Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 812 Death of Cao Chong

I was just stunned for a moment, then I had an idea, and then asked: "Please answer me a few questions honestly first. It is recorded in the history books that you died of illness at the age of thirteen. Is it true or false?"

Cao Chong was obviously very sensitive to this issue. After hearing it, the aura around him suddenly became much stronger!

I quickly held the machete in front of me, thinking that if it kept banging, I would kill it.

Unexpectedly, after a while, it smiled mockingly and said helplessly: "The person who wrote the history book is really good at arranging it, and actually gave me such an ending."

"In the 13th year of Jian'an, my favorite brother Cao Pi poisoned the sugar water I drank with rat poison."

Speaking of this, Cao Chong's Yin Qi weakened. It is probably that he has special feelings for Cao Pi, right?

On the one hand, she hates him, but on the other hand, she hopes for her brother's love.

I suddenly understood why it wanted to deal with Huanhuan's brother and sister crazily. The poison Cao Pi administered made Cao Chong feel obsessed.

"Cao Chong, why are you attached to that sunken ship?"

I sighed and asked my second question. But Cao Chong obviously lost his patience at this time and bared his teeth and said: "Uncle, if you protect the two of them like this, then you should die."

Cao Chong suddenly launched an attack, and Yin Qi kept coming out of his body. Every move was aimed at my vitals. Fortunately, I had a scimitar in my hand, so I didn't let it take any advantage.

"Die... you all must die!"

Cao Chong had completely lost his mind at this moment, and the yin energy around him was so strong that it could bleed. I had already stepped out of the formation during the fight, and now I had to either kill it hard or be prepared to be injured by it next.

I was thinking about this, but Cao Chong seized the opportunity and rushed towards me, ready to bite my throat open. I hurriedly hid back, but I still couldn't dodge completely, and it dug a gash in my arm.

"Damn it, how could Cao Cao, a great tycoon, give birth to such a difficult kid?"

Looking at this unreasonable child, I greeted Cao Cao speechlessly, and then I slapped my forehead fiercely. It suddenly occurred to me that if Cao Chong disobeys, I can ask him to come out and teach him a lesson!

I looked at the Eternal Spirit Ring on my hand, bit the tip of my tongue and squirted blood on it, and instantly heard the sound of the little Ring Spirit waking up.

"Summon Cao Cao to fight immediately!"

I didn't say anything nonsense when the situation was urgent, and the little Nazgul also chose to summon it very effectively.

Looking at Cao Chong who was eyeing me covetously, I felt secretly happy. If I can't cure you, just find someone who can!

Cao Chong didn't notice my little move, he smiled sinisterly, and then rushed towards me.


At this time, Cao Gong's majestic voice came, and Cao Chong instantly froze on the spot, his eyes becoming complicated. There were surprises and shocks, but more importantly, the children felt aggrieved when they saw their father.

Cao Cao appeared next to me holding a seven-star sword. He was wearing a red robe, a black face and a long beard, and he was so domineering that he shot into the sky.

After Cao Chong came to his senses, he bowed deeply to Cao Cao: "Chong'er, I have met my father."

This worship spanned a thousand years, and even Cao Cao, who had just been summoned, couldn't help but have red eyes.

Naturally, there was a lot to say when father and son met. I very wisely carried Lao Fei to the next room, hoping that Cao Cao could convince the little guy.

After putting Lao Fei on the bed, I found that this guy had no other problems except that his yang energy was much weaker, and I couldn't help but feel relieved.

Moreover, after Cao Chong possessed and left, the red mist wrapped around the old fat man's wrist disappeared.

Anyway, with Cao Cao's help, I didn't have to worry anymore, so I just fell asleep.

I don't know how long I had been sleeping, but suddenly there was a burst of yin energy next to me. I suddenly looked up and found that Cao Cao and Cao Chong were already standing in front of the bed.

Cao Chong was shirtless and carried a bundle of thorns on his green back, obviously carrying the thorns to plead guilty.

"Mr. Cao, this..."

I'm a little embarrassed. If it were an ordinary Yin spirit, I would just let it go. But this guy Cao Chong killed the Mu family's mistress alive. It would be too unfair to the Mu family to let him go easily.

Seeing that I was unmoved, Cao Cao actually took a step forward, pointed at the Silver Moon Scimitar beside me, and then pointed at himself.

He looked resolute and told me clearly that if Cao Chong had to be held accountable, he would be punished.

It is a tradition in Chinese ethics for a son not to teach his father. It is understandable for Cao Cao to do so, but how could I dare to fight Emperor Wu of Wei...

"Cang Shu, why don't you kneel down!"

Seeing my hesitation, Cao Cao turned and yelled at Cao Chong.

Cao Chong immediately knelt down in front of me obediently, not daring to disobey Cao Cao at all.

It seems that if I had called his father out earlier, things would have been much easier to solve.

"Cang Shu, do you know your mistake?" Cao Cao growled.

"My child knows his fault."

Cao Chong raised the thorn stick with both hands and handed it to his father. Cao Cao took it and slapped Cao Chong again and again.

Shocking scars appeared on its originally dark green skin. Although Cao Chong was in severe pain, he gritted his teeth and did not let out a scream.

"Come on, you two must have planned it beforehand and staged this cruel trick."

I reluctantly stepped forward and took the vitex away from Cao Cao's hand. He had been in the Eternal Spirit Ring for so long and had come out to help me more than once. Speaking of which, we have been friends for thousands of years.

According to seniority, Xiao Cao Chong really has to call me uncle, and my family Fanfan has to call Cao Cao uncle.

Cao Cao did this just because he wanted to tell me: "This is my youngest son. I have decided to protect him today. It's up to you..."

I suddenly felt dizzy, but regardless of my personal relationship with Cao Cao, I would inevitably ask him for help in the future, so I had no choice but to agree now.

But I still have to think of a foolproof way to make the Mu family forgive Cao Chong, otherwise the way of heaven will cycle and retribution will be unpleasant. Even if I let it go, someone else will naturally deal with it later.

But Cao Chong caused the family to be ruined. Is there any discussion on this matter?

After Cao Cao finished speaking, he took Cao Chong away, but I was trapped in a dilemma, pacing back and forth in the room helplessly.

"Brother Zhang, please don't leave. It will make my head hurt if you leave..."

Li Mazi couldn't help but said, and the old fat man understood me very well and answered: "Let him go, Jiulin is like this when he thinks about things."

Alas, you really understand me at a young age!

"Brother, what do you have to worry about? Anyway, you saved their whole family, and the Mu family owes you such a great debt. What's the problem in asking them to forgive Cao Chong?" Li Mazi said carelessly.

This kid will come up with some bad ideas. If I really dealt with the problem like this, the antique store would have been smashed long ago.


I sighed and continued thinking.

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