Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 814 Songshan Shaolin Temple

Cao Chong has been staying in Lost Way Temple in Hong Kong recently. What makes me unhappy is that Cao Chong thinks that my IQ is not online, but he admires the man in the T-shirt very much.

The man in the T-shirt also begged me for a rare occasion, wanting to take Cao Chong with me, so I had no choice but to give the little prodigy to him.

A major event happened during this period: Yanyan was sentenced to death!

After Yanyan killed her father, she was not sentenced to death but was sent to a detention center. She had excessive defense at the time and had surrendered, so the sentence was not severe.

Li Mazi also visited her every three days, thinking that he would pursue her after she came out. Unexpectedly, Yanyan was bullied by other female prisoners after she entered.

It is common for old people to bully newcomers. Yanyan tolerated it at first, but those people got worse and Yanyan, who was already rebellious, finally broke out!

That day, she secretly sharpened the end of the toothbrush and stabbed the prison boss's throat while everyone was sleeping. The prisoner died on the spot without even making a sound.

Afterwards, Yanyan felt that she couldn't get out anyway, so she might as well kill a few more scumbags. She killed two female bullies in a row and was discovered when she was about to kill the fourth person.

He maliciously killed several people in a row in prison. The crime was extremely serious and he was sentenced to death without any suspense.

After learning the news, Li Mazi locked himself in the house and didn't go out for several days!

I didn't want him to go on like this, but he was too interested in feelings, not to mention that it was hard to persuade him. I could only call Xiaomeng back and try to stay with him to help him get out of his depression.

That day I got up and prepared to give him some breakfast. Unexpectedly, as soon as I opened the door, a bald man appeared in front of me. He opened his mouth and called me: Brother Zhang.

I took a closer look and saw that Li Mazi had shaved himself completely bald.

"What are you trying to do..."

It took me a long time to realize that this hair style was too avant-garde.

"I want to become a monk so that I can pay off her debt!"

Li Mazi's tone was very calm. He took a look at the meat buns and millet porridge I brought. He actually only drank the rice porridge and left the meat buns untouched.

Seeing Li Mazi, who used to have sex and never have sex, become like this, I didn't know what to do for a while. But he ate with gusto. After finishing the meal, he looked up and asked me if I could accompany him to the Shaolin Temple, saying that he wanted to worship Buddha.

It was rare that he wanted to go out for a walk, so I quickly agreed and drove straight to Songshan, Henan.

Songshan Mountain is not very high, so in addition to the steps for Buddhists to climb, there is also a minivan that can go directly to the top of the mountain. According to my idea, I took a minivan and went up directly. However, Li Mazi was nervous and had to take the steps, and there were three steps at a time. Kowtow once every five steps.

I came specifically to accompany him, so I had no choice but to comply with his wishes. However, he had a big bald head and acted like a serious Buddhist fan, which attracted the attention of many people around him. I had no choice but to talk to him. Opened some distance.

Even though Mazi's appearance was so outrageous, there were still many people from the tour group who came up to try to win over us along the way, but I pushed them all away. I have the spare money to give them, so why not just have a meal for myself!

The weather was already hot in midsummer, and there were so many people around. I was so tired after climbing halfway up the mountain, so I bought a watermelon and started gnawing on it.

It's just that fruits are too expensive in this poor place. A watermelon costs more than 60 yuan. The most annoying thing is that I can't finish it myself. I want to give it to Li Mazi, but this guy doesn't want it. He said he can't eat anything before going up the mountain to worship Buddha.

This spirit... makes Zen Master Baimei, who has been cultivating Buddhism all his life, so embarrassed!

As we were approaching the top of the mountain, there were many people descending on the road. It seemed that they were all coming to worship Buddha, and they were all very happy.

I have always disagreed with the idea that Buddhism and Taoism belong to the same family. I am still more sentimental about Taoism, so I didn’t pay attention to the Buddhist elements on the road, and instead looked at the surrounding scenery.

As I was walking and looking, I was suddenly hit and almost stumbled.

Damn it, if I fall, I'll have to roll all the way to the bottom of the mountain.

"Aren't you so short-sighted?"

I cursed, turned around and looked over, only to find that the other person was just a child of about ten years old, with an unkempt appearance and yellow and dry skin. It was obvious at a glance that he had not eaten or bathed for a long time.

When the child saw me turning around, he was so frightened that he immediately knelt down and kowtowed to me to apologize. This made my anger dissipate instantly. I quickly raised my hand to help him up, but he wouldn't get up.

There were many people watching the excitement gathered around me. I was about to forcefully drag him up, but unexpectedly he suddenly rolled his eyes and fainted.

"Isn't it because of porcelain?"

I thought to myself, after all, there are always such people around the scenic spot. I squatted down and checked, and found that he had indeed fainted, and there were more and more people around. I had no choice but to let Li Mazi go to worship Buddha by himself, and then hugged him. I took my child down the mountain and found a clinic.

The doctor said that there was nothing serious about his health, but that he had fainted recently due to lack of water and food. In the end, he was given a bottle of saline and a bottle of glucose.

After the intravenous drip, he still didn't wake up, and it was already dark now. I took him back to the hotel and ordered another large plate of chicken braised noodles, as well as two bowls of tofu curd and spicy spicy soup.

This is a specialty of Henan, and it is also the favorite food of ancient Chinese people. Especially the spicy spicy soup, although it looks dark and unattractive, but it is delicious and nutritious. I must drink a bowl every time I come to Henan!

After the takeaway arrived, I was just about to wake the child up when I found that he had already woken up and was sitting nervously on the edge of the bed, drooling while looking at the food, and secretly looking at me.

Seeing how pitiful the child was, I smiled and asked him to come down to eat. The child immediately smiled happily, jumped out of bed and grabbed the chicken with his dirty hands. As soon as he touched the plate, he quickly pulled his hand back and said embarrassedly. : "Uncle, I'm used to eating like this, I'm sorry..."

"It's okay. I used to catch it with my hands when I was little."

I tried my best to coax him, and bravely picked up a piece of meat and put it into my mouth. He became happy, but he still took a pair of chopsticks and started eating carefully.

He quickly swept away all the food. Even the spicy soup I bought for myself was consumed by him, leaving only two kelp shreds. I wiped his mouth, then asked him how he ended up in this situation, and where was his home?

I can't keep him forever, and I don't worry about letting him leave on his own, so I just want to help him find his family.

When he heard what I said, tears fell down. He looked exactly the same as when I was a child. Every time I cried, my grandpa would hug me.

I held him in my arms. He cried for a while, as if he was tired, and then he stopped and twitched and told me what happened to him.

His name is He Xiaolong. His hometown is in a rural area below Shangqiu, Henan. Both his parents are farmers. His father also goes out to work during the slack season. Over the years, the family has been starving to death and cannot support themselves. They live in poverty but are very happy. happiness.

But starting from the beginning of spring this year, a drought suddenly broke out in the village. First, God refused to drop any water, and then the rivers in the village dried up one after another, and all the wells in the village behind them bottomed out. In the end, there was only one well left in the village with water, but the water was not drinkable at all. It was black and smelly, and those who dared to drink it would soon die of ulcers all over their bodies.

People in the village who have earned money by working in other places have long since taken their families away, and now there are only a few poor families left who cannot leave.

The wheat in the fields was about to mature, but because of the lack of water, it was all ruined. Many people were faced with a situation where they could no longer survive.

He Xiaolong's father worked outside all year round and had a certain understanding of the outside world, so he wanted to take his family out. However, Xiaolong's grandmother, who had never left the village her whole life, refused to leave, so his father had no choice but to send money to the family every month. Then Xiaolong went to the village outside to buy water every day.

Some time ago, Xiaolong's grandmother finally couldn't bear it anymore and passed away. There was a filial piety rule in the family, so his parents had to stay and observe filial piety. But they felt sorry for Xiaolong, so they sent him to his cousin's house in the city for temporary refuge.

Unexpectedly, less than half a month later, my cousin and aunt began to target Xiaolong. At first they just beat and scolded him, but later they even refused to give him food.

Xiaolong was so hungry that he couldn't stand it anymore and ran away from his cousin's house. But he didn't know how to get home and he didn't have any money, so he begged near the Shaolin Temple, relying on the porridge and rice occasionally given out by the temple and the money he earned from picking up scraps. Just getting by...

But where are there so many scraps to pick up?

He soon stopped. This was not the first time that he had fainted from hunger like today.

After hearing this, I felt very sorry for this child, so I took him out to buy a set of clean clothes, gave him a thousand yuan, and then took a Didi taxi. After the driver came, I took him directly to the supermarket and bought several large barrels of purified water. water, and then ask the driver to take Xiaolong back to his hometown in Shangqiu.

It's one thing to feel distressed, but there's only so much I can do. I just hope that after he goes back, his family can survive the drought with the help of this water.

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