Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 792 Devil Girl

When I was holding Laying's hand just now, I noticed that her wrist was a little swollen and there were dense holes on it, as if she had been stung by a scorpion.

Thailand has a tropical monsoon climate, so it would be normal if she was stung by a scorpion that suddenly appeared, but the marks on her hands told me that she was stung by scorpions often!

"How dare such a young girl practice something so poisonous?"

Li Mazi said with disbelief after hearing my explanation.

I don't really believe that she would raise poisonous scorpions, but her reaction was so abnormal that I had to doubt it!

I decided to wait until midnight to go to her house to investigate, and immediately found a 24-hour restaurant and ordered some food.

When Oyu saw Rourou, little stars appeared in his eyes. He devoured one plate after another. He ate a total of thirty plates of tenderloin, which attracted the waiters in the store to look over. They must be thinking: This little girl is too delicious...

After resting in the restaurant for an hour, it seemed that Laying and Alai should have arrived home, so we went to the big tree in front of her house and stared at it.

As time passed, the lights in the room were turned off, and soon Alai's thunderous snoring could be heard.

Seeing that there was no movement inside, Li Mazi asked me if I was worrying too much. I didn't say anything, just stared at the room where Laying lived.

Suddenly, her room lit up, but it was not a light but a weak candlelight. The illumination range was very small, obviously because she was afraid of being seen by others.

When something goes wrong, there must be a monster. Now even Li Mazi was sure that something was wrong with her and asked me what should I do?

I asked him and Otama to wait for me here, and tiptoed to the edge of the house. Close your eyes, use your mind to raise your spiritual power from your Dantian to your head, jump up from the ground, then slide your legs in the air a few times, and finally land smoothly on the roof without making a sound.

It seemed that I was becoming more proficient in using Soul Extraction. I nodded with satisfaction, then leaned over and looked at the roof.

The roof of her house was made of wooden boards, covered with a thick layer of canvas. I took out my machete and gently cut a slit in the canvas, and then dug a small hole of about two centimeters in the middle of the connecting boards. , leaned over and looked into the room.

I saw Laying sitting at the table. There was a candle, a bowl and a piece of paper on the square table.

There was a bunch of dark things squirming in the bowl. What could they be if they weren't scorpions?

I already knew it when I saw the scorpion, but I still used the invisible needle to look at the content on the paper. Sure enough, it had Alai's name and birth date written on it. This is a typical Thai birth date!

Life and death is a common form of head-dropping. Generally, head-dropping masters will use spells to control five poisons or other poisonous insects to curse the target to fall into hell forever and never be reincarnated.

I don’t know much about these, but any head-dropping or witchcraft requires a process, and Laying is obviously still in the preparation stage.

No wonder she never left with us. No matter how much Alai mistreated her, she never left. It turned out that her calm appearance hid a heart full of hatred.

She stayed because she wanted to kill Alai with her own hands to avenge her mother!

Although head-dressing is popular in Thailand, it is generally not accessible to ordinary people in Thailand. Laying must have received guidance from an expert to achieve this step. The most fearful thing for me when I came out this time was meeting a head-bending master here.

After hesitating for a while, I decided not to get involved in this matter anymore. I couldn't risk my life for an unrelated alien villain!

Then I went back to the big tree and asked Li Mazi to go back, and told him my thoughts on the way.

"Damn it, this little girl is cruel enough. He is her biological father after all."

Li Mazi sighed, agreeing with my point of view and preparing to let Alai fend for himself.

But at this moment, I suddenly felt someone following me behind me, and my heart suddenly thumped, thinking to myself: Could it be other Jiantou masters?

Fortunately, the people behind us were not following us at all, but chasing us openly. After seeing us stop, they accelerated their pace and soon came to us.

"What's up?"

I asked cautiously while staring at the woman in front of me. At the same time, I looked at her with my peripheral vision and found that Raying's eyebrows looked very similar to hers.

Could she be Laying's mother?

"Don't be nervous. I don't mean any harm. I'm Laying's aunt."

The woman smiled kindly and called herself Yulia.

There was no yin in Yulia, and everything she did was normal. I gradually felt relieved and asked her again what she wanted from us.

"I need your help, and I can provide you with clues!"

She talked straight to the point about Alai's changes during this period, which was probably no different from what Dashan said, but what she said next made me very interested.

Yulia's sister, Alai's wife, cried to her sister before committing suicide. She told Yulia that the reason why her husband's temperament changed drastically was because he got a black stone from nowhere. dice!

"I thought my sister was overthinking it, but she committed suicide within a few days by taking sleeping pills..."

Yulia wiped away her tears when she said this, and said bitterly: "My brother-in-law is not bad in nature. He must have been affected by the dice. After my sister passed away, I investigated this matter, and sure enough I found that my brother-in-law brought the dice with him every day." On my body, I wanted to steal it several times, but when I realized that I didn’t have the strength to deal with it, I had to wait for the opportunity.”

According to what she meant, she wanted to find an opportunity to steal the dice and give them to us, and then let us help remove the dirt in the dice and restore Alai to normal.

The reason why she chose us was because she saw the scene where I flew to the roof and was convinced that I was a master like Bruce Lee.

Thai people admire the kung fu superstar Bruce Lee very much and believe that people with the same kung fu skills as Bruce Lee are invincible in the world.

Originally I wasn't going to meddle in other people's business, but when I heard the story about the black dice, I felt like a cat scratching my heart.

Maybe you stumbled across something valuable again?

Li Mazi and I looked at each other and both nodded: Done!

I was worried that Yulia wouldn't be able to steal the dice, but she said that during this period she always cooked for Alai and even provided him with sexual services. She was regarded as her sister-in-law and lover, and she had gained Alai's trust.

" really went to trouble for your sister."

Unexpectedly, she said it so straightforwardly. Even Li Mazi didn't know how to answer it, so he replied hesitantly.

Yulia smiled and said that she was originally a prostitute, which was okay, but she said that prostitutes also have human rights and dignity. She asked us to wait for her good news and then waved away.

After returning to the place where we were staying, Li Mazi and I both felt that Yulia's story of stealing the dice was unreliable, so we finally decided to wait for her for at most two days. If she still hadn't succeeded after two days, we would forcibly snatch it from Alai. .

That's right, you're going to be tough. If you don't accept it, you'll beat him to death!

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