Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 799 The Horror Dresser

Gao Desheng lives in a county near Wuhan. It took us less than two hours to drive to our destination.

He led the way and led us into an ordinary community. After turning left and right, we finally arrived at the door of our house.

When he took out the key and opened the door, I could already feel the strong Yin energy through the door. It must be that Wang Qin is back!

"Brother Gao, do you still dare to sleep in this place?"

Li Mazi naturally felt something unusual, smacked his tongue and gave Gao Desheng a thumbs up.

Gao Desheng felt embarrassed and said that he had been staying in a hotel recently...

After entering the door, I found that Wang Qin was not at home. Once again, I felt that Gao Desheng was unreliable. No matter how scared I was, I still had to care about my wife!

Needless to say, Gao Desheng didn't care about Wang Qin's life or death at all these days when she was possessed by a ghost.

It's just that the Yin spirits have left, why is the room still so cold?

I rubbed my hands and looked around carefully. Li Mazi was already shaking. While shaking, he cursed: "What the fuck, this room is so cold!"

At this time, Gao Desheng handed over two cups of tea. Li Mazi took a sip, then took my cup away and drank it. Still not satisfied, he asked Gao Desheng if he had any wine and said he wanted some wine to warm himself up.

"Um... Wang Qin threw away all the wine at home."

Gao Desheng's face turned red. It turned out that he had been honest since being beaten by Wang Qin. After Wang Qin lost the wine at home, he did not dare to buy it again.

"That's it, forget it."

Li Mazi simply stood up from the sofa, exhaling while asking me if I could see anything was wrong.

The yin energy in the room is so strong, either Wang Qin has returned recently, or there is a powerful yin thing in this room!

I looked around and found that the decoration of his house was quite new. It was obvious that he had moved in just a few years ago, and there was no sign of the old house being haunted. I couldn't help but think of the dresser.

According to Gao Desheng, Wang Qin was haunted by the female ghost after bumping into the dressing table, and she sat in front of the dressing table every night to put on makeup. I felt that it was probably the ghost, so I asked Gao Desheng to take me to see it. .

Unexpectedly, he said that he didn't even have the key to the bedroom. I suddenly felt that Wang Qin had gone too far... Are the couple taking turns to be domineering?

Seeing this, Li Mazi took out a small wire from his waist, inserted it and turned it a few times, and the door lock clicked open.

The moment I opened the door, a chill hit my face. Li Mazi and Gao Desheng's eyebrows immediately grew frosty. I quickly pulled them out and turned on the air conditioner and heater. After a while, the yin energy that had recently accumulated in the room was diluted. Only then dare to enter.

The furnishings of the room are very simple. When you enter the door, you see a TV hanging on the wall. There is a bed on the other side, a bedside table on each side of the bed, and a dressing table by the window!

The dressing table is entirely silver and is engraved with complex and exquisite patterns. Every pattern from the overall to the details exudes a sense of heaviness. Even Li Mazi, who has not very good eyesight, praised it repeatedly.

The pattern intertwined with the lines vividly shows the appearance of a dragon and phoenix entwined together. This is the totem of the Chinese tribe!

The Huaxia people are the predecessors of the Han people, but there are certain differences between the two. In addition to the original Huaxia people, the current Han people also include many Sinicized barbarians. However, the Huaxia people are the most primitive indigenous residents of China and believe in dragon and phoenix totems. .

The Huaxia clan lasted until the Jin Dynasty. Later, after the Five Husties invaded China and the Yiguan migrated south, the Chinese culture suffered a huge blow! Although heroes such as Ran Min, the king of martial arts, emerged and finally saved China, due to the sinicization and integration of the Hu people, totems of dragons and phoenixes appeared rarely after the two Jin Dynasties. In other words, this dressing table is at least the Jin Dynasty. Objects!

And the female ghost came out of the dressing table, so she is naturally a figure from the pre-Qin to Jin dynasties.

The dressing table was filled with many newly opened cosmetics, which showed that Wang Qin had indeed started wearing makeup recently.

There is a photo in the card slot under the mirror. One is Gao Desheng, and the other fat woman is undoubtedly Wang Qin. One of them is holding the hand of a little girl.

The faces of the girl and Wang Qin were full of happiness and joy. Only Gao Desheng had a droopy face. It was obvious at a glance that he took this photo reluctantly.

This little girl's eyebrows look very similar to Gao Desheng's. She must be her daughter. I'm very confused as to why she's not at home? When Gao Desheng told us what happened, he did not mention his daughter at all.

I was about to take the photo and take a closer look, but accidentally touched the mirror, and my whole hand was instantly numbed by the strong chill.

I reflexively prepared to pull my hand back, but unexpectedly, the mirror held my hand tightly like magic and couldn't get rid of it.

Upon seeing this, Li Mazi quickly came over to help hold my hand, and I panicked and asked him not to come close!

But it was still a step too late, Li Mazi was also sucked...

Not only that, I clearly felt a cold yin energy flowing down my arms and into my body. I quickly mobilized Ran Min's magical power and endured the pain to burn away the yin energy on it before I managed to escape.

I followed the same example and rescued Li Mazi from the mirror. Li Mazi didn't have the soul protection, and his face was already livid with cold.

He kept blowing hot air on his hands, and his eyes were full of fear when he looked at the dressing table.

"Two masters, are you okay?"

Gao Desheng asked worriedly. I didn't answer, but silently recited the Tao Te Ching. I didn't stop until my body was no longer so cold.

"how do you feel?"

Gao Desheng was probably afraid that if something happened to us, no one would help him, so he seemed particularly concerned about us.

Of course I didn’t believe how sincere a man who was not responsible for his family was, so I changed the subject and asked him where he got this dressing table.

"Um...a friend sent it."

He replied with twinkling eyes, and I knew in my heart that he must be hiding something. If I met such a person on ordinary days, I would definitely turn away and leave. However, I was particularly interested in this dressing table, so I said patiently: "To tell you the truth. , the female ghost came out of here!"

The reason why the host was unwilling to reveal the origin of the ghost object was very similar. Either it was obtained by deception or by robbing a tomb. I did not criticize him, but I just told Gao Desheng that his life would definitely not be saved if he continued like this.

Gao Desheng's eyes widened and his lips moved but he didn't say anything for a long time.

I patted his shoulder, skipped the topic for the time being, and asked him if he could contact Wang Qin.

"Aren't you talking nonsense? If he can't even contact his wife, what a fool he is."

Li Mazi interrupted and looked at Gao Desheng with a smile. As soon as he heard Wang Qin, he shook his head like a rattle and said with a mournful face: "Two masters, can you not call me? It's too late for me to hide from her now." Woolen cloth!"

Looking at Gao Desheng's horrified look, I knew he was completely frightened. I really don't know why such a timid person can be so arrogant when bullying his wife.

Since I couldn't count on him, I had no choice but to let Oyu out. Gao Desheng was so shocked when he saw a little loli suddenly popping out of my pocket that he almost fell to the ground. Oudama seemed to have heard our previous conversation, and probably felt unhappy with him, so he deliberately grinned viciously at him.

"Okay, let's get down to business first."

I pulled Oyu, pointed to the brown blood on the dressing table and said, "Feel the smell of blood, go out and look for this person!"

Yes, there are still blood stains on the dressing table where Wang Qin smashed his head and flowed out. It is perfect for Oyu to use it to find Wang Qin's location.

After Weiyu left, Li Mazi and I didn't want to stay with Gao Desheng any longer, so we went downstairs to a nearby small restaurant to drink some wine and take a look at some nearby scenery. We didn't return to Gao Desheng's house until the evening.

When he came in, he was about to go out. He said he didn't dare to stay at home because it was dark. I told him not to worry and just wait for news about Otama.

It was too easy for Weiyu to find someone. I remember that when it was looking for Junchen Yinling, it flew across most of China along the network cable.

But she went out for a long time today and didn't come back. I comforted Zhou Desheng on the surface, but I was a little worried in my heart!

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