Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 808 Crazy kid

Although I was a little nervous, I still frowned and walked in when I thought of the Mu family.

With the faint light of my mobile phone, I saw that the first floor only had a bar counter and a few sofas for guests to drink tea.

After taking a few steps, I felt like something was stuck under my feet. When I looked down, I was shocked to find that the white floor had been dyed dark red!

Only then did I notice the smell of blood in the air. The red liquid that had condensed under my feet was undoubtedly blood.

Whose blood is this? Has the youngest son of the Mu family hurt someone?

Judging from the bloodstains on the ground, the Yin spirit has been committing murder for some time. Where is the tail jade?

For a while, countless questions came to my mind, and I became more and more worried.

"Please, save my child."

At this moment, a woman's voice suddenly sounded above my head. I suddenly raised my head and looked in the direction of the sound, but saw nothing.

"Holy shit..."

I cursed in a low voice and slowly raised the invisible needle.

The sound just now seemed like an illusion, but many years of experience tell me that the more I think it is an illusion, the more dangerous it is!

I walked cautiously to the second floor. The higher I went, the more blood stains on the ground became more and more intense, and the smell of blood in the air became stronger. Looking at the new leather shoes that Yin Xinyue had just bought for me, I felt depressed.

"Please, save my child."

The woman's voice sounded again just now, and the surrounding air suddenly became extremely cold.

I quickly took out a magic talisman and clamped it on my fingertips, and shouted sternly: "Where did you come from, a wild ghost, how dare you pretend to be mysterious in front of me? If you know the truth, please show your true colors quickly!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the light at the entrance to the corridor on the second floor turned on, and a blurry shadow gradually appeared in the blind spot of the light, and finally turned into a woman dressed in simple clothes.

Before I could say anything, she knelt on the ground and begged: "Master, please save my child!"

The female ghost became more pitiful as she spoke, and two lines of bloody tears slowly flowed from her eyes.

Before I could say anything, the female ghost changed her appearance. Her entire face and even body were covered with stab wounds. One of her eyeballs had been blown out, leaving only a black eye socket. The other eyeball was also damaged. He was caught hanging on his face.

She had obviously died not long ago, so she could not last long before she turned into her dying appearance. Thinking of the blood stains at her feet and the words of the female ghost, I trembled in my heart, could this be Boss Mu's wife? His family has been killed?

"Calm down and tell me what happened?"

I tried to keep my voice as low as possible, for fear of irritating her. Once she becomes obsessed at this time, she may become a ghost, and then I will be faced with the dilemma of dealing with two ghosts.

"My little Huanhuan wanted to kill my eldest son and daughter. I was hacked to death by Huanhuan to protect them... Oh my god, what evil have I done!"

Sure enough, she was really Boss Mu's wife. Now that Mu Huanhuan had broken free from the control of the spell, I couldn't wait any longer and quickly asked, "Where is Huanhuan now?"

Mrs. Mu was very happy when she saw that I wanted to help her. She floated up to lead the way for me, and followed her to the end of the second floor, where I saw her body!


I sighed softly. Mrs. Mu couldn't help but feel sad when she saw her body, but she thought of her children and took me elsewhere.

"Brother, sister, don't you usually like me the most? Why don't you play with Huanhuan now?"

As soon as I arrived on the third floor, I heard an extremely aggrieved child's voice, and what he said next made me feel terrified.

"Brother and sister, don't you want Huanhuan? Huanhuan will kill you all, so that you will never leave Huanhuan again!"

A child actually said such vicious words, I couldn't accept it for a moment, but Mrs. Mu suddenly opened her eyes and pointed at Huanhuan, as if she saw something.

Only then did I react and quickly opened my eyes to look over. I was shocked to see a white-faced child in red clothes lying on Mu Huanhuan's back.

"You guy, you killed your own mother and also mutilated your brothers and sisters. Has your conscience been eaten by dogs?"

As Oyu's voice came from a room, I breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that she had saved Huanhuan's brother and sister.

"Hey, come out quickly!"

Huanhuan ignored Oyu and continued to call his brothers and sisters. It seemed that the ghost attached to Huanhuan had a very deep obsession with his brothers and sisters and would not give up until they were killed!

"Master, you must save my children."

Seeing the scene in front of her, Mrs. Mu prayed again.

I nodded and said to myself that the most important thing for a ghost dealer is cause and effect and virtue. Naturally, I couldn't let the ghosts run wild, so I immediately took out the invisible needle and threw it at the red child.

All the Yin spirit's attention was looking for Huanhuan's brothers and sisters, and I stabbed them.

This was my chance to deal with it once and for all, but I controlled my force and just wanted to give it a warning.

Yin Ling was in pain, turned his head and looked at me, and asked without emotion: "Uncle, are you here to save my brother and sister?"

Black smoke began to emit from the place where Huanhuan's body was punctured by the invisible needle, and her cute little face was full of loss and sadness.

For a moment, I felt sorry for this child.

"Uncle, you bullied me."

In just the blink of an eye, Huanhuan's voice turned cold. He stared at me viciously and roared extremely angrily: "I want you to die, I want you to die."

Huanhuan's eyes gradually turned scarlet, the black air around it became more and more intense, and the entire face of the Yin spirit on its back turned dark blue, and its mouth opened and closed, as if it was accumulating strength and preparing to eat it in one bite. I.

"Bold Yin Ling, you dare to be so presumptuous here. If you know what you are doing, surrender immediately, otherwise I will directly send you to the Nine Nether Hells and you will never be reincarnated!"

I yelled to cheer myself up, but Huanhuan ignored me and rushed over to me.

This crazy kid didn't play by the rules, so I took a step back, drew out the Silver Moon Scimitar, and started fighting with him head on.

Unexpectedly, it looked like it was going to kill it, but when it came to me, it started to play in circles. It didn't fight me head-on. Instead, it kept circling me with its small body. I didn't want to kill it directly, so I was a little bit defensive at the moment. a feeling of.

Just for a moment, my shoulder went cold, then there was a heartbreaking pain, and blood spurted out.

Damn it, this little brat actually tore a piece of flesh from my shoulder!

Then, Huanhuan actually ate my meat raw in front of me. Red blood was flowing in the corners of his mouth. He stuck out his tongue and licked it while smiling at me.

Ignoring the pain in my shoulders, I quickly took out four talismans and stuck them around me, sat down cross-legged and recited the spell.

This is a simple spirit trap that can trap Yin spirits inside. It is no problem to use it to protect me now.

Since I had a one-shot mentality, I only brought an invisible needle and a scimitar. After seeing that the Yin spirit was a child, I softened my heart and decided to help it.

In this way, I almost have nothing to suppress it, so I have to turn offense into defense to temporarily avoid the sharp edge!

It's already past four in the morning, and if I hold on for another hour, it will be bright. By then, the Yin spirit will definitely leave Huanhuan temporarily, and I will have a chance to deal with it.

"Qi Men Dun Jia, connected with the Eight Trigrams in all directions, invites gods to trap spirits, and blocks the way for wronged souls."

As I recited the spell, the spiritual talismans in all directions suddenly floated up, and a few more silver rays of light appeared out of thin air between the spiritual talismans, enveloping me inside.

All this happened within a few seconds. As soon as I finished setting up the formation, Huanhuan rushed over again.

Fortunately, the trapping spirit array was already in effect. Huanhuan bounced back and forth many times, and every time he bounced back, a stream of black smoke would come out of his body.

Gradually, Huanhuan no longer fought hard, stopped, pretending to be pitiful and said: "Uncle, can you come out and play with Huanhuan?"

A black line appeared on my forehead, and I thought to myself, are you a fool for treating me like a young master? If I keep playing with you, I'll probably have to fight the Black and White Wuchang Landlord...

"Little bastard, I have no time to talk to you."

I cursed angrily and felt the pain in my shoulder getting worse and worse. Even though I sealed the blood vessels, a lot of blood still seeped out from the wound.

I was a little worried that if I stayed up until dawn, my arm would become useless.

"Uncle, don't you like Huanhuan, do you like your brothers and sisters?"

Huanhuan's voice became extremely aggrieved, but his face was still fierce. The look in his eyes seemed to want to tear me into pieces.

I swallowed my saliva. They say that the King of Hell is easy to mess with and the kid is difficult to deal with. This guy in front of me is not difficult to deal with. He is clearly unreasonable.

"Bad brother, are you here?"

Oyu heard my voice and asked a question from the room. I shouted loudly: "It's me, how are you doing there?"

"Bad brother, you don't know how scary this kid is. I watched him hack his mother to death with my own eyes."

Oudama's words were originally an apology to me. After all, she came a step too late and caused a life.

Unexpectedly, these words seemed to stimulate Huanhuan, the little brat, and the black air around him turned into dark red airflow, which was constantly rolling.

Damn it, it seemed like it had completely gone berserk. If it didn't leave, no one would be able to leave. I shouted hurriedly: "Oudama, run away with the Mu family, the little bastard is going to be angry!"

After hearing this, Weiyu immediately agreed, but Huanhuan also completely lost his patience. He rushed forward and knocked open the door of the room where Weiyu was.

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