Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 787 The Test of the Water Fairy

After coming back, he would always hold the Assault in a daze, his mind filled with scenes of his brothers freezing to death, and he would always cry silently when he thought of this.

One night he suddenly had a dream that his brothers were back and in his home. Although they could not speak or move, they were always with him.

After waking up, the old man still believed that the heroic spirits of his brothers had not dispersed. He wiped the charge every day, and at the same time muttered to himself what he had said to his brothers on the ice and snow battlefield.

One night, he suddenly blew the charge horn by mistake and discovered that the souls of his brothers were hidden in the tunnels dug by his family during the Anti-Japanese War. Since then, he has never been separated from his brothers.

Later, he gradually learned that his Assault could temporarily wake up his brothers, and he was very angry at the lack of respect for veterans and martyrs in society, so he began to use dark soldiers to teach those people a lesson.

They were all heroes, and they all died in the ice and snow. They unexpectedly got the love of the water fairy, so their souls were all sublimated.

The soldiers in the secret room are not sculptures or corpses, but real souls!

I returned to reality from the dream of the old company commander, and was deeply impressed by the tragedy of the volunteers. Compared with the life they live now, their life back then was too cruel!

After Mr. Xiao woke up, I said with tears in my eyes: "Old man, I already understand the past events between you and your brothers. Originally, I wanted to take the opportunity to destroy your dark soldier, but now I have decided not to do that..."

"Young man, this is not a ghost. This is the spirit of the Volunteer Army. Do you understand?"

"Brothers came back to me collectively because I held the charge. The day the charge sounded, that's when they launched the attack! Even if they die, they are still a soldier."

When Mr. Xiao said this, he was already in tears.

After hearing this, I was shocked and handed him the Charge with tears in my eyes. Only now do I understand how important the Charge is to him.

Then, I said sincerely: "Old man, your original intention is good, but many people actually make unintentional mistakes. Please stop doing this. Can you heal Xiao Ning's leg first?"

"Xiao Ning is my grandson. I didn't intend to kill him. I just taught him a lesson. As for how to heal his leg, I can give you a way."

After saying that, Mr. Xiao took out a piece of paper from his arms and handed it to me. I opened it and saw that it read: "If you ask for the antidote, you must be sincere. If you are sincere, you will enter the illusory mirror. Water will come out of the hibiscus." , cut off its roots."

I read it carefully and understood the meaning. I guessed it was a motto left by the water fairy, so I sat cross-legged and calmed down.

Gradually nothingness became before my eyes, and then a piece of blue water appeared in my mind, with a white lotus growing on the water.

I stepped forward and cut off the white lotus with a scimitar. I held it in my hand and was about to go back when I heard a voice from behind: "Stop, who is so bold! How dare you steal my holy lotus."

I looked back and saw a woman wearing a white gauze skirt flying from a distance, finally landing on the lotus stem and looking at me coldly.

This was of course the legendary water fairy. I bowed and bowed, and said in a neither humble nor condescending manner: "I don't know that this is the fairy's dojo. I am just eager to get the white lotus to save people. Please forgive me if I offend you."

"It seems that Mr. Xiao asked you to come."

The water fairy hesitated for a moment, twisted her pretty face, and said angrily: "You've passed his level, but it's not over yet. If you want to take away the white lotus, you must first pass my level."

After saying that, she ducked away, leaving a ripple in the blue water.

I was watching intently, and the environment in front of me suddenly changed!

The lotus pond that was so poetic just now turned into an ice cave, and the white lotus in his hand disappeared inexplicably.

I was thinking about what to do when the slightly naughty voice of the water fairy suddenly echoed in the distance: "The white lotus is in the ice cave. If you have the ability, go down and get it!"

I looked at the ice cave where the cold air was coming out, and couldn't help but swallow, thinking that if I went down, I might never come back up again.

But I will not back down. Mr. Xiao and the others would rather freeze to death to preserve the dignity of the country. My death today to save people can be regarded as a continuation of their heroic style!

Thinking of this, I gritted my teeth and jumped into the ice cave. As soon as I entered, my limbs trembled like an electric shock, and the hairs all over my body seemed to stand on end.

In just a few seconds, my body was frozen. I recited the "Tao Te Ching" silently with my remaining consciousness, and swam tenaciously in the water, but I couldn't find the white lotus after searching for a long time.

"You can give up if you can't bear it anymore. I will rescue you right away."

The bewitching voice of the water fairy kept echoing, and I gritted my teeth and persisted, saying in my heart that I would rather freeze to death here than give up.

Gradually, my consciousness gradually blurred, until I could no longer swim. My body slowly sank to the bottom of the water, and then my vision went dark.

When I opened my eyes again, I was surprised to find that I was back at Mr. Xiao's house, holding a white lotus in my hand!

It seems that I passed the water fairy's test. Mr. Xiao sat next to him and nodded with satisfaction: "Young man, you are a brave and tenacious person like us, that's why the water fairy is moved by you!"

Then, he pricked his finger with a needle and dropped the blood on the white lotus. Then he handed it to me and said, "Go back and crush the lotus and apply it on the wound. Xiao Ning will be cured within three days."

Judging from Mr. Xiao's condition, he probably won't do anything for the time being. I rushed to rescue Xiao Ning. After saying hello, I returned to Mr. Xiao's antique shop and applied medicine to Xiao Ning according to the old man's method.

At dawn the next day, I was woken up from my sleep by Boss Xiao. He grabbed my arm and said with excitement: "Master Zhang, you are really amazing. The wound on my son's leg is much better!"

I followed him in and took a look, and saw that Xiao Ning had woken up. New flesh had begun to grow in many places on his legs, and a layer of dead skin fell off the bed.

"How do you feel?" I asked with concern.

Xiao Ning nodded and said that he was fine, and then said very seriously: "I will never be naughty again. It's really hard for the grandfathers of the volunteer army, but I... disrespect them so much!"

It turned out that Xiao Ning had a dream when he was in a coma, and he witnessed the battle of Changjin Lake like me.

The old man also has good intentions. I believe Xiao Ning will never forget to be grateful to his ancestors and his motherland in this life!

After I healed Xiao Ning's leg, I felt safe and told everything. Boss Xiao was filled with emotion and did not blame his father at all. Instead, he admired the volunteers as much as I did.

Then we went to Mr. Xiao’s home together, and I asked him if he had thought about how to deal with these underworld soldiers.

Mr. Xiao shook his head in embarrassment. Although he was reluctant to leave his brothers, he also knew that continuing like this was not an option.

After smoking a few packs of cigarettes, he stamped his feet and gritted his teeth and said, "That's all, I'll leave the Charge to you! The only requirement is that the brothers return to their hometowns."

Frankly speaking, although his request was not excessive, it was somewhat unrealistic.

After all, most of the volunteers were buried in North Korea, numbering hundreds of thousands.

Moreover, their company was quite special. Some time after the sacrifice, another series of battles took place in Changjin Lake...

To put it bluntly, it is difficult to say whether their corpses will be intact and enshrined after the war, let alone more than half a century later. ,

But Mr. Xiao has made a lot of determination to agree to let me handle this matter. I have to help him no matter what!

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