Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 805 Chinese Tragedy

From then on, Wang Qin lost her status in the Gao family. Since Gao Desheng Xinhuan was the daughter of the village leader, the villagers all supported Gao Desheng and slandered Wang Qin.

In desperation, Wang Qin had no choice but to agree to divorce and abort the child.

Because, Gao Desheng said that the child was conceived by Wang Qin when she stole from someone else!

Later, Gao Desheng couldn't stand the temper of Xinhuan's young lady, and he began to miss that simple rural woman, that Wang Qin who silently gave everything for him.

The two got together again and later gave birth to Yanyan. But Gao Desheng's masculinity has not changed at all, so he doesn't like his daughter at all. However, because Wang Qin had had an abortion before, she could not get pregnant again after giving birth to Yanyan. The two of them only had one child, Yanyan.

This made Gao Desheng very angry. In addition, his wife was severely out of shape due to the increase in hormones in her body due to taking medicine. In the end, she completely hated her. She called Wang Qin a fat pig with open and closed mouths, and beat Yanyan and Wang Qin all day long.

Hua Mulan couldn't stand it anymore, so she walked out of the dressing table and possessed Wang Qin. As long as Gao Desheng beats the mother and daughter, Hua Mulan will beat them back!

After all, Hua Mulan has been with Wang Qin for twenty years. She watched Yanyan grow up little by little, and watched her suffer Gao Desheng's abuse again and again!

Although Hua Mulan lived more than a thousand years ago, after twenty years of contact, she actually regarded Wang Qin and Yanyan as her relatives.

Gao Desheng intensified his efforts to bully their mother and daughter, but Hua Mulan kept putting up with it because she knew Wang Qin was putting up with it for the sake of her daughter and did not want to destroy the family.

It wasn't until Gao Desheng pushed Wang Qin onto the dressing table a few days ago that Hua Mulan finally made up her mind to kill him, and then what happened next happened.

After Hua Mulan said this, she asked me what I was thinking about now.

"Gao Desheng is a scumbag!" I paused: "But my mission this time is to see you off."

"Only when Gao Desheng's matter is resolved can I leave with peace of mind."

Hua Mulan stated the condition and it was the only one she cared about.

I agreed directly and looked at Li Mazi. Li Mazi tacitly took a pot of cold water and poured it on Gao Desheng's head. He woke up with a jolt.

Mazi and I felt sorry for him before, but now we find him disgusting no matter how we look at him!

"Master Zhang..." He looked at me first, then saw his wife, children and the extra Hua Mulan, and was a little confused for a moment. "

I quickly told everything, hoping that he could change his ways and live a good life in the future.

What I never expected was that after hearing this, he raised his head and slapped Wang Qin hard, and cursed: "You damn sow, how dare you join forces with ghosts to scare me! Are you tired of living?" ?I will send you to the West right now!"

Hua Mulan was completely angry, kicked Gao Desheng away, and shouted sternly: "Gao Desheng, what else will you do besides beating your own wife?"

"This is my wife. Whether I fight or not has nothing to do with you!"

Gao Desheng was knocked to the ground, but he was still arrogant.

At this time, Yanyan, who was watching from the side, couldn't bear it anymore. She rushed over crazily, took out a pair of scissors from her pocket and stabbed the unsuspecting Gao Desheng in the throat!

Blood spurted out, and Gao Desheng's face was filled with disbelief.

As if Yanyan had not finished venting, she pulled out the scissors and inserted them again, repeating this three or four times!

Not only Li Mazi and I, but also Hua Mulan were stunned. In the end, it was Wang Qin who woke us up with a scream.

She rushed over like crazy and begged me to save Gao Desheng, but I didn't have the ability.

His throat was dug into a hornet's nest, and there was nothing he could do to save him!

This ending was unexpected by each of us, and everyone was willing to give him a chance, but he himself did not repent.

When Hua Mulan and I persuaded Wang Qin to mourn, Li Mazi took the scissors from Yan Yan's hand, took them under the faucet and cleaned them over and over again, and then walked over and stabbed Gao Desheng in the stomach like a madman. Two knives.

"I killed the person, and it has nothing to do with you."

Li Mazi rotated the scissors with one hand and touched Yanyan's pretty face with the other hand: "Don't be afraid, I have everything under my control."

"Are you crazy?"

It took me a long time to react before I was convinced that Li Mazi wanted to help Yan Yan take the blame, so I got up and punched him in the face.

If he really takes the blame for his wife, forget it, but who is Yanyan?

Li Mazi's nosebleeds were splashed everywhere by me, but he was not angry. He wiped the nosebleeds and leaned into my ear and said, "Brother Zhang, Yanyan and Chuchu looked exactly the same when they were young. That's enough!"

I was stunned again, and after taking a closer look at Yan Yan, I realized that she was really similar to Chu Chu. However, due to different ages and different hairstyles, I didn't recognize her at all, but Li Mazi recognized her at a glance.

This is Li Mazi's machismo, there is nothing he cannot do for love!

This is much better than Gao Desheng's selfish machismo.

Many people in society still maintain the idea of ​​​​valuing boys over girls. They look down on women and think that it is enough for a woman to be able to have children and take care of her husband and children.

A girl once said on the Internet: I can make money by myself, clean the house by myself, and do everything by myself, so what’s the point of having a man?

She seems to be right, the feelings are mutual and the relationship between husband and wife should be equal.

A marriage like Wang Qin's that relies on tolerance has no meaning. She only wants to give her children a complete family, but she neglects one point: growing up in this environment, children lose far more than they gain!

In the end, Li Mazi was stopped by me. Yanyan surrendered and was later sentenced to six years in prison. Wang Qin finally saw through the world of mortals after going through so much and went to Qiyun Mountain in Anhui to become a Taoist nun.

Including the deceased Gao Desheng, it was a tragedy for the whole family.

The scary thing is that this kind of family tragedy is not an isolated case. How many people are injured, divorced or even lose their lives due to domestic violence every year?

If the issue of equality between men and women cannot be recognized from an ideological level, unfair relationships between husband and wife will always exist, and the problem of domestic violence will only become more and more serious!

After Hua Mulan left, I auctioned off her dressing table, and all the proceeds were invested in the Care for Women Foundation.

I think this is an eternal tribute to Mulan. Who says women are inferior to men?

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