Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 789 The Grand Palace of Thailand

After taking care of the commemorative medal matter, Li Mazi and I returned to the antique shop again to start business.

But we are all restless people. Seeing that there are no customers every day, our buttocks are burning! Li Mazi proposed traveling to South Korea, but in the end because South Korea deployed the THAAD system, Li Mazi vowed not to go to South Korea again and turned his attention to Thailand.

In his words, Thailand is a Buddhist country with a long history and is littered with countless precious treasures. If we visit more people in Thailand, we might be able to obtain unique treasures at low prices.

This is a typical occupational disease, but I like it!

Every time we travel, there are usually four members of our family. Now Li Mazi is left alone, and Li Xiaomeng is busy picking up girls at school. After careful consideration, I decided not to bring a female companion, just the two of us.

Thailand is no stranger to us, and the most famous one is the ladyboy. It is said that some shemales are even sexier and more voluptuous than beauties. With a little makeup, foreign guests at the bar late at night can't tell the difference between male and female. It wasn't until they were sleeping that they discovered that the other person's penis was actually bigger than their own...

Li Mazi and I were very resistant to these non-male and female groups, so we focused on visiting Buddhist buildings as soon as we got off the plane.

As a Buddhist country, more than 90% of Thailand's residents are Buddhists. In Bangkok alone, there are countless famous thousand-year-old monuments, the most famous of which is the Grand Palace!

The entire Grand Palace is magnificent, a collection of artistic achievements such as painting, sculpture and so on. Its status in Thailand is equivalent to the Forbidden City in China.

It's a pity that I believe in Taoism, so I felt a little uncomfortable looking at the many Buddha statues in the palace. Li Mazi looked at them very seriously, and knelt down from time to time to kowtow and donate a lot of money for incense.

Seeing him like this, I thought to myself that this kid is not going to escape into Buddhism, right?

Fortunately, he bought two fried chickens and ate them when he went out, so I felt relieved.

Then we visited nearby attractions such as the Erawan Buddha Statue and the Temple of the Reclining Buddha. All of them were related to Buddha, so we had nothing new and found a hotel to stay early.

Anyway, there were only two of us, so I only booked a room. Unexpectedly, this guy Li Mazi fell directly on the bed when he entered, and soon made a loud snoring sound, which made me unable to sleep at all, so I had to use my mobile phone to talk to Yin Xinyue. chat.

When it was past eleven o'clock in the evening, Li Mazi suddenly woke up. I was so happy that I thought I could go to sleep. Unexpectedly, this guy excitedly grabbed my arm and said, "Brother Zhang, let's go watch a boxing match." Bar?"

"Look at Mao Quan, I want to sleep." I pushed his hand away and said angrily.

At this moment, a thought flashed through my mind, and my heartbeat accelerated a lot.

When I dueled with the boxing champion Naikang before, I offended many Thai masters. Although they have all been abolished, there is no guarantee that their comrades will not bear grudges against me!

In other words, it is a very unwise choice for us to travel to Thailand. It is no exaggeration to say that if we were discovered during the day, we would probably be under the surveillance of the gang of head-dropping divisions.

With the attitude that one thing is worse than one thing less, I decided to return to China early tomorrow morning.

After listening to what I said, Li Mazi nodded and agreed with my decision, but he still refused to give up and begged me to go with him to watch the boxing match.

"Okay, let's go take a look!"

Muay Thai is very famous in Southeast Asia. Men have an innate interest in this passionate activity, so I agreed.

There are many boxing gyms near Bangkok. Although most of them are relatively simple in decoration, the number of customers is amazing! Even the boxing rings, many of which were just made of canvas, were crowded with foreign guests.

Neither Li Mazi nor I liked this crowded environment, so we stood aside and watched for a while before preparing to leave. Li Mazi felt that after finally getting out, he wanted to have some fun, so he proposed to go to the casino to have a look.

Anyway, we just wanted to relax this night. I was too embarrassed to stop him anymore, so I waved for a taxi and asked the driver to take us to the casino.

The driver was an overseas Chinese. He enthusiastically introduced us to the features of local casinos in Bangkok and took us to the famous gambling street.

The so-called gambling street, to put it bluntly, is a street with many large and small casinos, somewhat similar to Macau, China. It's just that most of the casinos in Macau are world-class, and the casinos in Thailand are all top-notch, so business is also very booming.

After arriving at the gambling street, we found a nearby small gambling stall and exchanged several thousand yuan in chips. Then we went in to take a look. We thought there would be some new gameplay here? The results are also commonplace projects such as Russian Roulette, Stud, and Baccarat.

Li Mazi quickly found a free gambling table and went up to play mahjong with others. The game they played was relatively small, which was equivalent to one hundred and ten yuan in RMB. I looked at the foreigners around me, and their brows all had a faint dark air, which meant they were unlucky today. It seemed like Li Mazi was going to win money!

I ignored him and got up and walked around the casino. From time to time, people cheered and people sighed in despair. Many gamblers refused to leave even after losing all their money, and even went crazy. The front desk pledged all the valuables he had on him.

Looking at the people coming and going, I shook my head and suddenly felt that they were very pitiable. I turned around and was about to ask Li Mazi to leave.

Sure enough, when I passed by, Li Mazi already had a lot of chips in front of him. Although the Thai baht was not worth much, it still amounted to several thousand yuan. What's more, Li Mazi just had fun, so he tipped the waiter next to him with a chip worth about 500 yuan. The waiter immediately smiled and bowed deeply to Li Mazi.

Those who win enjoy the vanity, while those who lose still want to make a comeback. No one can leave without going bankrupt!

I exhaled, stepped forward and grabbed Li Mazi to wave him back.

"Don't worry, your luck is quite good now, I'll give you a few more."

Li Mazi said excitedly and hurriedly turned back to grab the cards. I was just about to forcefully pull him away when I suddenly heard the distinctive shrill scream of a little girl coming from behind.

Her voice sounded like she was seven or eight years old. I was curious as to why there was such a young girl in the casino?

Turning around, I saw a little girl wearing a pink sweater rolling on the ground. She was dirty and had a pair of distinctive triangular eyes.

Next to her stood a middle-aged man about forty years old. He also had triangular eyes and the eyebrows were exactly the same as the little girl's. It was obvious that this middle-aged man was the little girl's father. He was pulling the little girl hard, with rage written on his face.

The little girl hugged the table leg desperately and refused to let go. The middle-aged man struggled for a long time and saw that he couldn't succeed. The corner of his mouth twitched a few times, and he even grabbed the chair next to him and hit the little girl's hand with a bang.

She screamed, let go of the table legs with her hands, and sat limply on the ground.

Seeing this scene, many people stood up, and even Li Mazi, who was enjoying himself, was ready to go over and help.

"It's useless. Alai has wanted to sell his daughter for a long time, and now he has lost money. If he doesn't sell his daughter, the creditor will definitely chop off his hand." A foreigner who was playing mahjong with Li Mazi at the table said in fluent Chinese said.

Through the chat just now, I learned that he is a Chinese lover named Dashan.

I glanced at the poor little girl, frowned and asked Dashan to tell me the details.

"This is normal."

Dashan looked at me, as if he had been used to this for a long time: "Gamblers often sell their wives and children in Thailand, which is beyond our control..."

After speaking, he sighed.

Only then did I realize that he was not indifferent by nature, but that he was helpless about such things.

As I watched Alai pick up the little girl, I hurried over and asked, "How much do you owe the casino?"

"What do you care about Sen?" Alai glared at me and said in broken Chinese.

I ignored him and turned to the front desk to ask. I learned that Alai owed about 3,000 yuan in total.

For three thousand yuan, you have to sell your own flesh and blood!

"Damn it, what's the point of living when you have to be your father."

Li Mazi cursed, threw the newly won chips to the casino front desk, then walked over and stroked the little girl's head, and said kindly: "Don't be afraid, little girl, your father will not sell you to anyone else... …”

I grabbed Alai's arm angrily and cursed through gritted teeth: "This is your biological daughter, why are you so cruel?"


He glanced at me, snatched the little girl from Li Mazi's hands, and pulled her away without even farting.

I know that Alai may sell the little girl in the future to pay off debts, but like Dashan said, I can't control it.

Everyone did not let this episode affect their interest at all, and quickly returned to the gaming table to start playing. Li Mazi originally wanted to leave, but he got along well with a few poker friends and was embarrassed to leave after winning money, so he had to continue playing.

It can be seen that he only entered the game this time to return the winnings he just won, and has been playing cards randomly.

"It's useless. It's useless for Alai to quit gambling..."

Dashan hit a red card and looked at me helplessly: "Oh! It turns out he is not like this. Who knows what kind of evil he got into."

After saying that, Dashan shook his head and said nothing, but I heard something was wrong and quickly asked what was going on.

Dashan saw that Li Mazi and I were both interested, so he talked about it in detail.

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