Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 821 Thousand Years of Love

I took the opportunity to say to Weiyu with my mind: "Weiyu, this is Daji's old lover. The only way to impress her is to be tender and affectionate. I need you to dress up as Daji and open her heart..."

"Bad brother, you are giving me another problem."

Oudama snorted and reluctantly agreed.

It was too late to find ancient costumes now. In order to make Weiyu act more like Princess Daji, I hesitated and took out the narcissus skirt left behind by conquering Zhao Feiyan from my bag.

Zhao Feiyan's narcissus skirt represents the highest level of ancient silk weaving craftsmanship. Any woman wearing it will look a little more elegant out of thin air, let alone the already stunning Odama.

Soon, Weiyu put on Zhao Feiyan's narcissus skirt, which made her as pure as a hibiscus.

Coupled with the charm of the fox itself, for a moment I actually thought of her as Daji, let alone King Zhou.

"Does the lonely king not know the principle of success and defeat of the enemy? For thousands of years, has the lonely king ever made it difficult for the people?"

King Zhou raised his head and said this to the sky, as if he was asking God for an answer.

"You don't answer me? That's all. I don't care if I lose my country, but why did you give Daji such an ending? Tell me why!"

King Zhou roared again, frantically releasing his resentment to the sky.

There are records that after the fall of the Shang Dynasty, King Wu of Zhou coveted Daji's beauty and secretly hid her in the harem.

The other ladies were jealous of Daji and targeted her everywhere. And Daji herself never forgot King Zhou, and finally died in hatred and pain, and her soul turned into a fox demon.

The more irritable King Zhou was at the moment, the more it showed his feelings for Daji. I gave Weiyu a timely wink.

Weiyu was already ready. After getting my signal, he flew directly to King Zhou and said softly: "Your Majesty, I am polite to you."


King Zhou was stunned for a moment when he heard the voice, and then he rushed over happily and hugged Wei Yu in his arms, laughing wildly.

"Do you remember the scene when Lone King and you first met?"

Weiyu was stunned when he heard this, and I was also a little confused. I didn't expect that King Zhou was still a romantic person, so he quickly told Weiyu: "When King Zhou was conquering the Yousu tribe, he met Daji by chance, and he was shocked."

"That year when the king conquered the world, I was still young, but when I saw the king, I never wanted to be separated from you."

Oudama answered softly, and I couldn't help but have black lines on my brows. I thought to myself, you are so good at adding lines, but luckily you didn't show any flaws.

Then King Zhou asked a lot of questions, and I answered them all one by one.

Although King Zhou was asking questions, his face was full of memories and reminiscences.

Whenever Wei Yu tells a story about the two of them, the hostility in King Zhou will dissipate a lot.

Seeing the tenderness with which it hugged Wei Yu, I felt quite uncomfortable. I felt that it was inappropriate to use this method to deceive King Zhou's feelings.


King Zhou quietly held Wei Yu and sat on the ruins for a while. He exhaled a long breath and said faintly: "You are so similar that King Zhou is willing to believe that you are her!"


As soon as it said this, I knew it had been betrayed. I drew out my scimitar and was about to go up and snatch the tail jade back. Unexpectedly, King Zhou stood up and glared at me and said, "How presumptuous!"

I stopped at that time and realized that King Zhou did not mean to blame Wei Yu.

Sure enough, it gently stroked Weiyu's chin and sighed: "I don't blame you!"

With that, it released Otama and let her come back to me.

I really didn’t expect King Zhou to recognize that Weiyu was not Daji after thousands of years of slumber, and I didn’t expect it to let go so easily. I was a little confused for a moment, and finally asked weakly: "Your Majesty, you are worried. Yeah, I don’t think it’s better…”

"I never wanted to kill any of the people, and I burned down the house just to help them!"

King Zhou said this in the direction of Kujing. It was obvious that he knew that Weiyu had rescued Xiaolong's family.

I suddenly felt that all the solutions I had racked my brains to think of were just childish in front of King Zhou, so I asked Wei Yu to pull them up from the dry well.

This was the first time they saw King Zhou. Uncle Hao and Aunt Hao were both petrified. Xiaolong was more shocked than scared. He pointed at King Zhou and said tremblingly: "It turns turns out that is yours." Eye!"

"Yes, it is the Eye of the Lone King!"

King Zhou smiled and nodded, with a hint of elder's kindness in his voice.

After listening to this, I finally understood the clue that was always flashing through my mind. The goose egg jade Xiaolong gave me was actually the eye that King Zhou lost!

Before I could react, King Zhou laughed again, waved his black robe and fanned out the fire. He pointed at the ruins and said to me, "You brat, you'll understand when you see it for yourself."

I walked up doubtfully, dug through the layers of ruins, and was shocked to find a one-meter-long monster among them.

Although this monster is in the shape of a human, its facial features are exaggeratedly large, and its eyes are on the top of its head. The most important thing is that it is naked, exudes a foul smell, and is burnt!

This is……

I tried hard to search for information in my mind, and finally a terrible idea flashed through my mind, and I said slightly: "Ancient Drought Demon?"


King Zhou snorted, turned around and continued to set fire to Hanbao's corpse, which was regarded as acquiescence.

I was stunned. Looking at King Zhou's back, I suddenly realized that it was so admirable!

After it was defeated by King Wu of Zhou, it burned itself in Chaoge, so the Yin spirit has its own fire attribute. Although it has been smeared by generations of people, it has never retaliated against the people and has been guarding this land for thousands of years.

After the Drought Demon appeared during the drought a few days ago, King Zhou wanted to kill it directly, but he didn't want to come out. After all, he was too far away from this era.

It couldn't bear to see the people nearby suffering, so it deliberately let Xiaolong get its eyes, hoping to make Hanba feel its existence in this way.

It's just that King Zhou didn't know that Xiaolong gave me the eyes, and because I saw the yin energy in the eyes, I prejudged it as the culprit.

Everything has been solved. King Zhou has been secretly helping everyone. He does not want us to dig out the ancient tripod because he is afraid that without the ancient tripod to frighten Han Bao, he will become more arrogant.

It came to me several times to get its eyes back. Later, due to the appearance of Oyu, it recalled Daji.

Today's scene seems to be designed by me, but it is actually under its control. King Zhou chose to use this method to destroy Hanba, which was actually giving himself a reason to leave.

This reason is Weiyu and Daji!

As Hanbao's body was turned into powder, King Zhou looked back at Oyu, turned around and flew towards the sky, farther and farther away, until he finally turned into a star in the sky.

It is the god who protects the nation. Now, the great King Zhou has finally returned to his throne.

It started to rain that night, completely easing the drought in the village.

The next day, relevant state departments sent experts to take away the bronze tripod and display it as a national treasure in the future.

The matter was finally resolved. Li Mazi called and said that he would be kept in the Shaolin Temple for a while, and asked me to return to Wuhan first after finishing the matter.

On the way back, I played with King Zhou's eyes and couldn't help but click my tongue.

Throughout the ages, countless history books have been rewritten, wise kings have become tyrants, and traitors have become heroes.

But are these useful? Haha, history will eventually be revealed to the world one day.

The first thing I did after returning to Wuhan was to make an altar and offer the Eye of Emperor Xin.

Then one night, I dreamed that a star was smiling at me in the sky. When I woke up, I found that the Eyes of Emperor Xin on the altar had changed from one to a pair...

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