Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 811: Hide and seek with ghosts

"Brother Zhang, do you have any clues?"

Li Mazi suddenly expressed concern, which surprised me. After all, this kid has not been very active since he was tricked into coming to Kunming.

When he saw this expression on my face, he made a gesture of contempt towards me angrily.

When I returned to the hotel, Boss Mu was feeding Huanhuan. I said hello to them and went back to the room to lie on the bed, constantly thinking about recent events: child prodigy, ship with nicks, hateful brothers and sisters, and the Three Kingdoms. period……

As I was putting all the information together, a name suddenly popped into my head, and the idea shocked me.

If what I think is right, this matter may be somewhat difficult.

Night fell again, and Huanhuan still remained silent.

At this time, there was a sudden creaking sound outside. I had been sleeping very lightly, so I woke up immediately. He listened carefully and found that the noise was coming from outside the door, as if the person was deliberately suppressing his own noise.

It seems that it is coming!

I shook Li Mazi gently, and Li Mazi was woken up by me, staring and about to go crazy. I quickly covered his mouth with my hands, pointed at the door and winked at him.

Li Mazi was stunned for a moment, then took out his parasol from one side and stood on guard.

As the noise outside became louder and louder, Li Mazi and I became more and more nervous, but then the child living next door suddenly started crying loudly.

Li Mazi and I rushed over and found that the door next door was open. We rushed in and turned on the light. We were shocked to find that the old fat man was squeezing the neck of the little boy with a broken arm, his face full of violence and perverted excitement!

"Old fat man, what the hell are you doing?"

Li Mazi yelled, and the old man was stunned for a moment, and then strangled the little boy's neck harder.

Seeing that the little boy was already rolling his eyes, and if he didn't take action, he would be strangled to death, I quickly let Otama go.

After she came out, she glanced at the current situation and quickly rushed to Boss Mu and the little girl who was awakened.

Huanhuan is protected by the Sleeping Spirit Array, and she only needs to protect Boss Mu and the little girl.

"Uncle, are you going to mess with me again?"

The old fat man looked ferocious at the moment, he looked at me with a grin on his face, and the words he spoke turned out to be a childish voice.

His mother was so pissed off that I asked Huanhuan why he had been so quiet these past two days. I dare say the evil spirit in him has now attached itself to the old fat man.

"Kid, killing someone is against the law."

Li Mazi was obviously frightened by the battle in front of him, and it took him a long time to say such a painful sentence.

"This guy is the one who committed the murder. What does it have to do with me?"

This little bastard is so smart, he actually knows how to kill someone with a borrowed knife. If the little boy with a broken arm is really strangled to death, even if the old fat man is not sentenced, his reputation will be ruined and he will be unable to hold his head up for the rest of his life.

"Haha, am I still afraid of the threat of a brat like you? Do you believe that I will destroy you?"

I deliberately provoked it so that it would temporarily let go of the one-armed boy.

Sure enough, after I finished speaking, the little Yinling's attention shifted to me, and I saw the old fat man let go of the one-armed little boy and walked towards me, sneering as he walked.

"Uncle, can you play hide and seek with me? As punishment, the loser will lose an organ, okay?"

This guy is really perverted. He paid for his loss a few days ago, and now he has changed his body parts. I really wonder how he got there when he was a child.

Seeing that I didn't speak for a long time, the little Yinling became anxious, the old fat man's eyes turned scarlet, and the surrounding atmosphere gradually became thicker.

It seemed like it was going to do it again, so I carefully placed the invisible needle in my hand and prepared it.

The old fat man grinned and smiled sinisterly: "Uncle, can I come to you first?"

After saying that, it turned into a black mist and hit my mouth. I took the opportunity to cast a look at Li Mazi. Li Mazi ran over and moved the Mu family with Weiyu in tacit understanding.

In an instant, there were only two of us left here again.

I already know its details, so naturally I won't be so restrained anymore and just put the Silver Moon Scimitar in my hand.

"Giggle...Uncle, where are you? Have you hidden yourself? I'm coming to find you."

Following the little Yinling's voice, the black mist slowly enveloped me. I felt like I was plunged into darkness, with only the old fat man's penetrating voice constantly echoing in my ears.

I placed the scimitar in front of the Heavenly Palace to ensure that I would not be eroded by the yin energy, and at the same time, I kept reciting the mantra silently to increase my spiritual power.

The only sound left in my ears was the footsteps of the old man. I became more and more nervous, and cold sweat broke out on my forehead.

"Uncle, where are you?"

"Uncle, it turns out you are not here, then where are you?"

Every time the little Yin spirit said something, the fear in my heart would increase. The psychological pressure it brought to me was far greater than the actual harm it could cause me, and I went a little crazy.

At this time, I suddenly heard the excited voice of Little Yin Ling: "Uncle, so you are here, I found you."

I felt extremely nervous for a moment.

"Uncle, you lose."

The little Yinling spoke again, and the voice came from above his head.

I suddenly looked up and saw the old man lying on the ceiling like a gecko, looking at me and drooling...

There was no more black in the old fat man's eyes, and both his eyes turned red, like two burning candles.

I took a breath of cold air and was about to speak when the old man suddenly jumped down from above his head. This posture was similar to the long-lost toad skill in the world.

Fortunately, the young master had gathered his spirit and quickly hid aside. If he had been hit by it, his head would have been damaged.

It missed the target and pounced again, but I dodged it again. After several times in a row, Xiao Yinling became angry: "Uncle, you lost the hide-and-seek game and you didn't accept the punishment?"

Its voice suddenly rose in pitch and was so sharp that I felt like my eardrums were about to burst.

"Baby, I didn't say I wanted to play with you."

After a few rounds, I was so exhausted that I was out of breath, and my fatness was getting worse and worse. I had no intention of spending any more time.

"Uncle, you bullied me!"

Seeing Lao Fei, a 6-meter-8 tall man huddled together and crying like a child, I couldn't help but feel a chill in my heart.

"How did I bully you? You look at the wounds on my body and you still have the nerve to say it?"

"Uncle, if you stop me, I will kill you!" the old man said with teeth and claws.

"Cao Chong, if you have the ability, get off the old fat man."

I was angered by it, and cursed angrily. It recognized it by me, and I was in a daze for a while.

This was a good opportunity. I used the invisible needle to seal the important acupuncture points on Lao Fei's body, and put a magic talisman on his forehead.


Only then did Cao Chong come to his senses, screamed loudly, and was forced to withdraw from Lao Fei's body.

Now Cao Chong is livid all over, especially his face has turned purple, and his originally pretty and cute little face is completely ruined!

Historical records record that Cao Cao's youngest son, Cao Chong, died of illness when he was just thirteen years old. But how could he have such strong resentment if he died of illness?

"How do you know I am Cao Chong?"

It was obvious that he was very careful about protecting the privacy of his name, and he became nervous after I exposed him.

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