Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 795 The lovely second brother Feng

After a while Li Mazi came back, but did not catch La Ying.

He said in frustration: "Brother Zhang, I underestimated that girl. She deliberately lured me out and took me to a remote place..."

It turns out that La Ying had long expected that we might interfere, so he had set up a head-dropping altar nearby in advance.

She had just brought Li Mazi to a dead end, but she used her familiarity with the terrain to slip out, and then started the descent that had been prepared. If Li Mazi hadn't been protected by a yin-yang umbrella, he would have been chewed into a pile of bones by the scorpions pouring out from all directions in the alley.

"Damn it, we have to open up La Ying's heart, otherwise it will be useless for us to save Alai."

Li Mazi gritted his teeth and said, "This kid's eyes are blinded by hatred. If this continues, something big will happen!"

He was right. If things continue to develop, the lives of Alai and Yulia will be in danger, and Laying himself may go crazy and become an evil head-dropper.

Although I understood the importance of catching her, I still felt helpless.

She must have learned the head-lowering technique from someone else. If she goes back to recruit reinforcements, I'm afraid our identities will be exposed next, and countless head-lowering masters will come to seek revenge from me!

People from any country are the same. They fight internally and at the same time they are united with the outside world. At that time, I destroyed so many Thai head-hunters in Guangzhou in one go. If I were caught by them now, the outcome would be self-evident.

This is not the most serious situation. I am most afraid that Laying will hide from now on. Naturally, we cannot guard Alai all the time, but she can come and do evil things anytime and anywhere.

In a short period of time, my brain started to spin rapidly, but I found that any situation was extremely detrimental to me.

Li Mazi naturally thought of this, rubbed his hands and blamed himself and said, "It's all my fault. Why don't you retreat first, and I'll stay and find a way to lure her out."

"Don't talk nonsense. Do you think this is a joke?"

I cursed angrily, turned around and asked Yulia if she knew who Laying learned the head-lowering technique from.

Originally I just wanted to ask, but her eyes flashed unconsciously after hearing this, and it took her a long time before she hesitated and said something unclear.

"Really? Then I don't care about it."

What I have learned over the years is to observe people's emotions, and Yulia may not know that she has been betrayed by her eyes.

After I finished speaking, I pulled Mazi and wanted to leave. This time I wasn't pretending, but I really wanted to leave.

Again, it's okay to help out, but risking one's life to save a foreign race is not worth it!

"Don't go...don't go, I say!"

Yulia panicked when she saw this. She ran over to block us and said pleadingly: "Don't leave. I really don't know what to do if you leave."

I clasped my hands together in front of my chest and hummed softly: "I am all ears."

"Actually, Laying's head-lowering technique was taught to her by my mother."

The first words Yulia spoke made Li Mazi and I overjoyed, because things had turned around.

It turns out that Yulia's mother is a head-bending master, and her family has been doing this for generations. Later, when it came to Yulia's generation, she and her sister were unwilling to learn, so the old mother had to pass the head-bending skill to her granddaughter every other generation. Britain.

Of course, Laying studied it just as a hobby and had no intention of continuing the family magic, so as time went by, everyone forgot about it.

"I didn't expect that after so many years, she would still remember what my mother taught me. Thanks to you, otherwise my brother-in-law would..."

Yulia looked at the expressions on my and Li Mazi's faces as she spoke. After she finished speaking, she seemed to have read our minds. She ran back to the back room and took out a large black and white photo and pointed at the white-haired old lady on it.

"My mother has been dead for two years. La Ying will not call anyone else to help because the rule among the masters is that they cannot worship two families as their disciples at the same time."

"If that's the case, the situation would be much simpler."

I nodded, feeling like I could see the sun from behind.

Since there was no need for reinforcements, Laying naturally hid and looked for opportunities. Guessing that she would not dare to come over for a while, I asked Yulia to stay at home while we rushed to the gambling street.

As of now, Otama has not contacted me, which means that the second brother Feng is still in the gambling game. I really accepted it!

When I returned to the previous casino, I saw that it was still on the original gaming table, but the opponent had changed, and the open space on both sides of the body was filled with chips.

The young man has been possessed by it since the evening yesterday. It is now close to dawn and he has been playing non-stop all night. The Yang Fire in his body is already very weak at this moment. If it continues like this, he may die suddenly at the gambling table.

At this moment, except for the people at the table who was betting with it, there were no people at the other tables, and even the waiters had mostly gone down to rest. I rubbed my palms together, preparing to clean it up if it didn't work, since no one would see it anyway.

After a while, it won all the opponent's chips. I thought it was time to stop, right? Unexpectedly, it directly pushed the chips in front of it to the other party and shouted domineeringly: "Come on, let's continue playing..."

"Play with your grandma's legs. If you play with her again, someone will die."

I cursed silently, walked up and pushed away the second brother Feng's opponent. He breathed a sigh of relief, hugged his fists at me again, and fled the casino on the ground.

"There's no point in betting like this. Since you like to play, how about I play a game with you?"

I snapped my fingers, and Li Mazi consciously pulled down the rolling shutter door of the casino. The movement attracted several security guards. They glanced at us and saw that we just pulled the door down, so they went back to sleep unconcernedly.

This kind of small casino is similar to domestic chess and card rooms. It is normal to lock the door in the middle of the night. It can prevent the police, troublemakers, and thieves...

"How to bet?"

The second brother Feng must have recognized me as the person who beat him before, but he didn't care at all. Instead, he asked with great interest.

I pointed at the young man and asked him to get away from him first, otherwise he would be exhausted to death.


The second brother Feng was slightly stunned after hearing what I said. He lowered his head slightly and looked at the Yanghuo on the young man's body that could be extinguished at any time. Instead, he said with a bit of complaint: "Why didn't you remind me earlier..."

I almost burst into tears after hearing this, and suddenly I felt that my second brother Feng was a little cute.

This is the same as I imagined. It has no malicious intent. It is just like the fat Majin Buu in "Dragon Ball". It has done bad things unintentionally and belongs to Qiyin.

After it came off the young man, Li Mazi quickly carried the young man to the sofa aside to let him rest.

Only then did I look at my second brother Feng again, and deliberately flattered me: "Second brother, everyone in the world admires you for your righteousness. Why do you do those despicable things?"

"You...what are you talking about? My second brother Fengcai doesn't do bad things."

As expected, he cherished his feathers very much. I was happy in my heart, but on the outside I told him angrily about the story of Alai's family being destroyed and his wife separated.

The second brother Feng didn't speak for a long time, and finally sighed, with a hint of blush on his dark face. Then he looked at me, his eyes full of confusion.

"If you don't listen to me, your reputation will definitely be ruined. The world will never worship you again in the future, but will regard you as a disaster star."

I started to put pressure on it and deliberately said: "The most important thing is that you can't beat me!"


After hearing this, the second brother Feng became angry immediately. His eyes became blood red and his mouth kept twitching so that the air around him froze. They turned into water droplets and dripped on the table, which immediately turned into ice slag.

Seeing this scene, I was really at a loss for words, for fear of completely irritating it. In order to completely frighten it, I had no choice but to invite the real second brother out!

Before my second brother Feng made a move to me, I bit the tip of my tongue and spit some blood on the Eternal Spirit Ring. As the ring emitted a faint green light, I heard the voice of the little Ring Spirit again: "Welcome Master, please choose Military general."

As I used the Eternal Spirit Ring more and more, it became more and more discerning about my essence and blood. I remember when the Eternal Spirit Ring first awakened, I was beaten by the people at Longquan Villa and bled heavily. A mistake awakened the Nazgul.

Up to now, as long as a drop of blood is provided, the Ring Spirit can be awakened. At the same time, the selected military commander can also derive other military commanders.

Compared with the beginning, now it is a shotgun change.

"This time I choose Guan Yunchang, and it is forbidden to derive other generals."

I used my mind to give orders to the little Nazgul. If it were a real fierce battle, the more people the better, but the current situation was a bit special.

Guan Yu alone can definitely intimidate his second brother Feng, but if the five generals of the Shu Han come out together, I'm afraid he may not necessarily buy it.

As a ray of green light burst out from the Eternal Spirit Ring, the aura of the second brother Feng instantly dissipated without a trace. He stood up from the chair and looked around in panic and excitement.

"Someone is here."

Suddenly, Guan Yu's voice came from my right. I quickly turned my head and saluted him. He snorted arrogantly in reply, and then glared at his second brother Feng: "Bold brat!"

(ps: Because everyone doesn’t know the conditions for adding updates, here’s what I’ll say: a minimum of 2 updates per day, and 1 update will be added for every 1,000 recommendation votes. Recommendation votes can be cast for free every day, and Laojiu doesn’t ask you to spend extra money for rewards. , I just hope that my hard work will be rewarded! I hope everyone will support me.)

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