Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 809 Huanhuan

My heart suddenly tightened, for fear that Huanhuan would catch its brothers and sisters. Fortunately, when the door was opened, the inside was empty. The glass on the outside window was broken. It seemed that Oyu had taken them away.

"You are actually protecting them, I want you to die, I want you to die!"

Seeing that Weiyu and the Mu siblings were not in the room, the red mist on Huanhuan's body became deeper, and the yin energy rolled more and more fiercely.

Only then did I realize that I was still in danger, and I couldn't help but beat a little drum in my heart.

"Uncle, you should be the first to die!"

Who would have thought that such words would come out of the mouth of a nine-year-old child, and it would be said in a very normal way, as if discussing what to eat for dinner.

Huanhuan kept hitting the copper wall that I transformed using the trapped spirit formation, and blood was coming out of his forehead, but he still had no intention of stopping.

If it continues like this, even if it can't break through my formation, it will die of excessive blood loss first.

I was still anxious, thinking about what to do. The aperture outside the mental formation was much weaker, and Huanhuan quickly broke it.

Huan Huan laughed even happier. He licked the blood flowing from his forehead and said sinisterly: "Uncle, you can't hide."

Damn, this little ghost is clinging to me like a dog-skin plaster. Looking at the cracks that are getting bigger and bigger, I feel calmer. People can't be choked to death by peeing, and I won't let it kill me. I.

This trapped spirit formation is my last warning to it. If it breaks through, I can only say that its fate is doomed today!


Just when the formation was about to collapse, a rooster crowed outside the window. It was the most beautiful sound I had ever heard. I looked outside and found that the east had turned white, and I breathed a sigh of relief.

I thought that God still didn’t want this evil spirit to be dispersed.

Huanhuan glared at me fiercely at dawn, and then passed out.

The little Yin spirit had left his body. I hugged Huanhuan on the bed and wanted him to sleep for a while. Unexpectedly, the child slept very lightly and woke up as soon as I put him down.

He looked at me without any recognition, but instead threw himself into my arms and cried sadly.

"Uncle, was this injury caused by my bite? It's all my fault. If I hadn't fallen asleep, these things wouldn't have happened."

Seeing Huanhuan crying so sadly, I had no choice but to hug him, but my heart felt distressed. I'm afraid this child doesn't know that he hacked his mother to death with his own hands, right?

After comforting Huanhuan, I was about to call Li Mazi, but unexpectedly Li Mazi called me first. I was just about to tease him, but Li Mazi said in horror and self-blame: "Brother, the fat man is gone!"

It was really a wave of ups and downs. I was worried that something would happen to Lao Fei, but I didn't dare to leave Huanhuan here, so I had to lead him to Kunming together.

As soon as he entered the room, Li Mazi asked at the top of his lungs: "Brother, you went out to kill someone last night. Why are you covered in blood?"

"Li Mazi, why did the old fat man disappear? What on earth is going on?"

I didn't care to talk nonsense with him and asked, covering the wounds on my body. Li Mazi shook his head and said that he didn't know. When he went to bed last night, the old man was still there, but when he woke up today, he found that he was gone.

"Li Mazi, the fat man might have gone out temporarily because of something. Can you please not be so surprised?"

I said speechlessly, Li Mazi has learned to lie about military information now, I really want to beat him to death.

"Brother, I called Fatty, but he never answered. I waited for two hours before calling you..."

Li Mazi lost his playful smile and said worriedly.

I couldn't help but think deeply. The old man has always been very stable and would not disappear for no reason. Thinking of his behavior in the hotel last night, I couldn't help but feel worried.

"Nothing will happen to the fat man, right?"

Mazi asked again, and I shook my head and said that I didn’t know either. I thought he had some ability, but now it seems that this guy is just a blank slate...

"Bad brother, how did you do this?"

Odama heard my voice and came out of the next room. He asked in surprise when he saw me covered in blood.

"Stop asking, where are the Mu family?"

Wei Yu pointed to the room next door. I ignored Li Mazi and Wei Yu and walked to the next room on my own.

There are some things that need to be understood clearly from the Mu family, otherwise I am afraid that in the end it will just be water in a bamboo basket, which will be of no use.

As soon as they entered the door, they saw two children with frightened looks on their faces when they saw someone coming in.

They looked very much alike. They were all fair and white, and they looked like twins. The only thing that made people feel sad was that one of the boy's sleeves was empty.

Thinking back to what I heard others chatting in the restaurant that day, I knew that his arm was chopped off by his younger brother!

"Nini, take your brother to the next room first. This uncle is here to see dad."

The speaker was a man, about forty years old. Although his face was decadent, his words were gentle. It was obvious that he was Boss Mu.

After Nini left with the boy, Boss Mu looked at me with tears in his eyes and said, "Are you Master Zhang who saved us last night?"

After saying that, he leaned forward on his knees and was about to kneel down to me. It is said that men have gold under their knees, not to mention that he was older than me. I quickly stopped him, but I tore open the wound on my body.

I greeted the eighteenth generation of Xiao Yinling's ancestors in my heart, and it wasn't until Boss Mu asked me if I had anything to say that I came back to my senses.

"Boss Mu, tell me honestly, have you ever harmed anyone?"

Generally, little ghosts like this won't pester people easily unless they are seeking revenge, so I think Boss Mu may have harmed children before intentionally or unintentionally, otherwise it has no reason to keep an eye on the Mu family's children.

After listening to what I said, Boss Mu looked at me with disbelief and said: "Master, I, Mu Zhentian, have lived an innocent life. Although I have never done any great good deeds, I can still live up to my conscience. I don't know, Master." Why do you ask?"

I smiled awkwardly and told him my thoughts and experiences. Boss Mu nodded in understanding, but insisted that he had never harmed anyone.

I took a closer look at his heavenly appearance, and I saw that he was indeed an honest and responsible person. It seemed that I had made a mistake, but since there was no grudge, what was the matter with that little guy?

There was no news from the old man for a whole day, and he didn't even come back at night. I was almost sure that something happened to him, but I just didn't know where he went and what happened?

These questions kept swirling in my mind, and I felt like my brain was going to explode.

At this moment, Li Mazi suddenly called me and shouted: "Brother, the kid you brought back is crazy!"

Of course Li Mazi was talking about Mu Huanhuan, and my heart skipped a beat. Could it be that the evil spirit was so powerful that it could explode and hurt people even in broad daylight?

I quickly ran to the room where Huanhuan was, only to find that Huanhuan was just sitting on the bed crying, and Oyu was sitting next to him, watching him.

I breathed a sigh of relief and asked Oyu what was going on. She shook her head and said, "I saw his mother."

I slapped my forehead hard, wondering how could I forget this?

When I came back in the morning, I brought Mrs. Mu’s ghost back with me, and planned to help her redeem herself after the matter was settled.

After all, she died a tragic death, and if left unchecked, she would turn into a ghost. Mu Huanhuan had been possessed by a Yin spirit during this period, and her body's Yang fire was weak, so it was normal to see ghosts.

At this moment, Mrs. Mu also came out. She tried hard to make herself look like she used to be, but she was not good enough and always ended up looking like she was covered in stab wounds after only a few minutes.

She looked at her little son with distressed face and wanted to hug him, but she couldn't do it because of the different paths between humans and ghosts.

"Mom, I'm sorry..."

Huan Huan was crying so hard that she could hardly speak. I watched the tragic mother and son from the side and was deeply affected. I vowed to capture the little Yin spirit and subdue it, and bring justice to the Mu family!

What is the origin of the little Yinling? It is a child prodigy and hates its family. To be precise, it hates its own brothers and sisters...

I always feel that these clues are constantly guiding me in one direction, but I can't grasp it.

But the most important thing right now is how to contain it tonight. If it bites off a few pieces of flesh again like last night, I will be useless.

I cleaned the wound with iodine, and Li Mazi was helping me. When he saw my exposed bones, he clicked his tongue and said, "That little bastard must have used so much strength to tear off such a big piece of meat in one go."

His grandma is a whistle-blower. Li Mazi is sincerely trying to cause trouble for me!

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