Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 790 The strange father and daughter

It turned out that he and Alai both lived nearby, and they were barely half-neighbors. They also liked to hang out together when they had nothing to do, so they had known each other for many years. Neither of them are addicted to gambling, it is purely for entertainment. Alai has his own job, his wife and daughter Laying, and they live a very happy life.

As the saying goes, nine times out of ten you lose when you bet, but since half a year ago, Alai suddenly changed his luck and became a sure winner in every bet, becoming a famous gambling king in the neighborhood!

It's not that he doesn't feel bad about spending his money. Alai proudly indulges in the gentle land every day and gives up his job.

But the good times did not last long. After a month, Alai began to have bad luck and became a loser in every gamble. He soon lost all his wealth. During this period, countless friends advised him not to gamble anymore, but Alai would not listen at all. Instead, he hated all the well-wishers who advised him. He once used a kitchen knife to seriously injure a friend who came to advise him.

From then on, no one cared about him anymore. Alai mortgaged his car and house, and soon lost everything. He frantically asked his wife to become a young lady.

Alai's wife couldn't bear the torture and committed suicide some time ago by taking a large amount of sleeping pills. However, he still refuses to repent and has recently taken up the idea of ​​having his daughter Laying.

"Numbly, it's a sin for this man to live!"

Li Mazi couldn't help but curse after hearing Dashan's words, and pushed the mahjong in his hand away: "I will never gamble again!"

After saying that, he looked at me, as if waiting for me to make up his mind.

If what Dashan said is true, then Alai most likely got into trouble with something dirty.

In a situation where La Ying's fate was at stake, I didn't care that I might be discovered by the surrender master. I nodded to Li Mazi and asked Dashan to take us to Alai's house.

Dashan thought I was going to persuade Alai, but refused to lead the way. He didn't agree to come down until I promised to pay him.

Since Alai sold his house and now lives in a simple slum in the suburbs, which is still some distance from the gambling street, Dashan offered to drive us there.

Calculating that they had been walking for a while, they should have arrived home. I nodded and got into the car with Li Mazi. Only ten minutes later, a large low-rise old-fashioned house appeared in front of us. There were many people inside. They all still use incandescent lights, the narrow passages are filled with garbage, and there are piles of feces everywhere on the ground, so that the car can no longer move forward.

Dashan asked us to get out of the car, took us a little further, pointed to the big tree not far in front and said: "Opposite that tree is where Alai lives now. If you want to go, just go!"

After saying that, he prepared to leave. It seemed that he didn't want Alai to know that he had brought us here.

I nodded understandingly, took out a few RMB and handed it over. Unexpectedly, he waved his hand, showing his big yellow teeth: "Forget it, if you can really help him, I can't thank you enough."

He waved his hand, bent over and got into the car and drove away leisurely.

"This guy is okay." Li Mazi looked at the car going away and said, smashing it.

"Well, I need my contact information before I go back."

I also felt that the mountain was quite real, so I agreed, turned around and walked to the big tree, and sure enough I saw a small house opposite.

Just as he was about to go in, he heard Alai's cursing voice. He walked out with half a bottle of wine and turned around to curse while drinking: "Don't think those two Chinese saved you! To tell you the truth, when I need money, I'll sell you out anyway."

After saying that, he slammed the wine bottle towards the door. With a bang, glass flew everywhere. As soon as Laying showed half of his head, he shrank back in fear.

Seeing Alai rushing outside, I subconsciously pulled Mazi Li and hid behind the tree. After he came out, he locked the door and walked drunkenly into the night.

"Brother Zhang, shall we send Buddha to the West?" Li Mazi said excitedly.

It is obvious that Alai has gone completely crazy, and Laying may be abused at any time before he returns to normal.

"You take La Ying back to our hotel first, and I'll go see what Alai is doing." I said.


Li Mazi nodded in agreement, and then secretly looked for something to unlock.

This kind of chain lock was a piece of cake for Li Mazi. I didn't stop anymore, but chased Alai in the direction he left.

Although this guy walked unsteadily, he was very fast. It took him two blocks to catch up with him. There happened to be a lot of pedestrians on the street, so I was not afraid of being discovered by him, so I followed him swaggeringly.

Unexpectedly, he finally returned to the gambling street and walked into another casino. Just as I was about to follow him in, I saw him kicked out by the waiter inside.

Alai muttered a few curse words, and the waiter immediately used a pager to call his companions. Alai's expression changed and he ran away in a hurry.

Then he entered several casinos in succession, but was kicked out of them all.

In the end, he had no choice but to walk back dejectedly, apparently wanting to go home.

I don't know if I should continue pursuing it? So I called Li Mazi and asked him how things were going over there.

Unexpectedly, Li Mazi told me that he had returned to the hotel because Laying refused to come back with him.

Fortunately, Li Mazi was quick to think and put some money on Alai's table, so that Alai would definitely come out to gamble as soon as he saw the money when he went back, and he would not be able to take care of La Ying for the time being.

"He has gone home and will probably be back soon. Come to Gambling Street as soon as possible."

After hanging up the phone, I waited for Li Mazi and thought about why Laying stayed at home. She was obviously so afraid of Alai, why didn't she want to leave?

But then again, all children in the world are dependent on their parents, right? I sighed and stopped thinking about it.

Li Mazi arrived at Gambling Street very quickly. We found a teahouse on the road that Alai must pass to enter Gambling Street and sat down. We chose a seat by the window and drank tea while waiting.

"Brother from the Zhang family, there seems to be something wrong with Laying. She behaves very weakly in front of outsiders, but when I unlocked the door and entered, I found that there was no fear on her face at all. Instead, she was calm and scary! That kind of calmness was absolutely amazing. Not what a seven or eight-year-old girl should be like..."

Li Mazi took a sip of tea and said puzzledly.

"Could it be that she is deliberately hiding something?"

I was stunned after hearing this. If Laying really had a problem, the situation might be more complicated.

In just one cup of tea, Alai reappeared in the gambling street. He successfully entered a casino with the money left by Li Mazi, and started playing at the table as soon as he entered.

Li Mazi and I followed him and quietly stood behind him to observe. Alai was fully immersed in the gambling game and didn't pay attention to behind him at all.

According to what Dashan told us before, I was ready to watch Alai lose all his money. Unexpectedly, he seemed to be lucky this time and won several games in a row!

However, everyone seemed to believe that he would lose his money soon, so they dug into their pockets or called to get the money, as if they were determined to fight him to the end.

As their bets got bigger and bigger, Alai's cards got better and better, and he soon won all the money of everyone at the gambling table.

The guys on the opposite side walked away dejectedly. Immediately, people who did not believe in evil came to join the fight. One of them had a deep look in his eyes, and he was a casino veteran at first glance.

While he was gambling, he kept looking at the surveillance camera above his head, his eyes wandering, as if he was trying to convey something to the camera.

He was probably a banker in the casino. He came out when he saw Alai's luck. Li Mazi also saw that this man had some ability, so he came up to me and whispered: "Brother Zhang, the show is about to begin."


I curled up my lips, stood up and came behind this man, while Li Mazi stood there and continued to observe Alai.

The ability to play the banker is really impressive. Every time the card he draws is almost always the biggest, but every time it is one point smaller than Alai.

Now let alone anyone else, even I think Alai is a cheat!

But there was nothing special about Alai. I concentrated my energy and stared at him carefully for a long time and found nothing unusual. Li Mazi, on the other hand, had a look of shock on his face, and after coming back to his senses, he kept blinking at me.

"What's wrong?" I followed Li Mazi to the toilet and asked in confusion.

Li Mazi looked around and lowered his voice and said, "Have you noticed that Alai always waits for others to open the cards first?"

"Alai's cards are actually very stinky. Every time he casually glances at them, he puts them on the table. But after the opponent opens the cards, he opens them again, and the value of the cards changes and becomes just bigger than the opponent. One point, so damn evil!”

Li Mazi rolled his eyes, as if he hadn't recovered from the shock.

I was stunned after hearing this. Although I was standing opposite Alai just now, I could clearly see his hands. He certainly didn't do anything during the opening of the cards, so it can only be said that the cards changed on their own!

How could normal cards change on their own? Apparently something was playing tricks on me just now, but I didn't notice it at all.

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