Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 813 Cao Chong’s Story

In the end, I decided to let Cao Chong go to the Mu family in person to plead for forgiveness. Cao Cao and I could observe in the dark, but we couldn't appear, lest we accidentally influence the wishes of others.

After all, Cao Chong is a child. He became unruly and unruly after being blinded by hatred, but now he has become docile and pleasant after being scolded by Cao Cao. When it thought of killing Huanhuan's mother and turning Huanhuan's brother into a cripple, it felt so guilty that it had no face to apologize.

Fortunately, Boss Mu was thoughtful and saw what I was thinking, and took the initiative to pull Cao in. But he only promised that he would no longer bear grudge against Cao Chong, but he did not guarantee whether the children had other ideas?

I used Xuanguang Technique to display the scene in the next room in the void, and stared at it with Cao Cao.

After the three children saw Cao Chong, their faces changed with fear and their bodies huddled together. It wasn't until Boss Mu said that Cao Chong came specifically to apologize that the three children relaxed a little.

Huanhuan was the first to adapt. Pointing at Cao Chong's green skin, she asked cautiously, "Why did your skin get like this?"

Cao Chong thought for a long time before slowly telling a story that had been dusted for thousands of years.

Cao Chong is the youngest son of Cao Cao. He has been smart since he was a child. He did something that shocked the government and the public when he was less than ten years old: weighing the elephant!

At that time, an elephant was sent to Soochow. Cao Cao wanted to know the weight of the elephant, so he came to test his scribes.

However, the elephant was so huge that even the scribes couldn't come up with a solution.

However, Cao Chong suggested: Put the elephant on the big ship, carve marks on the submerged hull parts, weigh the same stones, and compare the two.

Cao Cao was very happy and immediately implemented this method. As expected, he knew the weight of the elephant.

From then on, the story of Cao Chong's title of Xiang became famous all over the world. Coupled with Cao Cao's love for Mrs. Huan, many ministers wanted to recommend Cao Chong as the heir apparent. Even Cao Cao himself had such an idea.

But Cao Chong's triumph made Cao Pi feel the crisis!

In fact, in Cao Chong's heart, Cao Chong is not only his brother but also his idol. After all, he followed his father on the battlefield at a young age and made many military exploits.

Cao Chong fantasized about being able to fight for his father like his elder brother when he grew up.

In the tenth year of Jian'an, Cao Chong had his own counselor, the prodigy Zhou Yuanzhi. The two of them hung out together all day long, and while playing and laughing, they were able to analyze military and national affairs in a clear and logical manner, which made Cao Pi feel even more threatened!

In the thirteenth year of Jian'an, Cao Chong will never forget that day!

He specially bought beautiful gifts to celebrate his brother Cao Pi's birthday. Unexpectedly, Cao Pi put highly toxic rat poison in the sugar water that Cao Chong drank.

Cao Chong will always remember the pain of his heartbroken heart after drinking that glass of sugar water. At that time, Cao Cao led his troops on an expedition, and Cao Pi had the final say in the entire Xudu. No matter how much Mrs. Huan prayed, Cao Pi did not relent.

Seeing his mother faint from crying, Cao Chong gradually lost strength and vomited blood until he died!

"Cang Shu, don't blame my brother for being cruel. If not, blame you for being too smart." Cao Pi said coldly as he looked at the corpse on the ground.

Cao Chong felt aggrieved. He didn't know why the brother he admired so much was so cruel. Is power and status really more important than family ties?

As time went by, Cao Chong saw his mother's death with his own eyes, saw his third brother Cao Zhi being exiled after completing his seven-step poem, saw his fourth brother Cao Zhang dying of melancholy after his military power was taken away, and saw his sister-in-law Zhen Mi die with hatred!

The third brother is right, boiling beans burns the bean sprouts, and the beans weep in the cauldron. They all grow from the same root, so why be too hasty in frying each other!

Cao Chong called the elephant the most glorious moment in its life, and the peach wood above it could nourish its soul. Cao Chong lived on it, and has been running along the river for thousands of years, and somehow ended up in Yunnan.

So when the vendor sold the small peach wood sword made from peach wood, he saw how harmonious and loving the Huanhuan brothers were, and felt jealous. It was only due to hatred that such a tragedy happened.

The children of the Mu family all cried after hearing Cao Chong's story, and even Cao Cao next to me cried.

The Mu family was kind-hearted and quickly decided not to hold any grudge against Cao Chong. They just prayed and asked me if I could help the children's mother to be rehabilitated.

It is true that people who die in vain can return to their souls, but Mrs. Mu ran around right after her death. Her soul is incomplete and cannot be recalled. I can only shake my head with regret.

"Master, if we take over the situation, can we bring Mrs. Mu back to life?" As soon as I finished speaking, Cao Chong asked suddenly.

I was stunned for a moment, looked at it, and then looked at Cao Cao.

Cao Cao was also stunned, but when he saw me looking at him, he just waved his hand to indicate that he didn't care.

"Have you thought about it?" I asked distressedly.

Cao Chong wanted to use his own soul to reshape Mrs. Mu's soul. To put it bluntly, it was an exchange of lives between ghosts. In this way, Mrs. Mu would have a high chance of being reborn, but Cao Chong would definitely be dead...

Cao Cao's refusal to express his opinion was actually a disguised rejection. I also think this is a bit cruel. But Cao Chong insisted again and again, so I had no choice but to grit my teeth and agree.

I wrote a document, the general meaning of which is to tell about the miserable life experience of Cao Chong. He recently did something wrong and regretted it very much after he regretted it. He also got the forgiveness of the victim's family. Now Cao Chong wants to sacrifice himself to save the people who were killed by it. I hope to get permission from Lord Yama.

After writing it, I asked all members of the Mu family to sign their names as witnesses, and then wrote the birth dates of Mrs. Mu and Cao Chong with a cinnabar pen.

Then I set up an altar, burned incense and lamps, and prayed to heaven with mantras.

Gradually, dark clouds began to appear in the sky above us, followed by bursts of thunder. I became more and more nervous and repeated the incantation quickly, but I didn't expect that there was a muffled thunderclap, which directly extinguished all the incense candles on the altar!

This shows that Cao Chong should not have died today, and it also shows that Mrs. Mu's life has come to an end. King Yama does not agree, so I can only regretfully let the Mu family prepare for the funeral.

This is the case with many things. It is not what we want, and the reality will never change based on our expectations!

Mrs. Mu died after all. From that day on, there was an extremely smart little boy beside me. Boss Mu’s family still opened an inn in Dali.

Their family is so kind, and they will be rewarded in the future. However, during the time that Cao Chong stayed with me, he always suspected that I had a poor IQ. To put it bluntly, it was not completely tamed, so I left it in the care of the man in the T-shirt.

After finishing this matter, I was going to ask Yin Xinyue to go on a trip. Unexpectedly, after her last drama was completed, she started filming a new drama. She is also a small model worker. However, her new drama is quite interesting. It is a remake of the touching "Not a Family" Brothers" TV series.

The play tells the story of a couple who treat their adopted son and biological son equally, while the two brothers are better than biological brothers even though they know they are not relatives. It is very touching.

This is in stark contrast to Cao Pi's attitude towards his brothers.

In recent years, stories of sibling cannibalism have been popping up on the Internet, which make people feel funny and a little sad at the same time.

Which of those people who are at war with each other are not doing it for profit or money?

For these two things, he disregarded brotherhood and even brutally killed his own brothers and sisters!

Could it be that the better people live, the less humane they are? Will Cao Chong's tragedy happen again?

Isn’t the allusion of the heptameter enough to alert the world?

Boil the beans and burn the pods, and the beans weep in the cauldron. They all grow from the same root, so why fry them in a hurry?

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