Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 804 Joining the army in place of her father, Hua Mulan

"This is what Gao De wins and deserves!"

Wang Qin's voice suddenly rose a few decibels. Li Mazi and I quickly shut up. What if we angered her and got slapped again?

Hua Mulan walked out of Wang Qin's body, and the moonlight shone on her heroic soul, making her look a little more graceful.

Her facial features were exquisite and her eyebrows were so heroic. No wonder the soldiers couldn't tell that she was a girl.

Li Mazi looked at Hua Mulan and swallowed secretly, but Gao Desheng had already been pinched by Hua Mulan and fainted.

"Are you really Hua Mulan?"

Li Mazi didn't know if he was addicted to being slapped in the mouth or something else, but he was talking a lot of nonsense today.

"Don't you think I look like that?" Hua Mulan replied.

"You were born in the Jin Dynasty. Why is the Yin spirit attached to the dressing table of the Tang Dynasty?"

I glared at Li Mazi and told him to stop talking, and I tried my best to communicate with her in ancient terms.

"After my death, my soul has been wandering around. I have no grave, and I eventually turned into a lonely ghost."

Hua Mulan's voice was already very soft, and it became even softer when she said this, as light as a puff of smoke and sand.

After a generation of heroines passed away, there was no place for their souls to rest. I couldn't help but sigh.

Legend has it that during the distant Northern Wei Dynasty, ethnic minorities continued to harass, burn, kill and loot from the south. So the country stipulated that every household must have a male to take up arms and guard the border!

But at that time, Hua Mulan's father was already old and seriously ill and could not go to the border at all, and her younger brother was still young. Therefore, Hua Mulan decided to disguise herself as a man and join the army in place of her father.

From then on, Hua Mulan began a fighting career that lasted for more than ten years. Going to the border to fight was a difficult task for many men. Hua Mulan had to conceal her identity and go into battle with her friends to kill the enemy. This is more difficult than ordinary people joining the army! Fortunately, Hua Mulan finally completed her mission and led the soldiers to defeat several times the enemy.

On the day of victory, Hua Mulan finally changed into a woman's dress, revealing her black hair. Because of her great achievements, the emperor pardoned her crime of deceiving the emperor, and at the same time hoped that Hua Mulan would continue to command the three armies.

However, Hua Mulan refused because she had an old father to take care of at home, and she returned to her hometown in fine clothes.

For thousands of years, Hua Mulan has been a role model for Chinese women. Her deeds have even been spread to Europe and the United States, and she has become a goddess in the eyes of European and American feminists. The song "Mulan Ci" that praised him has been translated into the languages ​​​​of dozens of countries and has been recited for a long time.

A general will die in a hundred battles, and a strong man will return after ten years.

Take off my war robe and put on my old clothes.

When the window is undressed, the mirror is decorated with yellow decals.

We have been together for twelve years, but we didn’t know Mulan was a girl!

It's a pity that ancient times are ancient times after all. Women should support their husbands and raise children, rather than go to war. Hua Mulan is simply an anomaly.

Therefore, Hua Mulan's image has been belittled in subsequent dynasties, and there is not even a decent cemetery.

It was not until the prosperous Tang Dynasty that the great Emperor Taizong rectified Hua Mulan's name. Hua Mulan finally had a luxurious tomb, and the burial objects inside included this dressing table.

Originally, she planned to stay for a while and then leave. After all, there was no Yin Qi in the tomb, so it was of little use to lonely ghosts.

Later, Hua Mulan found out that the dressing table could continuously release Yin energy, and then she settled down. However, Mulan's tomb was later stolen, and the dressing table ended up in Gao Desheng's home.

I nodded and continued to ask: "Why do you want to possess Wang Qin? This will kill her."

Hua Mulan didn't say anything after hearing this, but Yanyan suddenly yelled: "She deserves it! She deserves to die!"

I really can't understand Yanyan, and I really want to ask her: What happened to your parents?

Hua Mulan looked at Yanyan who was a little out of control and sighed, then slowly told me.

Twenty years ago, Gao Desheng was a student about to take the college entrance examination. At that time, China had just begun to develop. As a rural student, Gao Desheng had his own great ambitions. He wanted to enter a good university and then develop in a big city!

It's a pity that Gao Desheng's parents are farmers. How could a peasant family afford a college student at that time?

Gao Desheng's parents made him drop out of school and found a girl for him to marry. That girl was Wang Qin.

At that time, Wang Qin was not as obese as she is now. On the contrary, her good figure made Gao Desheng's eyes light up. At that time, he even felt that it was not a very wrong thing to drop out of school and go back home to get married.

He began to get along with Wang Qin. Wang Qin had the unique simplicity of rural people. Sometimes her face would turn red shyly because of Gao Desheng's little move, which was very cute.

Gao Desheng felt that this girl was his goddess, and soon they held a wedding.

Gao Desheng lost himself in his self-righteous love. He thought that this lily-like girl would understand him, but he forgot that Wang Qin was just a rural girl who dropped out of elementary school.

From today's perspective, we may not be able to understand this abnormal combination, but when the daily necessities of life replace the original heartbeat, the contradiction arises.

Gao Desheng considered himself an intellectual and disdained working in the fields, so his father asked someone to find connections and sent him to a government agency in the countryside as a small civil servant.

This job made Gao Desheng feel face-saving, so he agreed.

As time passed, Wang Qin transformed from the fresh young girl into an ordinary rural woman. Gao Desheng became more and more disgusted with Wang Qin, and simply moved to the township commune.

Even Wang Qin herself didn’t expect that she would become pregnant not long after Gao Desheng left!

After Gao Desheng's parents found out, they took Wang Qin for a check-up. When it was confirmed that she was pregnant, the two elderly people were overjoyed.

The second elder wanted to call Gao Desheng to tell him the good news, but Wang Qin stopped him.

Wang Qin wanted to tell Gao Desheng the good news herself, so like a girl in love, she came downstairs to the dormitory where Gao Desheng lived.

Thinking of Gao Desheng's happy expression when he learned the good news, Wang Qin felt very happy.

At this time, she saw a couple walking out of the apartment, the woman clinging to the man.

Wang Qin looked at this scene, and her heart felt as if she had been cut by a knife. That man was his husband Gao Desheng!

For the sake of her husband's reputation, Wang Qin chose to forgive him, but Gao Desheng never said a word of apology from beginning to end. She had never mentioned these things to others in these years.

When Li Mazi heard this, he spat angrily at Gao Desheng, who was already unconscious. While spitting, he cursed: "Are you still a human being, treating your wife like this?"

Hua Mulan calmed Li Mazi and Yan Yan's emotions and continued to tell the story.

For Wang Qin, being married to someone meant spending a lifetime, not to mention that in that era she would never be able to get married again if she got divorced.

But Wang Qin was very cowardly and never came to her. Until one day the woman came to the house to meet her father-in-law and mother-in-law.

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