Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 796 Tanks versus Infantry

"Master Guan, it's really you!"

When the second brother Feng saw Guan Yu, he knelt on the ground with a plop, and his figure trembled violently. After all, those who were in the underworld during the Qing Dynasty worshiped the second master Guan.

Guan Yu was fighting for me, so he understood what I was thinking. He pushed the Qinglong Yanyue Sword forward, placed it on the neck of his second brother Feng, and asked sternly: "Are you willing to follow my master to eliminate violence and keep good people safe, or continue to be your gambler?" ?”

How could the second brother Feng not agree and nodded repeatedly? Only then did Guan Yu nod with satisfaction.

Then the two of them flew into the Eternal Spirit Ring together. Li Mazi witnessed all this and smashed it and said, "Is it so simple?"

"Is it difficult for tanks to fight infantry?"

I spread my hands helplessly.

Just kidding, the Eternal Spirit Ring is a life-saver at critical moments. I used it specifically to subdue my second brother Feng, which is already a big deal out of a molehill!

Li Mazi curled his lips and said that I had lost money this time. After all, other Yin spirits basically have certain attack capabilities, or they can use beauty traps like Zhao Feiyan and other beauties, but the second brother Feng Feng's force value is negligible, and he is still a gambler. Old fat man.

"Otherwise, let's just say you are superficial. Second brother Feng is a skilled worker and can be of great use!"

I said mysteriously, no matter how much Li Mazi asked, I didn't tell him.

The second brother Feng took the initiative to enter the Eternal Spirit Ring, which gave him a little more initiative than other Yin spirits. He did not have to wait for me to specifically summon him, he could show up on his own when needed.

Anyway, those who are addicted to gambling had better pray not to meet me, otherwise I will tell them what it means to lose even their pants, and they will never dare to gamble again in this life!

The second brother Feng's superb gambling skills can make people get stuck in it and be unable to extricate themselves. Looking at it from another angle can also give people a warning.

This is often the case, good and evil are just a matter of thoughts.

From last night's torment until now, the east has turned white. I sent Weiyu to Alai's house to guard, and Li Mazi and I returned to the hotel and had a good sleep.

When I woke up in the evening, I saw a lot of phone calls from Otama and Yulia.

Since Otama didn't come to me in person, it probably wasn't a big deal, or she had already taken care of it. I asked Li Mazi to get up and took him to Alai's house while I called Oyu back.

"Bad brother, Laying committed suicide..."

Oyu said in a low mood. I was so shocked that I almost jumped up and quickly asked her what was going on?

When La Ying plotted against Li Mazi yesterday, she used all her skills, but she was easily defeated by an umbrella.

At that time, we were all thinking about our own safety, but we ignored the most important point: after the head-lowering technique is forcibly broken by others, the head-lowering master will suffer serious backlash!

La Ying was only a half-baked student, and she was too young. She was seriously injured yesterday when we broke her head off. She no longer had the ability to rear the Five Poison Drop Insects again, so she lost the chance to kill Alai.

Laying, who thought there was no hope of revenge, cried in the corner for half the night. When it was almost dawn, her body recovered from the backlash of pain. She dragged herself to the graves of her mother and grandmother, took off her long trousers. Socks ready to hang from the tree.

Coincidentally, Alai, who had been in a coma, woke up just before dawn. He learned about his experience during this period from Yulia, and immediately ignored the dissuasion of Otama and Yulia and insisted on going to the horse. He went to apologize to his late wife, but when he walked to the tomb, he saw Raying hanging herself on a tree, and Oudama hurriedly rescued her.

When I relayed this incident to Li Mazi, he was suddenly stunned and asked me if there is anything predestined in the world?

"What did you say!"

I replied angrily, "Damn it, you've been with me for so long and you still ask such a retarded question." If there was no fate, how could Chu Chu die an hour before we got the Night Dragon Eater?

Li Mazi's face suddenly became painful. He rubbed his face and said, "I would rather believe that this is all just a mistake."

This time it was my turn to be stunned. He was right. Mistakes are what keep us nostalgic for the past. We can think whatever we want.

If it is really destined, then everything in the past seems to be meaningless.

We didn't talk any more along the way, and I felt more and more uncomfortable, but Li Mazi just felt sad for a while, and then became an optimist again.

Only then did I realize that he was truly a wise man!

When I walked into Alai's house, I saw him sitting on the bedside feeding Laying bite by bite.

His eyes were red and he was crying at first glance, while Laying opened her mouth silently to eat. Her face was not very pretty, but she didn't have the crazy hatred before.

I believe that Alai can learn a lesson from this incident and will never gamble again. As long as he maintains his love for Laying, his child will eventually accept him again.

After everything is settled, it’s time for us to return home. After all, there are potential dangers in Thailand at all times.

Alai seemed to know the rules of our industry and took the initiative to take out the black dice and give them to me.

I was very curious about the origin of this dice. He told me that this dice was made from a piece of Er Ge Feng Buddha amulet.

And when the amulet was cast, the ashes of Er Ge Feng were mixed in!

I'm not interested in Thai things, and besides, my second brother Feng is already in my pocket, so it's useless to ask for a broken dice, so I might as well just be a favor and leave the dice to him.

In this way, when he sees the dice every day, he will think of his dead wife!

He knelt down in gratitude and asked Yulia to take me to the mall to buy some gifts to take back home.

I didn’t refuse anymore. Anyway, I didn’t want to cause trouble with them, and shopping in Thailand is indeed very cheap. It is said that some media ranked the best places in the world for shopping, and Bangkok has surpassed Hong Kong to rank first.

In the end, Yulia bought a set of clothes for Li Mazi and I, and two LV bags for us to take to our wives.

It was too late for me to stop him, but fortunately Li Mazi just took it with a smile and didn't show too much sadness.

I quickly changed the subject and asked Yulia when she would marry Alai.

Even Laying can see her relationship with Alai. Now all the troubles have been solved, and she can officially take care of her brother-in-law in her sister's place.

"I'm not considering getting married at the moment. At least I have to wait until Laying's psychological problems are resolved!"

Yulia spread her hands and said generously: "However, I think we will remain lovers from now on."

"Ha ha."

I smiled kindly, picked a few red ropes from the shelf, knitted two Chinese knots on the spot, and used a spell to bless love and harmony on them, believing that it would promote their marriage and protect their family's safety.

It wasn't until the plane back home took off that a stone in my heart finally fell to the ground.

It's strange to say that no matter how dangerous the situation is at home, I still have the determination to fight until the last moment when facing a strong enemy, but when I go abroad, I feel inexplicably uneasy.

Perhaps this is the sense of belonging to the country and nation!

Two hours later, when the plane flew into Chinese airspace, my phone suddenly received a text message.

I opened it and saw that it was from Yulia: "Zhang, have you sinned against the Thais? There were a few head-dropping masters sneaking around my house just now, and they asked us to inquire about you. Fortunately, you have left."

"Peace of mind." I read the text message to Li Mazi and sent her a reply.

At this time, someone next to me suggested playing cards and told me in a subtle way that I could gamble money.

I felt that the old fat second brother Feng was ready to emerge from the Eternal Spirit Ring at any time. I looked at the guy in front of me and smiled maliciously!

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