Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 786 The bloody battle at Changjin Lake

This was the first time this happened to me after taking over so many businesses. I recited the Tao Te Ching silently and searched in my mind. Finally, I thought of the legend of the water nymph, and felt that the soul of this army should come from the water nymph.

It is said that the water fairy is the daughter of the water goddess Mazu. She lives in the water and will dedicate her spiritual power to warriors full of justice and courage. Those who receive her spiritual power will have immortality. No matter what kind of attack they receive, the body will return to its original state. At the same time, it can also limit the opponent's performance.

These soldiers in front of me happen to be a company, and Mr. Xiao was the company commander of the Volunteer Army before. I feel that they should be his former subordinates!

In order to protect their homeland and country, they sacrificed their lives and blood together during their lifetimes. After death, they were still able to listen to the sound of the trumpet and work together to deal with the enemy. How admirable!

I fought them for self-protection. Thinking of this, I didn’t want to fight them anymore, so I shouted to the other end of the secret room: “Old man, can you come out and have a chat?”

It was undoubtedly him who blew the trumpet.

Sure enough, as soon as I finished speaking, Mr. Xiao slowly walked out from the end of the secret room, holding a rusty Charge in his hand.

After sizing me up coldly, Mr. Xiao said in a deep voice, "I've warned you, why are you still meddling in your own business?"

"You mean that dream."

That dream did make me a little scared, but it didn't stop me from giving up halfway.

I twisted my neck and stared at him and said: "Since I have taken over, there must be a result. What is your purpose in doing this? What conspiracy are you brewing with this army of Yin soldiers?"

Even his own grandson will not be spared. Only a ghost can believe that he has no conspiracy!

"I said, this matter has nothing to do with you. If you insist on getting involved, don't blame me for being rude."

Seeing that I refused to give up, Mr. Xiao's mouth twitched a few times, then he puffed up his cheeks and blew the charge horn again.

"Damn, here we go again..."

I subconsciously recited a few lines from the Tao Te Ching, but suddenly I realized that these sinister soldiers did not recognize each other! Mr. Xiao looked arrogant on the outside, but actually leaving the Charge shouldn't be scary. Thinking of this, I took out a handful of refined salt that had been packed for an unknown period of time from my pocket and threw it at him.

Mr. Xiao didn't know what it was, so he was forced to take a step back. I took the opportunity to release Wei Yu: "Grab the thing!"

How smart Oyu was, he flew over and threw Mr. Xiao to the ground, then grabbed the Charge and threw it towards me. I jumped and caught the Charge.

Without the guidance of the horn sound, the momentum of the Yin soldiers suddenly weakened, and they all returned to their positions and changed to their original stance.

"You bastard, give me back the Charge, give it back to me!"

Mr. Xiao lost his charge, his face instantly turned red with anxiety, and he yelled cursingly.

I walked over and helped him up, and earnestly persuaded him: "Old hero, you can definitely let them reincarnate. After they reincarnate, I will naturally return the Assault to you."

Seeing that he was sullen and silent, I added another sentence: "I know that your comrades have deep feelings for each other, but we can't let them stay in the world and cause harm to others, right?"


Mr. Xiao pushed my hand away and said angrily: "I have never harmed anyone, I just taught those little guys a lesson."

"I even risked my life back then just to fight off the invaders."

"Now this group of young people are not grateful to us, so forget it. They still insult the martyrs at every turn. Look at how many people ride on the tombstones of the volunteers to take pictures, and how many businesses make pranks on the volunteers for advertising?"

The more Mr. Xiao talked, the angrier he became. Finally, he slapped his thigh and said, "Hurry up and give me the Charge. I have to deal with the guy selling herbal tea in Hong Kong and let him prank Comrade Qiu Shaoyun!"

I looked at his gray hair and wrinkles on his face, and suddenly understood his behavior.

The older generation of soldiers sacrificed their lives and blood for the country, but people today don't know how to respect them. There are a lot of news about this every year. Today there are people riding on the statues of martyrs to take pictures, and tomorrow there are people peeing in front of the tombs of the martyrs. It is indeed very immoral. As a volunteer who is still alive, it is reasonable for the old man to feel unbalanced.

I suddenly thought of Xiao Ning's leg injury, and tried to persuade me again: "Old man, what you said is right, but is it too extreme to do this? Let's not talk about it, let's talk about your grandson, Xiao Ning is just a child , he made a mistake because of his temporary fun and naughtiness, but there is no need for you to punish him like this!"

The old man listened to my heartfelt words but was not moved at all. He insisted that education should start from the children and let them know what gratitude and respect are from an early age.

What if children don’t know history and who won today’s peace? So what hope does this country have?

I have to say that what the old man said makes sense. If it were just from an emotional point of view, I would have made the same choice as him, but from a rational point of view, he did go to the extreme again.

"Young man, why don't you give it back to me?"

Mr. Xiao stretched out his hand domineeringly to take away the Charge. I took a step back to avoid it. Unexpectedly, his eyes suddenly became fierce, and he clenched his fist and smashed it towards my throat.

"Isn't this a black punch?"

I complained speechlessly, protecting the Assault while avoiding his attacks.

Gradually, I realized that I had spied on him. Although Mr. Xiao was older, he was surprisingly skilled, and he used his killer moves every time he made a move. He almost hurt me several times.

It can be seen that he has also obtained the spiritual power of the water fairy. Fortunately, he is old and frail, otherwise I may not be able to beat him with bare hands.

Mr. Xiao's obsession is too strong, and there's no point in putting up with it. I might as well find out what's wrong with him.

Thinking of this, I stopped being polite and pinned his arms while he was coming. Then I ducked behind him and hit him with a knife on the back of his neck, knocking him out.

Then I carried him outside, used Taijun She's magic to enter his dream, and found myself on a snowy battlefield.

I immediately understood that this was the most famous battle during the period of resisting U.S. aggression and aiding Korea: the Battle of Changjin Lake!

At that time, the United Nations forces led by the United States thought that China was only sending troops symbolically and did not dare to become their enemy. So a large number of aircraft and tanks were mobilized to cover the 10th Army's continued attack.

However, they did not know that a large number of volunteers had been ambushed outside Changjin Lake in front, and they only waited for an order to launch a general attack.

It was winter, and the volunteers had very little equipment, guns, ammunition, and bedding. Usually there were only one or two quilts per class. The soldiers slept in turns. Many people were ambushed in one round and froze alive before the U.S. troops came over. died!

Of course, this is only an official report, and the real situation is even more terrifying than this data.

At that time, Mr. Xiao was the commander of a sharp knife company. He was ordered to wait for the American emperor to enter the encirclement and launch a charge to clear the way for the following troops.

His company successfully completed the mission and caught the U.S. Army by surprise. However, under the cover of the U.S. military's powerful artillery fire, the follow-up troops could not rush forward at all, and Mr. Xiao's troops were completely surrounded.

Because the sharp knife team went into battle lightly and did not carry quilts at all, and North Korea happened to catch up with the cold weather that had not happened in a century. The soldiers could not even pull the bolt of their guns in the environment of minus 40 degrees, but in this kind of situation Despite the situation, they still did not surrender, and in the end they all froze to death!

Later, large troops rushed forward to rescue him frantically, but in the end only Mr. Xiao was left in the company. He was sent back to his hometown after the war was won.

He spent his whole life in the military, and in the end, the only one who accompanied him was the Charge.

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