Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 797: Man in Cotton Jacket

In the blink of an eye, it has been more than a month since I returned from Thailand. Wuhan has entered the hot summer, and the whole city seems to be plunged into a sea of ​​​​fire.

I have entered the "aestivation" period and rarely go out on weekdays. Fortunately, this is also the off-season for antique business, so my life is quite comfortable.

That day, I was sitting on the rocking chair in front of the store, leisurely tasting the Wuyishan Dahongpao sent by a former customer, Lu Ming. Li Mazi ran in from the outside, and when he saw my decadent look, his face was full of displeasure, and he said with a bit of hatred: "Brother Zhang, how come you are still in the mood to be idle? "

I was confused after hearing this. Nothing big happened recently. What is Li Mazi so anxious about?

"It's strange that people now come to Wuhan to travel on a hot day. Now the streets are full of tourists from other places. We might as well find a way to attract tourists here and take advantage of the opportunity to kill them. We can definitely make a fortune!"

After Li Mazi finished speaking, he turned around and packed up some fakes on the shelf, ready to sell them.

This must be because he has been lonely and idle recently, and his money-obsessed energy has come back again. I glanced at him helplessly.

After all, the young master is a millionaire. If he doesn't take a good rest on a hot day, why would he go out with him to solicit customers?

After a while, Li Mazi gathered all the counterfeit goods in the flagship store, and called the shopkeepers from the branches below to come over and help. They quickly packed up more than a dozen boxes of worthless gadgets. Li Mazi also acted as a dog-headed strategist and took a map of Wuhan's scenic spots to divide the respective combat areas.

"Er Donkey, you go to the Yellow Crane Tower."

"Xiao Guzi, I'll leave this part of Hubu Lane to you! Get me at least 20,000 yuan a day, or Brother Ma will castrate you."

As the shopkeepers were ordered to leave one after another, I quickly closed my eyes and pretended to sleep. Unexpectedly, this guy Li Mazi came over shamelessly to pester me, and even threatened to slap me with his slippers if I didn't get up.

Li Mazi already has athlete's foot, and he sweats easily in summer. His slippers were full of gas bombs. When I heard this, I was so frightened that I quickly opened my eyes and begged for mercy: "Mazi, you are my brother, tell me! You want me to do it." What……"

"now it's right."

He nodded with satisfaction, and I had no choice but to stand up and prepare to go out with him. Unexpectedly, at this moment, someone came to the door!

"Who is Master Zhang Jiulin? Help me!"

I heard the voice first and then saw the person coming. He was probably in his thirties or early forties, with an unshaven face that looked very decadent. The weirdest thing was that the temperature in Wuhan today was nearly 40 degrees, but the person was wearing thick clothes. A thick cotton-padded jacket.

Even so, his body was still trembling...

"Tell me what's going on?"

I quickly poured a glass of water and walked over to him. Judging from his appearance, he definitely wasn't crazy.

He was standing at the door, only three to five meters away from my rocking chair, but within the time I walked past these few meters, I could clearly feel the chill coming from his body!

At this time, Li Mazi just took out the bag he was going to use to collect money from the back room. As soon as he came out, he praised: "Brother, what brand of air conditioner are used here? The air conditioning is really powerful."

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw the man in the cotton-padded jacket, and his mouth opened wide in shock. After being stunned for a while, he stepped forward and patted the man on the shoulder as if he knew very well: "Brother, I really admire you people who are interested in art. "

"The Yin Ling brand air conditioner will do! What a mess."

I glared at Li Mazi, he was still playing art, it was a shame he could think of it.

After I yelled like this, Li Mazi was stunned again. Only then did he realize what was going on, and his expression became serious when he saw the person coming.

"What's going on?" I asked again.

A layer of frost had formed on the other party's eyebrows. He took the cup and took a big sip before saying tremblingly: "Master Zhang, there is a ghost in my house. Please help me!"

Is there a ghost?

As soon as he heard that there was a ghost, Li Mazi became more energetic and rolled his eyes, probably wanting to make another fortune.

Seeing Li Mazi's reaction, the visitor showed a trace of suspicion on his face.

Li Mazi seemed to realize that he was too excited, coughed awkwardly, and said seriously: "If you need anything, just ask! There is nothing in Wuhan that we can't solve."

The visitor nodded repeatedly and started talking to us. He called himself Gao Desheng and was an employee in a small county near Wuhan.

Originally, he and his wife Wang Qin were a very ordinary couple, and their daily life was not too troublesome. Although the couple sometimes quarreled, overall they lived a good life.

Some time ago, Gao Desheng was scolded by his boss for making a mistake at work. After returning home, he was in a bad mood and drank some wine.

After drinking, he looked at his wife with more and more disgust, because Wang Qin's body had not lost weight since giving birth, but had become fatter and fatter, and her skin had lost its former luster.

I don’t know if he was really drunk or just making excuses, but Gao Desheng looked at Wang Qin like a sow that night.

"You've gone too far!"

Before he could finish speaking, Li Mazi's face darkened and he interrupted him rudely.

Gao Desheng wiped the frost on his eyebrows and replied repeatedly: "Master Li is right, I regret it afterwards."

Li Mazi hated people who bullied his wife. He snorted and went upstairs. Although I also hated this kind of person, I was still curious about what happened next.

That night, when he was seeing his wife unhappy, Wang Qin happened to come to wash his feet with foot-washing water.

Wang Qin, who is already obese, loves to sweat. Coupled with the recent hot weather, she has done a lot of housework, so it is inevitable that she will smell.

Gao Desheng drank some wine and his head was dizzy. When he smelled the peculiar smell, he immediately exploded. He stood up and grabbed his wife and started beating her from left to right.

Wang Qin was stunned. When she came to her senses, her first instinct was not to fight back but to hide in the corner. Unexpectedly, the obsessed Gao Desheng didn't give up and rushed up and kicked her in the stomach. Wang Qin was in pain, her body lost its center of gravity and fell directly to the ground. Her head hit the dressing table. Soon, bright red blood flowed from her head. She twitched a few times and then stopped moving.

"Hey, is the sow dead?"

Looking at his motionless wife, Gao Desheng woke up from his drunkenness and roared with a guilty conscience.

At the same time, he leaned over to test her sniffing with his hands.

Unexpectedly, Wang Qin suddenly opened her eyes wide and Gao Desheng was so frightened that he sat down on the ground. This reassured Gao Desheng, but at the same time he became even more angry, and he was so angry that he wanted to hit Wang Qin.


Unexpectedly, before he could succeed, Wang Qin had already pinned his arm. Before he could react, Wang Qin slapped him hard with his other hand!

"Wang Qin, do you want a divorce?"

Gao Desheng was stunned because his wife never dared to hit him. She was a typical rural woman. She had been caring for her husband and raising children since she got married, and she didn't like him at all. Especially after the child was born, my wife was even more tolerant to herself. To put it bluntly, she was living a life of compromise.

He didn't believe that his wife dared to hit him, so after being beaten, his first instinct was not to hit him back, but to ask his wife aggressively if she didn't want to go through with it?

He believed that after saying this, Wang Qin would definitely cry and hug him. After so many years, he knew Wang Qin too well!

Unexpectedly, Wang Qin didn't cry, let alone hug him. Instead, she stared at him coldly without saying a word.

This kind of look made Gao Desheng feel so scared that he lowered his head unconsciously, not daring to look at her again!

Then Wang Qin ignored him and went to the bathroom to take a shower and then went back to the room to rest. She didn't make any sound the whole night.

For some reason, Gao Desheng couldn't sleep all night. He always felt that Wang Qin lying next to him was very scary!

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