Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 794: The Great Scorpion Descends

"Brother Zhang, this article said that a Thai policeman was shot several times while fighting with gangsters. Even the doctor thought he would definitely die. However, after the operation, it was found that all the organs were normal, and the bullet actually opened a hole. It was a small hole. Later everyone found out that he was wearing the Er Ge Feng Buddha amulet. From then on, the Er Ge Feng Buddha amulet became popular."

Li Mazi curled his lips when he said this and muttered: "These Thai people also like to brag..."

I smiled helplessly. Some mythical phenomena are inevitable in religious culture anywhere.

However, I think that as long as it is a religion that teaches people to be good and has positive energy, a myth is not a bad idea.

No matter which information about Er Ge Feng is true or false, it is enough to illustrate his status in Thailand!

I looked at the Yin spirit lying on top of the young gambler. It behaved very well in the manner of a green forest hero eating a large piece of meat and drinking from a large bowl.

It’s not a good idea, it’s really the second brother Feng!

In order to identify it, I quickly called Dashan and asked him if he had the Er Ge Feng Buddha amulet.

He said that he happened to have a Buddhist amulet, but it was just a fake one. It seems that not only the Chinese are popular in copycats, but parallel imports are indispensable everywhere...

But this was enough. What I wanted was the portrait of my second brother Feng, so I asked him to take a photo and send it to me. Dashan soon sent the photo.

This is a round amulet that looks almost as big as an Olympic medal, with a large head in the middle.

I enlarged the picture and suddenly found that the head looked exactly like Yin Ling. It was indeed the second brother Feng!

The people are very discerning, and the fact that the second brother Feng has been able to maintain a positive image in the hearts of Thai people shows that he did many good deeds during his lifetime.

However, no one is perfect. It is reasonable for him to develop a gambling addiction after his death and want to use the hands of living people to satisfy his addiction. It is just that he does not realize that doing so will bring disaster to a family!

As the second brother of the underworld in Thailand, he once spent a lot of money to support Mr. Sun Yat-sen's revolution. He can be regarded as a small hero of the nation. I couldn't bear to eliminate him directly, so I dragged Li Mazi out of the casino and wanted to discuss how to do it. Ask Er Ge Feng to stop gambling?

Anyway, I gave Otama a death order, and she has to keep an eye on her second brother Yutaka 24 hours a day until this matter is resolved.

"What can I do? If it doesn't work, I'll kowtow to him?"

Li Mazi held it in for a long time and obviously couldn't think of a solution, so he started to tease me.

He loses control every time he needs to use his brain. I am used to it and am ready to ask Yulia later. After all, she is a local in Bangkok, and she must know more about Er Ge Feng than we do.

Unexpectedly, before I could contact her, Yulia called her. She said urgently: "Come and save my brother-in-law. He is dying. Come and save him..."

Before Yulia finished speaking, the phone hung up. It seemed that there was another emergency. I froze in place and thought for a while and then I immediately reacted: La Ying!

Although I decided not to meddle in other people's business before, since I have promised Yulia to help her solve the problem, I have to ensure Alai's safety.

It’s just that my attention was all on my second brother Feng, and I ignored La Ying’s threat!

The five poisonous insects are very powerful. An excellent head-dropping master can control the five poisonous insects to bite the human body's internal organs in a short period of time. Although La Ying has just learned how to descend, she cannot withstand the high level of her master.

Thinking of this, I summoned a nearby black-skinned wild ghost, and carried Li Mazi and me on his back and ran towards her house.

Soon we arrived at her house, and as soon as we landed, we heard Yulia’s bitter pleading and Raying’s crazy sneer.

My heart skipped a beat and I couldn't help but get nervous. A teenage girl already has so much hatred. How can she pay it off when she grows up?

I was worried that there were other head-dropping masters inside, so I drew my machete and rushed in. Li Mazi, carrying an umbrella, entered the door almost at the same time as me.

I saw Alai lying on the ground twitching, spitting out black blood in large mouthfuls, and countless young scorpions the size of flies squirming in the turbid blood.

Yulia knelt beside him and frantically wiped the scorpions off his body, while Laying stood opposite and sneered. When she saw us, she was stunned for a moment, and then said coldly: "You are not welcome here, get out!"

Yulia turned around reflexively when she heard the sound. When she saw us, she jumped up and grabbed my arm, shouting hysterically: "Save my brother-in-law, he is going to die."

"Don't worry."

I patted her shoulder, got up and walked towards Alai.

As for La Ying, no matter how bad her decline is, she is just a girl in a movie. Li Mazi is equipped with an umbrella and can beat her properly!

After walking to Alai, I inserted the machete into the dirty blood on the ground. The blood instantly made a sizzling sound, burned with a bang, and soon turned into ashes.

Really powerful insects and Gu insects would not be burned into powder by Yang Qi so easily. I breathed a sigh of relief and asked Yulia to help lift Alai up. Then I sealed Alai's body with invisible needles. Important acupuncture points within the body to prevent the spread of toxicity.

Then I took out two talismans and burned them to ashes with spiritual fire and put them in a bowl. I poured half a bowl of water into the bowl, mixed them well, held Alai's nose and poured them in.

A bowl of talisman water was poured in, and Alai's stomach began to make a gurgling sound, and then he kept burping in his mouth. I squeezed his stomach back and forth with my hands according to the rhythm of his burping. After nearly five minutes, Alai's hiccups stopped suddenly. At the same time, his eyes widened and his mouth opened wide. His entire face turned red, purple, and then black at a speed visible to the naked eye...

Yulia was horrified when she saw this scene, and asked me in confusion what was going on?

I waved my hand to tell her not to worry, straightened the machete and slowly pressed it against Alai's belly.


Alai immediately spat out a mouthful of blood, and then a steady stream of dirty blood and hundreds of dead scorpions spurted out of his mouth.

After vomiting for a full minute, Alai's vomited blood turned bright red, and his face gradually recovered. It was still a little pale due to excessive blood loss.

Yulia and I pulled Alai away, took out the spiritual fire talisman and ignited it with a spell, burning all the filth on the ground.

"Zhang, is my brother-in-law okay?"

"Well, I have resolved the Five Poisons, but it will take some time to fully recover. You can feed him this bottle of ointment first, and then just rest more."

I warned her seriously, took out the last small bottle of ointment from my arms and handed it to her. When Yulia reached out to take it, I pulled back my hand inexplicably.

The ointment was prepared by Senior Rat using the feces of the natal rat. This is the last bottle. Once used, the last traces of Senior Rat and the little mouse in my place will disappear.

"Zhang, what's wrong with you?"

It wasn't until Yulia stretched out her hand and waved it in front of my eyes that I came back to my senses, gritted my teeth and handed the ointment to her.

Li Mazi and La Ying are both gone. La Ying probably escaped, but the altar where she descended is still there. I walked over and smashed the altar into pieces, then took the paper with the character Alai written on it and soaked it in water.

La Ying can successfully activate the five poisons, which proves that this horoscope has taken effect. If it is destroyed directly, it will make Alai seriously ill at least, and even his life will be lost if it goes wrong. So soaking it in rootless water will Gradually absorb the spiritual energy from it, and finally the horoscope paper will be destroyed by itself without harming the body.

Nowadays, when the matchmakers in many TV dramas and novels are talking about matchmaking, they often ask the couple's birthday and horoscope when the streets are full of people. This is pure nonsense.

The horoscope determines a person's destiny. The superstitious ancient people would never make the horoscope public easily!

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