Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 791 God of Gambling Buddha Amulet

I was afraid of missing important clues, so I hurried back to the gambling table.

At this moment, the boss of the casino had lost several games in a row, and his face was no longer as calm as before. He looked directly at Alai, his face full of unwillingness, uneasiness, and even a look of fear.

A person who can be the banker in a casino will definitely not become embarrassed just because he lost such a small amount of money. He must have noticed something?

Looking at the scene in front of me, I suddenly remembered that I had experienced a similar scene in the casino when I was dealing with Huo Qubing's Yinling. At that time, Gou Mingyi exuded a strong murderous aura during the gambling game, making his opponents involuntarily frightened.

But now, except for Zhuang, no one else can feel the aura from Alai. Could it be that only those who have fought against him can feel it?

If this is the case, then the things on his body will definitely not be weaker than Huo Qubing.

With this idea in mind, I decided to give Alai a try, so I went over to discuss with Lao Zhuang to see if I could go up and play a few games.

He wanted to withdraw a long time ago, but he was only able to hold on until now due to the business of the casino. When he saw that I wanted to join the game, he quickly stood up and gave up his seat to me, and then ran towards the toilet in large strides. He just took a few steps. He vomited it out and then fainted to the ground.

Alai was slightly startled when he saw me, and then a strange smile appeared in the corner of his eyes. He casually took a few larger chips from in front of him and threw them to me. He said, "You helped me before, and now I will give them back to you." Don’t bet with me, you are no match!”

Damn you, you are looking down on me nakedly!

Originally I just wanted to play around and explore his ways, but when he said this, my competitive nature was completely aroused. I threw his chips back directly, then sat down and gave him a little thumb.

"Looking for death? Then I will help you."

Alai glanced at me disdainfully and motioned for the dealer to deal the cards.

I recalled the plot in the movie and was going to pretend to rub it, but as soon as I got the card, I felt an inexplicable tightness in my chest.

The three poker cards in my hand seemed to have magic power, making me feel dizzy in just a few seconds.

I put down the cards, quietly made a mark with my fingers, and silently recited a few lines from the Tao Te Ching. After my chest returned to normal, I glanced upward with my peripheral vision and was horrified to find that there was a gray mist above my head. This was a sign of bad luck and was a taboo in the casino!

It seems that the problem lies here. The power of that thing is that it can bring bad luck to Alai's opponents. That is, no matter how good the opponent's cards are, the outcome is already doomed.

Even if the opponent's cards are against the sky, Alai's hand will change accordingly!

But I didn’t believe in this evil, so I controlled the invisible needle and rushed out, creating a distance between Alai’s cards and the table that was invisible to the naked eye. After closing his eyes and waiting for a while, the picture of three cards appeared in his mind. His cards were so bad that it made people laugh.

Then I moved the invisible needle under my cards, and let it wipe all three of my cards into white boards, and then carved out three a's!

This is Tianlongbao. No matter how much Alai's hand changes, it will never be better than mine. At most, it will be equal to mine. When the card points are the same, the person who opens first loses. As long as I don't open the card first, he will definitely lose.

For ordinary people, gambling relies on luck, but for experts, it is all about concentration. As soon as I finished playing the cards, I felt a new pressure coming on, making me subconsciously want to lift the cards.

At this moment, I suddenly heard Li Mazi shouting. I suddenly came back to my senses, gritted my teeth and stared at Alai.

He glared at Li Mazi fiercely and continued to put pressure on me, but this time I was on guard and kept changing my fingers, while silently reciting a spell in my heart. Although my chest was getting more and more tight, I finally didn't let him succeed again.

Alai was even worse than me. There were beads of sweat on his forehead. His eyes no longer stared at me, but looked back and forth on himself in a panic, as if he was looking for something?

It was obvious that he couldn't hold on any longer. I no longer hid my strength, took a sharp breath and released the spiritual power from my Dantian, instantly clearing away all the bad luck on my head.

Alai let out a scream and reflexively opened his cards. Sure enough, there were three aces!

Everyone let out a burst of exclamation, and many people even clucked their tongues to express regret. After all, such a big card shouldn't be opened so early. They all felt that Alai had lost money. Almost everyone cast a sympathetic look at me. Li Mazi's face darkened immediately, his eyes widened and he almost went to cut Alai.

I smiled and turned over the three cards in turn in front of everyone's eyes. When the first a came out, no one changed. When the second a came out, many people's faces were already shocked. When I turned over the third card, Everyone was stunned.

The dealer was petrified on the spot, there were six aces in the deck of cards!

Everyone knew that someone was causing trouble, but neither Alai nor I took the cards off the table during this process, so naturally they couldn't say anything.

According to the rules of whoever starts first loses, I won this round. Alai looked at me seriously and reluctantly asked me to continue. I gave him a sympathetic look and followed the same pattern in the next few rounds, turning all the cards into aces.

After a few rounds, Alai was completely panicked. He hurriedly grabbed the remaining chips and went to the front desk to exchange them for RMB, and ran out of the casino without looking back.

Li Mazi and I looked at each other, got up and chased after him, not caring about the chips we won.

Even fools know that I have done something wrong. Instead of letting people in the casino worry about it, I might as well give up on my own initiative. Anyway, my purpose was to scare Alai from the beginning.

Unexpectedly, I was stopped as soon as I ran to the entrance of the casino. They reminded me hypocritically that I forgot to take away the chips. I said those chips were given to the casino, but they still refused to let me go. It turned out that the boss watched my fight with Alai in the monitoring room and thought I was the living god of gambling and wanted to poach me to be his banker. !

I had to let Li Mazi catch up first, and went to the office to negotiate with the boss. Fortunately, the boss didn't force me and let me go when he saw that I didn't agree.

As soon as I walked out of the casino, I saw Li Mazi pacing back and forth at the door with a sad face. When he saw me, he ran up to me and said in frustration: "The grandson ran too fast, and I lost him..."

"Hey, I can only go to his house."

I had experienced Alai's speed before, so I didn't blame Li Mazi. I sighed and walked towards Alai's house.

It was already late at night, and the casino was bustling with activity, but the streets were deserted. As I was walking, I suddenly heard a scream coming from the front.

Before I could react, there was another series of sounds, as if someone was fighting, and I could vaguely hear the little girl's cry for help.

"This is Laying's voice, go and have a look."

Li Mazi listened for a while, slapped his thigh fiercely, and ran forward quickly.

After his reminder, I realized that it was La Ying who was asking for help, and A Lai must also be in front.

I quickly caught up with Li Mazi and signaled him not to act rashly, and then the two of us slowly moved along the base of the wall to the entrance of a narrow alley.

The sound came from the alley.

When I got closer, I saw that four or five young and strong young men were beating and kicking Alai. The leader was the security chief of the casino. They were beating and cursing, and Laying was suffering beside him. He begged them to let his father go.

"Go up?" Li Mazi asked with a frown.

I thought for a while and decided to wait. Although the casino is a dark place, it does not have a bottom line, and it will not retaliate because Alai won money. The reason why I touched him must be that I discovered something.

Sure enough, the security chief knocked Alai to the ground and groped for a while, and found something as big as a palm. I released the invisible needle and looked at it, and found that it was a money-generating talisman!

The money-generating amulet is a kind of Thai Buddhist amulet. It is similar to the Chinese amulet. It has a psychological effect and there is nothing special about it.

The security chief looked at the money-generating talisman, put it in his pocket, kicked Alai a few more times, and then left with the man cursing.

Laying cried and stepped forward to lift Alai up and help him go home. She didn't seem to hold any grudge against Alai for mistreating her.

Unexpectedly, Alai slapped her in the face and yelled ferociously: "It's you who ruined my luck, I'll beat you to death!"

As he said this, he frantically rushed forward and strangled La Ying's neck. Veins popped up on his forehead, clearly intending to strangle La Ying to death.

I couldn't help but rush over and kicked Alai four or five meters away.

Li Mazi, who followed closely, quickly went up to touch up the damage, jumped on Alai and started playing on the trampoline. I came to Laying, held her hand and said, "Little sister, uncle will take you out of here."

I finally figured it out. If I left Laying with Alai, she would be tortured to death by him sooner or later. I might as well take her away and find a family to adopt her later.

Logically speaking, she should be very happy, but she didn't appreciate it at all. She pushed me away with a cold face, rushed over and pushed Li Mazi away, stubbornly pulled Alai up, and dragged him slowly towards home. Go.

"Could this girl be beaten stupid by her father, right?" Li Mazi said depressedly, rubbing his head, and wanted to catch up after saying that.

But I suddenly thought of an important clue and quickly stopped him!

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