Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 798: Terrified

"Brother, your wife obviously wants the serf to turn over and sing. This is normal! The rabbit bites people when it gets angry. If I just chop you up with a knife."

Li Mazi went upstairs for a while and then came back down. He happened to hear Gao Desheng talking about this part and made a particularly damaging comment.

"No, no, no, it's not just that..."

Gao Desheng's face turned red when Li Mazi said that. He shook his head violently, lit a cigarette and smoked it slowly. His face was gloomy, obviously recalling something terrible.

From that night on, his wife became particularly strange.

Wang Qin was originally very cowardly and listened to Gao Desheng in everything, but from that day on she became vigorous and resolute.

She changed her past life of being completely dependent on her husband, took care of all the things at home, and even went out to find a job.

It is said that on the first day of work, she completed all the work of everyone in the company by herself. This was not finished yet. She took the initiative to ask for new tasks from the leader, and then again exceeded the deadline ahead of schedule without showing any signs of fatigue, as if she had become ironclad. people!

If Wang Qin was like this from the beginning, Gao Desheng would naturally be happy from the bottom of his heart, but he knew his wife too well, so instead of being unhappy, he was a little confused.

Sometimes he felt that his wife had become like this because her brain had been damaged. Later, he went to the toilet in the middle of the night, and when he opened his eyes, he suddenly found his wife sitting in front of the dressing table looking in the mirror!

He was terribly sleepy at the time and asked his wife to go to bed early after going to the toilet. Then he hurriedly got into bed and fell asleep without paying any attention.

Later, he discovered that his wife would go to the dressing table to look in the mirror every night, and he suddenly realized a problem: Wang Qin did not turn on the light when looking in the mirror!

Who in the right mind would look in the mirror in the dark in the middle of the night? Is it possible that my wife is really stupid?

The more Gao Desheng thought about it, the more something was wrong. He didn't sleep well all night. The next day, he decided to find out the reason for Wang Qin's change. At night, he lay in bed early and closed his eyes, pretending to sleep.

After a while, Wang Qin also lay on the bed after washing up. It didn't take long before the sound of even breathing could be heard. After a long time, there was no sound.

Gao Desheng felt that maybe he was overthinking it, but maybe his wife had really changed her mind, right? During this period, Wang Qin also learned to dress up and insisted on losing weight. Her body was obviously much thinner than before, and her facial features became more and more refined, giving her a unique charm.

He felt happy when he thought of this, and fell asleep peacefully.

In the middle of the night, he woke up from peeing and went to the toilet, only to find that Wang Qin lying next to him was missing. He was about to turn on the light, but when he turned his head, his eyes widened: Wang Qin was sitting in front of the dressing table again!

Gao Desheng's heartbeat suddenly accelerated. He realized that something was a bit serious, but he still had the courage to look over and saw Wang Qin gently combing her hair in front of the mirror.

Through the mirror, he saw Wang Qin's face. She was wearing bright red lipstick, but her face was as pale as paper, like the face of a boy or girl burned to death!

This is... a ghost!

Gao Desheng's heartbeat was getting faster and faster, as if it would jump out of his chest at any time. He quickly reached out and covered his mouth, trying to pretend not to see it, but Wang Qin in the mirror seemed to have noticed him and grinned.

Gao Desheng completely collapsed at this smile, because Wang Qin's body had been twisted around, and the back of her head should appear in the mirror instead of her smiling face!

Gao Desheng wanted to yell loudly but couldn't. He was about to turn on the light but found that his body couldn't move and his breathing became difficult. It was as if a pair of invisible hands had grabbed his throat!

"What, are you scared?"

Wang Qin's voice was still gentle, but to Gao Desheng's ears, it was like a devil's curse!

Like a female ghost, she stood up and walked towards Gao Desheng step by step, her high heels making a squeaking sound with every step she took.

The room was unusually dark, with some moonlight filtering in through the gaps in the curtains and hitting Wang Qin's face, allowing Gao Desheng to clearly see her pale face.

"You...don't come here!"

Looking at Wang Qin getting closer and closer, Gao Desheng could only plead incoherently. Wang Qin squatted beside the bed and stared at him, her bloodthirsty eyes completely mistaking him for a dead person.

"I'll fight with you..."

People will explode when they reach their limit. Gao Desheng was so scared at this time that he had completely lost his mind. He grabbed the hot water bottle on the bedside table and threw it at Wang Qin.

Wang Qin dodged easily, as if she didn't expect Gao Desheng to do this. She was stunned for a moment before speaking: "Huh, if a dog can't change its habit of eating shit, it should be punished!"

After Wang Qin said this, she walked out of the room. Gao Desheng's mind was filled with the terrible scene just now. How could he care about his wife? I turned on the light and sat there feeling uneasy until daybreak before I felt relieved a little.

Hearing this, Li Mazi and I looked at each other in tacit understanding.

There is no doubt that Wang Qin is possessed by a ghost. Li Mazi glanced at Gao Desheng and felt that his condition was better than when he first arrived, so he asked: "Brother, are you scared like this by Wang Qin?"

"Screw you, your eyebrows get frosty when you're scared?"

I slapped him and asked Gao Desheng what happened next.

"Well, I felt a little cold since Wang Qin left. I thought I was scared out of my mind at the time. But later I realized that no matter how thick clothes I wore, it was useless. It seemed like there was an ice hole in my chest. The cold air is constantly blowing out, and I will freeze to death sooner or later if this continues, so I am here to ask for your help."

I looked at his pitiful look and couldn't help but sigh. As the saying goes, poor people must be hateful. This is absolutely true!

But his mistakes are not necessarily fatal. At most, he just fails to meet the moral standards. Besides, the female ghost was just scaring him, but she didn't take his life on the spot. She shouldn't be that kind of vicious evil spirit.

"Brother, take off your clothes first!" I said.

He was so frozen that he must have been unknowingly injected with yin energy into his body by the female ghost. Usually in this case, the range where the yin energy has moved will leave traces.

Sure enough, after Gao Desheng stripped off his upper body as I asked, I saw at a glance that his entire back had turned dark blue!

Li Mazi seemed to have gotten into a fight with Gao Desheng and deliberately took photos and showed them to him. Gao Desheng jumped up after seeing the photos, then knelt on the ground and begged me to save him.

"Close your eyes!"

I gave the order, and after he closed his eyes, I released Oudama, leaned close to her ear and whispered: "Suck all the Yin Qi from his body! By the way... drink some of his blood by the way." "

Weiyu has the same origin as Daji, and is a Yin spirit from the Yin and Shang Dynasties, so her body can accept the Yin energy of almost all Yin spirits. As for me letting her suck blood, it is just to teach Gao Desheng a lesson!

It's just that Oudama took the opportunity to rip off Gao Desheng, sucking her until Gao Desheng's lips turned white and refused to stop. If I hadn't taken her back in time, I would have sucked Gao Desheng into a mummy.

I quickly prepared a bowl of talisman water and drank it for him. When Gao Desheng saw the mark on his back disappearing, he bowed gratefully to me and Li Mazi.

But this can only guarantee that he will be fine for the time being. If he does not find out the Yin spirit and deal with it, it will be a useless effort.

Yin Xinyue has been busy filming a TV series called "Ten Miles of Peach Blossom" recently. I heard that the script was written by her best friend, so she worked very hard when memorizing her lines and basically forgot about me.

I thought about it and called her to inform her, then I packed up and rushed to Gao Desheng's house with Li Mazi.

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