Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 785: Kill the Yin Spirit with One Sword

The phantom let out a scream, but did not retreat. Instead, it let go of Li Mazi and rushed forward to grab me.

I ducked away, and it only took me a second to circle around the phantom, and tightly wrapped the Sirius whip around its neck.

Black and red smoke continued to emerge from the phantom's neck. It screamed hysterically and desperately tried to break free from the Sirius whip, but its throat was already locked, and no matter how strong its resentment was, it could not be used, and its soul quickly changed. Gotta be thin.

Seeing his pitiful appearance, I suddenly felt soft, so I withdrew the Sirius Whip and wanted to let him go. Unexpectedly, as soon as I let go of him, he attacked me again.

And this time, he didn't care about his own life at all. He held on to the Sirius Whip with one hand and refused to let go even though it was burning and smoking. The other hand used the same trick to grab my heart.

"You brought your own destruction!"

Seeing his palm getting closer and closer, I smiled coldly, and pulled the Sirius Whip with my left hand to pull the phantom over. With his right hand, he took out the silver-moon scimitar he had obtained from his trip to western Hunan from his arms, and swiped the knife across it. Phantom's movements immediately stopped.

When I took the scimitar back into my arms, there was a gap between the phantom's body and head, and then the head and body quickly disappeared into the air.

"I'll go, little brother, you're so handsome, I'll kill you with one knife!"

Li Mazi was stunned. He was stunned for a long time before he came to his senses. He stood up and hugged me.

"Haha, what a small trick."

I nodded slightly and couldn't help but raise the corners of my mouth.

The Silver Moon Scimitar is a magical weapon in the Mongolian era, while the Mongolian cavalry represents brutality and killing, overwhelming all kinds of monsters and monsters, and is itself a bloodthirsty creature.

In order to completely make it work for me, I used the spiritual fire to melt the killing Hu Ling into gold juice and poured it on the surface of the scimitar. At that time, I was prepared for the gold juice to solidify on the blade surface and affect the appearance.

After all, this thing is used to drive away ghosts. It doesn’t matter whether it looks good or not, but what I didn’t expect was that the golden juice was directly absorbed into the blade.

Therefore, from the moment I decided to draw the sword just now, Phantom was destined to lose his soul!

I promised grandpa that I would not scatter the Yin spirits casually, but today I sent Zhang Jun away for two main reasons.

First of all, Zhang Jun has no obsession and only resentment in his heart, so his soul has no meaning of existence.

The most important point is that if Zhang Jun's soul is immortal, Mr. Xiao will not show his true colors. He can use the Yin spirit to deal with us at any time.

Now that the issue of the commemorative medal has been resolved, if the old man takes any actions next, I am afraid it will not be so easy to distance himself!

"Why did you end up like this after a good sleep? Have you stimulated the Yin spirit?" I asked angrily.

Zhang Jun's appearance this time was definitely not under the instructions of the old man, so he fought to the end even though he had no chance of winning.

As for the reason, I'm afraid only Li Mazi knows...

"I saw the medal when I got up to pee, so I picked it up and played with it, but accidentally dropped it into the pool!"

Li Mazi said seriously, looking quite aggrieved.


After dealing with the evil spirit, I asked Li Mazi to pick up the medal, clean it, disinfect it, and put it back into the small box.

Putting aside the evil spirits, this medal is truly a symbol of the country’s martyrs and must not be desecrated.

After doing all this, I was about to go back to sleep, but Oyu suddenly called and said that she found something abnormal at the old man's house!

I hurriedly went downstairs with Li Mazi, used a spirit-guiding spell to summon the nearby ghosts to help clear the way, and rushed to the old man's tiled house with sparks and lightning all the way.

As soon as my feet hit the ground, Oudama rushed to me in a panic and said nervously: "Brother, there is really something wrong with this old man. He...he actually has an army hidden in his secret room!"

"What the hell?"

I was stunned after hearing this, and Otama nodded and continued the introduction.

It turned out that after we left, she had been lurking in the old man's house looking for clues. After groping until evening, she finally discovered that the entrance to the secret room was under the Tukang. After she got in, she found that there was a wooden ladder at the bottom. After going down, she walked along the passage. Unexpectedly, the road became wider as she went in. When she reached the end, Oudama suddenly found that a fully armed army had appeared in front of her. army!

Although these soldiers are all sculptures, they look very vivid and very similar to the terracotta warriors and horses in the Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang.

There are not many things that can scare Oudama, but the army is definitely one of them. After all, the army is a symbol of power.

She endured her fear and wanted to go up and see what these soldiers were.

At this time, there were footsteps behind her. She quickly turned into beads and hid aside, only to find that the person coming was Mr. Xiao!

She was worried that she might alert someone, so she quickly slipped out of the secret room and called me immediately.

"What are those soldiers dressed like?"

I frowned and asked, feeling that the old man was a little unfathomable!

"Modern soldiers, they all carry rifles and wear thick cotton clothes. It seems that many soldiers have injuries on their legs."

Odama recalled.

"We finally managed to get rid of one Yin spirit, but there won't be another large group coming, right?"

Li Mazi licked his lips and asked me what my plans were.

This was indeed a bit beyond my expectation. I thought about it and drove Li Mazi back on the grounds that Boss Xiao needed protection.

After all, if Oyu and I can't solve the things inside, adding Li Mazi will be useless, so it's better to let him stay quietly.

After Li Mazi left, I lay at the door and waited for a while. After the lights in the room disappeared, I sent Wei Yu in to inquire about the situation.

Oudama was very quick, slipped in with a swish, and came back to me in a blink of an eye: "Bad brother, that old man has fallen asleep."

"Very good!"

I clenched my fists and followed her tiptoeing into the house. Seeing that Mr. Xiao was indeed asleep, I felt completely relieved and slowly entered the secret room with Weiyu through the passage under the bed.

The master was sleeping on the bed, and we entered the secret room under their noses. It felt a bit sneaky. I couldn't help but feel a little nervous, but it didn't affect my judgment.

The further we walked in, the colder the air became. When we reached the end and saw the army Odama mentioned, I felt the air freeze. Without exception, they all wore volunteer army uniforms, and the injuries on their legs were exactly the same as the ulcerated parts on Xiao Ning's legs!

These soldiers are so lifelike, as if they were put into ice coffins after death. Could they be corpses in the first place?

I cautiously reached out and touched one of the soldiers, as if touching a popsicle. He was so frozen that I couldn't tell for a short time whether he was a corpse or not.

Just when I was about to touch him again, the soldier's eyes suddenly opened. His hazy eyes instantly turned red. He looked like he would pounce on me and tear me to pieces at any time!

"Oudama, let's exit."

I looked at the soldier who opened his eyes and paused for only a second before I realized something was wrong, turned around and shouted at Oudama.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he finished speaking, a horn sounded from the other side of the secret room. This is the charge horn unique to our army. It is passionate and melodious, and it echoes continuously in the relatively small space of the secret room.

I was stunned by the sudden horn sound, and when I reacted, the entire army was moving in front of me.

Hundreds of soldiers came to life in an instant. They surrounded us with neat steps. Oudama screamed and turned into beads and got into my pocket.

This is her nemesis and I don't blame her.

Gritting his teeth, he took out the Silver Moon Scimitar and the Sirius Whip, placed them in front of him and prepared for defense!

After they rushed up, I first used the Sirius Whip to greet them. Unexpectedly, not only were they not hurt, but their momentum became even stronger.

It only took a moment, and the whole secret room was filled with the pressure they brought. I realized that the Sirius whip was ineffective against them, so I put the whip away and prepared to use the machete to kill, but after a few moves, I was dumbfounded again.

After all, the scimitar was more powerful than the Sirius Whip, and could cut their bodies open with one strike, but these soldiers were not as stunned as Zhang Jun. Their bodies will automatically heal the moment they are cut open by me.

After a fight, I was exhausted to death, but they became more and more powerful amidst the sound of the horns. I had no choice but to give up the attack completely and sit cross-legged on the ground and recite the Tao Te Ching silently. This time it finally worked, and the soldiers stopped moving.

After a while, I saw that there was no movement from them, so I wanted to find an opportunity to sneak out. Unexpectedly, as soon as the speaking speed slowed down, the soldiers rushed towards me crazily again.

"What a ghost."

I cursed and quickly spoke faster.

It was obvious that these soldiers were controlled by the sound of the trumpets as they continued to attack me. This was not surprising.

What I can't accept is that after several times of spiritual extraction, I have already gained a certain level of strength, otherwise I wouldn't be able to kill ghost-king-level Yin spirits with one blow, but now the spiritual power in my body seems to be sealed and I can't use it at all.

Moreover, the mana of the Scimitar and Sirius Whip is also reduced accordingly!

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