Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 788: Battle Hymn of the Volunteer Army

Fortunately, I have met many dignitaries over the years, and one of them happened to be a translator at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

I called him, explained the cause and effect of an incident in detail, and asked him if he could help.

I had dealt with him several times, so he did not give me any pretense and asked me to make him a list of martyrs, and he would go to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for instructions.

Originally I was worried, after all these years, who would still remember the names of every martyr?

But Mr. Xiao still remembered that not a single name was left behind!

Three days later, my friend called and said that he had received approval from his superiors and negotiated with South Korea. It was finally determined that most of Mr. Xiao’s brothers were buried in a memorial cemetery in South Korea.

After negotiation, South Korea agreed to return the remains of these volunteers, but it could only publicize the matter through civil activities. This was also an explanation to Mr. Xiao!

After getting the news from him, Mr. Xiao and I flew to South Korea non-stop and found my friend in Seoul. He warmly entertained us and then took us to the hero's cemetery.

Mr. Xiao knelt in front of the cemetery and cried and laughed. The nearly 100-year-old man looked like a child! But no one laughed at him, everyone saluted him with a standard military salute.

We took the remains of the martyrs out of the graves one by one, put them into boxes, and wrapped them in bright five-star red flags.

I finally understood a question I had when I was a kid? Why is the five-star red flag dyed red with the blood of martyrs? Because it is dyed red with the blood of martyrs.

I originally planned to charter a plane myself, but I didn’t expect that my friend was very helpful. After learning about the deeds of the heroes, the Shenyang Air Force specially mobilized two fighter jets to escort us throughout the journey.

On the day of departure, planes from the Korean and Japanese Self-Defense Forces were dispatched one after another to prevent Chinese planes from taking the opportunity to make small moves.

The allies of the fighting nation couldn't sit still and directly transferred bombers from the four northern islands. The Japanese planes were so frightened that they hurried back to look after their homes...

When the plane flew over the Yalu River, two escorting J11 fighter jets flew by. The pilots shouted loudly: Welcome the loyal volunteers to return to the country. Two of our aircraft are ordered to escort you all the way!

At this moment, Mr. Xiao cried, and so did I.

He handed the charge horn to me. I took a deep breath and blew the charge horn hard. The passionate sound echoed over China!

The leaders who had prepared long after landing sent the remains of the heroes back to various places for burial according to their place of origin. Mr. Xiao finally fulfilled his wish, and the martyrs returned in spirit!

Finally, we came to Mr. Xiao’s secret room. After several concessions, Mr. Xiao still insisted on letting me play the heroes’ final march song, while he himself turned around and cried.

As the horn sounded, the martyrs woke up one by one, lined up in front of the old company commander, and disappeared one by one.

What moved me was that each of them paid a solemn military salute to the old company commander before disappearing!

After sending away the soul of the last volunteer, Mr. Xiao wiped his tears and said, "Young man, come and talk to me!"

I nodded and sat in front of him and listened.

"It has been sixty years since the Chinese Volunteer Army went to fight in North Korea, and I have also transformed from a passionate young man in his twenties to a dying old man."

"The conditions were too harsh at that time. I ate a handful of fried noodles when I was hungry, and drank snow water from the ravine when I was thirsty..."

"How many brothers were not killed by the enemy, but were frozen to death. If they had had a cotton coat and a good gun, they would never have died!"

The old man may have become a little sad because he lost his comrade forever. He told me a lot incoherently. I listened carefully until I shed tears with him.

Many people would probably say that eating fried noodles is not too bad.

Let’s do some popular science. The fried noodles that Mr. Xiao mentioned are not the ham fried noodles in today’s food stalls. In fact, they are just fried corn and multi-grain flour, nothing more!

According to the rules, after this matter is dealt with, the Charge and the medal should belong to me.

But I really couldn't accept Mr. Xiao as my second life, so I firmly refused and donated three million yuan in my own name to repair the Volunteer Army Cemetery.

He thought about it for a long time, then slapped his thigh and said that he could teach me the method of summoning the water fairy.

It turns out that Mr. Xiao survived because of the water fairy. After she rescued Mr. Xiao, she gave him a spell, saying that in case of emergency, he could recite the spell to summon himself out.

Mr. Xiao has never tried it, and he will definitely not have the chance to use it in the future, because the brothers have dispersed and he has no worries.

I happily accepted his gift. With the help of the Water Fairy, I thought it would be a trump card against Longquan Villa in the future!

On the way back, Li Mazi and I kept discussing the old company commander and these volunteers.

Whenever he mentioned those scumbags who insulted the revolutionary martyrs, Li Mazi was so angry that he said that he should not let him see them in the future, otherwise he would beat them one by one.

I smiled bitterly and shook my head, but my heart felt inexplicably sad.

Do you want to fight one by one? Have you finished the fight?

Endless fight!

Sixty years ago, when the Korean War broke out, the US military landed in Incheon in an attempt to join forces with South Korea to first destroy North Korea and then threaten China.

For the sake of peace in China, one million volunteers crossed the Yalu River and fought to the death with the US military in the ice and snow.

What the volunteers defeated at that time was an army armed to the teeth, and it was also the most powerful United Nations army in human history! This United Nations army claimed to be invincible, but was beaten back to the 38th line by Xiaomi and rifles.

The War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea established the country's prestige, making other powers no longer dare to covet China, and ensured China's peaceful development. However, countless martyrs were forever buried in foreign lands.

However, just a few decades have passed, and the Chinese people seem to have forgotten their hatred and the pain of the past.

More and more people are becoming part of the Kazakh-Korean clan, and more and more girls are talking about Oppa, National Husband, and G-Dragon.

I watched the news some time ago, where Quan Zhilong pushed an enthusiastic female fan to the ground. Rather than saying that G-Dragon is arrogant, it is better to say that the fans gave him the opportunity to be arrogant!

Many people say that chasing stars has no distinction of race and art has no national boundaries.

I agree with this sentence, but are idols really more important than their own country?

As South Korea deploys THAAD, I hope to see more news like this...

National enterprises voluntarily removed Korean products from their shelves.

Due to the resistance of the general public, Lotte supermarkets closed down one after another.

3,400 Chinese tourists refused to disembark for shopping in South Korea.

Just like Mr. Xiao said: They have always stayed with me, waiting for the moment I blew the charge horn to launch the final attack on the enemy!

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