Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 819 Bronze Demon Cauldron

Then I picked up two bundles of dry firewood nearby, spread them on the ground, and lay down on them to sleep. At about two o'clock in the afternoon, Oudama woke me up. It was mid-afternoon, the time of day when the Yang energy is strongest.

By this time, the Hao family and his son had already prepared everything. I sat cross-legged on the ground and poured myself a bowl of Talisman water. Then I took a broken broom and plunged into the hole. After entering, I swept the bottom vigorously, and then jumped up. Back outside the cave.

Finally, I soaked the broom in the iron bucket containing the black dog's blood, returned to the hole, and dug it up with a shovel.

Whenever I encounter resistance or the black energy is rising again, I will grab the broom stained with black dog blood and pat it, and the negative energy will be contained!

I kept digging like this for more than two hours. I was so tired that I couldn't bear it anymore. I sat on the ground and gasped for air. My heart was somewhat unbalanced.

I came here to help them without asking for fame or fortune, so forget it if I don’t thank you. Now I’m risking my life for them, but no one stays to help! Thinking of this, I angrily threw the shovel on the ground, but suddenly I heard the sound of metal colliding.

When I heard this sound, I felt happy. I picked up the shovel and shoveled around a few more times. After confirming that I heard it correctly, I dug hard as if I had been given a shot of chicken blood. After a while, I saw A dark green edge.

It was covered with mold. I rubbed it with my hands and found that it was a piece of bronze.

I speeded up and wanted to dig it out, but I didn't expect that it was a big thing and I couldn't dig it out by myself. I raised my head and called Xiaolong to call other villagers.

After receiving the news, the villagers immediately came to help with ropes, crowbars and shovels. A group of us kept digging underground and dug a circular tunnel around it. Only then did we see clearly what was hidden in the soil. What the hell?

Bronze tripod, this is a bronze tripod three to five meters high!

Seeing this scene, the villagers were excited. If such a big thing was a cultural relic, it was most likely a national treasure-level cultural relic. They dug even harder.

After all, there is strength in numbers. With the help of the villagers, it didn't take long for us to dig out the entire cave entrance. I was just thinking how to get this bronze tripod out? We heard a rumbling sound from above, and then Uncle Hao called us up.

It turned out that Uncle Hao knew that this guy was difficult to lift, so he specially hired a crane to help. With the help of the crane, he directly pulled the bronze tripod up from the ground!

The villagers gathered around me out of curiosity, and many even asked me what it was.

The tripod is a symbol of power. Although it has been manufactured since the pre-Qin period, it is rarely as large as this. So I can conclude that this is an ancient tripod produced in the Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasties.

Such a large cauldron must have been used for sacrifice, but I can't tell which dynasty it was during the reign of which monarch?

This is related to whether I can find out the identity of Yin Ling. After thinking about it, I took a photo and forwarded it to the man in the T-shirt.

According to his eyesight, it shouldn't be difficult to identify this cauldron!

Because several young villagers posted pictures on their mobile phones, the incident quickly alerted the town government and even the county government. After a while, large and small cars arrived, including many so-called experts.

I have no interest in those experts at all. Besides, I am self-aware and understand that such a bronze tripod is not something I can covet.

Originally, they wanted to take him away directly, but the villagers refused, and they reached a deadlock for a while.

Because of the sentiments of the villagers, the leaders of the relevant departments had no choice but to temporarily put the bronze tripod here. However, they wedged several thigh-thick wooden stakes outside and tied the ancient tripod with iron chains, making it clear that it would be handed over to the state. .

As a reward for the unearthed ancient tripod, the relevant departments contacted a professional well-drilling team to survey nearby areas where there might be water. The wells were drilled on the same day, and the villagers had almost no shortage of domestic water.

There has been a severe drought in the village for some time, and several people even died of thirst. The superiors all had an attitude of not knowing. However, as soon as a cultural relic was unearthed, the superiors immediately sent people to dig a well. Is this an irony?

Now that the drought here has been resolved, it stands to reason that I should leave, but the ghost only appeared once in my dream.

I'm afraid that guy will act mischievously again after I leave, so I need to find out who it is?

The man in the T-shirt quickly called me back. He said with certainty: "No doubt, this is the bronze tripod used by the kings of the Yin and Shang Dynasties to worship the sky!"

The man in the T-shirt paused for a moment before speaking in a low voice: "And it's very likely that it was used by Di Xin. If it is really it, I'm afraid you won't be able to deal with it..."

The more he talked, the more excited he became, and in the end he told me bluntly that if I interfered with Di Xin's affairs, I would probably be killed by it.

The man in the t-shirt never joked about such things, and I couldn't help but feel nervous.

Emperor Xin is actually the famous King Zhou of Shang in history. It is said that he was so powerful that he could pull nine oxen by himself. He was also very talented and managed the country even more powerfully after he came to the throne.

However, there were unforeseen circumstances. Just as Emperor Xin sent out all the Shang troops to prepare for an expedition to other places, the ambitious King Wu of Zhou suddenly rebelled and fought madly.

Seeing the rebels approaching the city, Emperor Xin sighed and finally burned himself to death, followed by the demise of the Shang Dynasty.

In order to justify his rebellion, King Wu of Zhou tried every means to discredit the dead Emperor Xin. For example, Emperor Xin doted on the Demon Queen Daji, was licentious and immoral, dug out the hearts of his ministers, killed loyal people, set up cannons and tortures, etc.

Coupled with the influence of the later novel "The Romance of the Gods", everyone believed that Emperor Xin was a tyrant. Emperor Xin can be said to be the most hacked king in history...

His subjects betrayed him, his throne was taken away from him, his body was left intact, and he was despised by all the people.

Di Xin's resentment must have reached a terrifying level over the years! If I really fight against it, I probably have no chance of winning.

"I seem to have...provoked it."

Recalling the dark shadow that came to me last time, I suddenly felt a little scared and said weakly to the man in the T-shirt.

The man in the T-shirt was silent for a long time, then gritted his teeth and said, "Send me your address and I'll go over and have a look!"

He still cared about me so much, and I felt warm in my heart. I was about to report my address, but then I thought again and said seriously: "You don't have to worry about it. If there is any trouble, I will ask you for help. I believe I can handle it."

"Be careful!"

He has never been a person who likes talking nonsense. Seeing that I didn't need him to come, he hung up the phone directly.

After hanging up the phone, I quickly asked Uncle Hao to cook pots and pots of mung bean soup and put them all in a water tank.

Then I called all the people who participated in digging the pit and asked them to go in and take a bath one by one.

Regardless of whether the Yin spirit is Di Xin or not, the person it hates most at the moment should be me. Although these common people involved in digging holes are also in danger, they are not as serious as me.

Mung beans belong to Yin, and mung bean soup can pull out the Yin energy from the human body very well, so even if the Yin spirits show their power, it will be difficult to find them in an instant!

Seeing how I took so much pains to make them make mung bean soup, the smart villagers realized something was wrong. Several people asked me if something bad was going to happen.

I didn't hide it, but I didn't scare them either. I told them the general situation in a matter-of-fact manner, and then told them to go home early. It was best to close the doors and windows at night, let alone walk around outside.

After hearing this, everyone left one after another, leaving only the Hao family and his son. It could be seen from their eyes that they were very scared, and they were only embarrassed to leave because they were worried about me.

"Uncle Hao, you should go back with Xiaolong first. If that thing really comes... it's useless for you to stay!"

I smiled wryly and waved them away. Uncle Hao stared at me for a while, sighed heavily and took Xiaolong home.

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