Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 820 King Zhou and Daji

Soon it was completely dark. I sat near the bronze tripod and ate bread while resting.

Oyu sat next to me, holding the only two ham sausages in his arms, and said angrily: "Bad brother, forget these people are scared, don't you know how to send a meal? Really, let's go."

"Where are we going? No matter where we go, people like me are destined to die."

I took a sip of mineral water and was about to put the tail jade into the gourd. She muttered, saying that if others don't accompany me, she will accompany me!

This little loli was originally offered incense in Japan, but she took countless risks after following me. It was really difficult for her.

I held her in my arms and stroked her hair as if I were my own sister. Unexpectedly, she trembled as if she was electrocuted. I was frightened and asked her what was going on. Oudama shook his head shyly, then transformed into a fox shape and climbed onto my shoulder.


I was stunned for a moment, then shook my head.

It was late at night, and the evening breeze flowed along the river and flowed under the bridge, bringing a long-lost coolness. I simply lay down on the rocks and fell asleep.

Soon I fell into a light sleep. I could hear the wind blowing the corn stalks around me, but I didn't feel noisy, but rather comfortable. Occasionally, Oudama's little tail would sweep my face back and forth a few times, not to mention how comfortable it was.

After sleeping like this for a while, the surroundings suddenly became quiet, as if he had lost his hearing in an instant.

Before I could figure out what was going on, I felt the invisible pressure. Even though I had my eyes closed, I instantly recognized it as the one-eyed black figure!

I tried hard to open my eyes, but the upper and lower eyelids seemed to be stuck, and they were so painful that I couldn't open them. Even when I quietly lowered my breath to my Dantian and released the spiritual power in my body, I couldn't break through the layer of darkness. gas.

It seems that the man in the T-shirt guessed right. This guy is probably Di Xin. Normal Yin spirits don’t have such a powerful imperial aura!

I gave up my fearless struggle and just lay on guard in a sleeping position. The only thing I could do was to avoid being hurt when it attacked me.

This is definitely the most frustrating experience I have had in the past two years. I was so frustrated that I had the Eternal Spirit Ring on my hand, but I didn’t even have the strength to activate it!

This state lasted for more than a minute, and I could clearly feel that my breathing had become thicker, and I was even a little out of breath. At this moment, the pressure suddenly disappeared, and I relaxed instantly.

I didn't feel anything when I was lying on the bumpy rocks. But after I suddenly relaxed from being nervous, my back was instantly hit by a rock. The pain made me sit up reflexively.

When I opened my eyes, I saw that the surroundings had returned to normal, and the wind was still rustling.

I breathed a sigh of relief first, and then thought about the purpose of the black shadow. He must have released the Yin Qi specifically for me. If he wanted to deal with me, why did he leave at the last moment?

Are you kidding me?

The possibility of this was almost zero. Thinking of this, I turned around and was about to ask Oyu how she felt just now, but I found that she was gone!

I touched my pocket and found that she had not turned into a bead, and then I realized that something had happened to her. The guy who didn't let me open my eyes just now was probably trying to deal with Oudama!

What's hateful is that the Yin spirit left without any Yin energy. I couldn't track it through Yin energy. Although Oudama and I could communicate, we could only communicate at close range.

Recalling the way Oudama was injured by it, I stood there as anxious as an ant on a hot pot.

At this time, a scream suddenly came from the village. I turned my head sharply and suddenly found that there was a thick layer of gloom hanging over Uncle Hao's house, hovering on the roof of his house like a dark cloud.

At this time, another scream came, and I recognized that it was Uncle Hao's voice, so I ran towards his house. When I was halfway there, I saw a ball of fire rising from his house!

"Damn it, I don't care if you are King Zhou or not, just fight!"

I cursed and quickened my pace. When I ran into the village, I found that the lights in every house were turned on. It seemed that everyone was awakened by the screams, but no one dared to show up to observe the situation.

I was forced to stop when I was less than thirty meters away from Uncle Hao's house. At this moment, the fire had engulfed the house, leaving only ruins. My heart thumped and my eyes turned red.

Could it be that Xiaolong and his parents were destroyed by the fire...

"Bad brother, don't worry, they are all fine."

At this time, the unique sweet voice of Oudama suddenly flashed in my mind. I closed my eyes and asked where it was?

"I was in the dry well behind you. Just now the Yin spirit came this way after immobilizing you. I called you several times but you didn't answer, so I had to rush over and found that it was coming to Xiaolong's house, so I rescued it. Xiaolong's family." Oyu replied quickly.

"Thank you!"

After hearing this, I took a deep breath and looked at the dry well in my body with my peripheral vision. Sure enough, I saw a few faint yang energy coming out of the well mouth.

The house had been burned to rubble, and there was no need to save it. I stood aside, rubbing my head and thinking.

If Oudama hadn't arrived in time, Xiaolong and the others would definitely be dead. But the whole village participated in the activity of digging for the ancient tripod, and I was the leader. No matter how hard I calculated, I shouldn’t have found Xiaolong’s family.

Besides, why did Yin Ling not control Oudama just now? Did he let her go on purpose?

I don’t know why, but I suddenly recalled that when the Yin spirit appeared in my sleep that day, there was something strange in its eyes.

I didn’t think much of it at the time, but now it looks like it’s looking at Otama!

Although there is no direct confrontation, we have come into contact with Yin Ling several times. Except for the first time when Oudama was injured, it really has never dealt with Oudama.

Even when Oudama was injured, it was just because Yin Ling was forced to fight back.


I suddenly figured out that the black shadow was King Zhou, and the reason why it was merciful to Wei Yu was that it probably regarded her as its former beloved concubine Daji.

King Zhou was tall and strong, and devoted his life to expanding his territory.

At the same time, he appointed people on their merits and respected women. As long as you have the ability, even ordinary people and women can join the court as officials.

It's a pity that his behavior was too advanced and was not recognized by the princes of the world. In the end, he could only burn himself in the fire.

King Zhou was infatuated throughout his life and only loved Daji. This is unprecedented in thousands of years of history. However, such an infatuated hero was slandered by the later Zhou Dynasty and became an eternal tyrant. Is history really only written by the victors? Of?

I couldn't understand it, but at this moment I understood King Zhou's feelings for Daji.

"Boy, do you want to harm the lonely king again?"

Just as he was thinking about the story of King Zhou, a loud roar like a bell suddenly came from the front.

I looked up and suddenly found a black shadow appearing, floating in the blazing fire, with its only remaining big eye staring at me.

Its originally fuzzy facial features were now extremely clear, its face was born with a trace of venom, and its angular cheeks were so heroic that it made people shudder.

Since it claimed to be the solitary king, I took advantage of the situation and gave him a salute and said in a neither humble nor arrogant manner: "Your Majesty, you conquered the barbarians in the east, expanded the territory, established unparalleled achievements for China, and appointed virtuous ministers to benefit the people. Why do you do this now? Such a cruel thing?"

I thought that King Zhou would show a hint of joy after I flattered him a bit, but instead of being happy, his face became even more gloomy.

"I admire your love for Empress Daji even more. I wonder why the king is angry? Can you tell me that I might be able to help the king?"

I saw it was about to go berserk, so I rushed to speak.

This is the only way I can think of at the moment to subdue it.

Sure enough, upon hearing Daji's name, King Zhou's violence dissipated a lot, and there was a trace of pity in his eyes.

It didn't speak for a long time. Instead, it stared at the old site of its homeland with a sad face!

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