Did she really not notice it or was she pretending?

I hesitated for a while and decided that I would rather believe that she was there than not, and immediately sent Wei Yu to try her out.

I saw the aunt holding the memorial tablet and crying bitterly. Oudama suddenly appeared in front of her and showed a grimace.

The aunt screamed and sat down on the ground with a plop. Then she rolled her eyes and fainted from fright!

The first reaction is crucial. Even if she is very powerful, her body will instinctively emit spiritual power when encountering such sudden danger.

I was staring at her motionless just now, and I noticed that she didn't show anything strange from the time Oudama appeared until she was frightened and fainted, and she was only shaking violently.

This shows that she is not pretending, which means that she does not know about the Yin spirit injuring Boss Xiao's son's legs.

She was very resistant to us in the playground before. It was probably the Yin spirit who had met her in the form of a dream. She was resisting us just because she didn't want to mention her father!

I stepped forward to help my aunt feel her pulse, and then left when she was about to wake up, leaving only the invisible needle to stare at from a distance. I found that after she woke up, she was holding the spiritual tablet and crying silently.

Mom is so embarrassed, she has been wronged for a long time, but who is the real murderer?

I was very confident but failed. On the way back, I kept shaking my head. This made Li Mazi so depressed that he wanted to buy the medal and melt it with fire.

"If this is the case, why would Boss Xiao want us? He can even ask the blacksmith to destroy him..."

I knew that Mazi was deliberately making angry remarks, so I replied helplessly. In the middle of the sentence, I suddenly realized: Didn't Boss Xiao think about destroying it?

Li Mazi reacted very quickly, frowning and saying, "It's not his thief who wants to catch the thief, right?"

"That's not necessarily the case."

I still believe that there is a hidden secret in this matter, but I don’t believe that Boss Xiao designed to harm his son.

When faced with Xiao Ning's rotten leg, the worry he showed was definitely not an act!

So what's the problem?

Suddenly, I thought of Boss Xiao’s father, Zhang Jun’s comrade-in-arms.

As the owner of the medal, Mr. Xiao will definitely know the secret of the medal, but until now he still asks Boss Xiao to keep the medal, which is very interesting.

"Could it be that the old man had a good relationship with Zhang Jun, so he decided to kill them out of righteousness?"

Li Mazi's idea is bold, but not impossible. Mr. Xiao is currently the most suspect, but I haven't seen him so far, so I can't draw any conclusions easily.

My intuition tells me that Mr. Xiao is not a simple man, which is evident from his ability to get medals from the government.

Although the medal does not represent money, it is a symbol of status and status!

I believed that as long as the old man would let go, this matter would make great progress. I quickly drove back to the antique store and asked Boss Xiao to meet with the old man.

He agreed directly, but the old man lived in the old courtyard now and must have gone to bed by this time. Boss Xiao asked us to go back to the house and rest for the night. When daybreak, he would personally take us to visit the old man.

Although I really wanted to see the old man right away, I also understood that guests should do as they please, so I had no choice but to go back to my room and sleep.

Because there were only three rooms on the second floor, I was forced to sleep with Li Mazi. My mind was full of medals, and I tossed and turned and couldn't sleep at all. Li Mazi fell asleep and soon began to snore.

After a while, I calmed down and decided not to think too much. When I saw the old man, everything was no longer a secret, so I got ready to go to bed. I patted Li Mazi, hoping to interrupt his snoring.

As a result, this kid woke up immediately, sat up, drooled and asked me why I couldn't sleep so late?

After saying that, he didn't even wait for my reply, and fell back to sleep. After a while, the thunderous snoring sounded again.

I had no choice but to put my head between my pillows and struggled for a long time before I managed to fall asleep.

I don’t know how long I slept, but Li Mazi’s snoring suddenly stopped. Then I felt that the temperature around me became very low, and there was a faint feeling of wind and rain!

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