Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 822 Horror Female Anchor

Otama has been reading horror novels recently, and I was there to make trouble for her when I had nothing to do. As time went by, she also became interested in novels.

Although I am a fetish dealer myself, I was a little scared when I saw the horrific plot in the novel.

That day, Oyu held a ghost story in my pocket and read, while I lay leisurely on the bed and read the e-book.

It is said that there was a student in Nancheng in ancient times named Qiao Sheng.

This Qiao Sheng is a well-known child prodigy in the Nancheng area. He has been admitted to the Jinshi Examination and is now going to Beijing to take the exam.

He lost his father when he was young and grew up eating the food of hundreds of families, so the villagers in Nancheng chipped in for him. Qiao Sheng secretly vowed to obtain fame and benefit the village.

Unexpectedly, on the way to take the exam, it rained heavily. When Qiao Sheng was distressed, he saw a house at the foot of the mountain not far away.

He was overjoyed and hurriedly walked over and found a lantern made of unknown material hanging at the door of the house. It was completely transparent and exuded a faint fragrance!

Qiao Sheng knocked on the door, and it was an old woman who opened the door. Qiao Sheng explained his purpose and hoped that the old woman could take him in for one night. The old woman looked at Qiao Sheng carefully for a while and then nodded in agreement.

Qiao Sheng felt his heart tremble at the look in the old woman's eyes, but when he thought that he still wanted something from her, he had no choice but to hold back his inner uneasiness.

"No matter what noise you hear, don't leave the room at night..."

The old woman led Qiao Sheng to the door of a room and said quietly.

Although Qiao Sheng was doubtful, he still agreed.

At night, he heard heavy footsteps outside his door, lingering in front of his door, making him unable to sleep at all.

Qiao Sheng tossed and turned on the bed, wanting to go out and argue with the people outside the door, but he thought of the old woman's words, so he had to endure it and relax as much as possible.

But the sounds outside the door became louder and louder, mixed with tiny voices.

Qiao Sheng carefully identified the voice. It was a man's voice, shouting urgently: "Run quickly, there is a ghost!"

This was clearly meant for himself. Fear kept rising in Qiao Sheng's heart. He couldn't bear it anymore, so he opened the door, only to find that there was nothing outside, as if everything just now was his imagination.

He wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and found a room with candles still lit. He thought the old woman was still asleep, so he quietly walked to the room and poked the window paper with his hand.

This sight was completely frightening. The old woman was holding a pair of scissors full of blood and scratching back and forth on a male corpse. Her technique was skillful, and after a while, there was a piece of paper as thin as a cicada's wings on her hand. thing.

Qiao Sheng desperately covered his mouth with his hands so that he could not make any sound. The thing in the old woman's hand was human skin!

The transparent lantern hanging at the door must be a human skin lantern.

He knew that he had to leave immediately, otherwise he would probably be made into a lantern. Unexpectedly, when he went out, he accidentally touched the door bolt, and the wooden door creaked.

Qiao Sheng was so scared that he ran forward regardless of the pouring rain. Unexpectedly, after running for a long time, he found that he was back to the starting point. When he looked up, he heard the old woman's sneer.


The old woman stood in front of Qiao Sheng, holding a pair of scissors in her hand and looking at him coldly. Her clothes were covered with blood.

Qiao Sheng was desperate, and the old woman walked towards Qiao Sheng step by step...

"Brother Zhang, what are you looking at?"

When I saw the most critical moment, Li Mazi suddenly slapped me from behind. I was so frightened that I dropped my phone suddenly and almost rolled to the ground.

After I came to my senses, without saying a word, I hit Li Mazi on the head.


Li Mazi suddenly let out a scream like a slaughtering pig. He still felt aggrieved and asked pitifully: "Brother Zhang, why are you beating me?"

"Not only do I want to beat you, I also want to kick you!"

As I said that, I gave Li Mazi a hard kick: "I was fascinated by the ghost story. You scared me to death."

Li Mazi burst out laughing when he heard it, saying that I was still afraid of ghost stories after going through so many things. It was really embarrassing for me to be thrown into my grandma's house.

Get lost!

I blushed and punched Li Mazi hard again.

Yin Xinyue recently filmed a Northeastern drama, and she communicated with me in Northeastern dialect at home all day long. After a while, my speech became full of Northeastern dialect.

"Li Mazi, what's your sudden scream?" I picked up the phone that fell on the ground and asked.

"Brother, why do you think I'm so unlucky? An Qi is organizing a haunted house adventure, and I waited a whole day without being picked."

Li Mazi recently became insane and no longer considers himself a disciple of Buddhism. He has returned to his wretched state and is even crazy about online live broadcasts. The An Qi in his mouth is a female anchor who has recently become popular on the Douyu platform.

In fact, while Yin Xinyue was away, I secretly watched An Qi's live video, but I felt that she was not half as good-looking as Xinyue.

Blue contact lenses, a sharp chin that can kill people, and a straight bridge of nose. This is a serious internet celebrity face, and you can't tell him apart among the crowd of internet celebrities.

Who knew when Li Mazi’s taste became so strong?

However, this girl is one of the few supernatural anchors who tells good supernatural stories, which is why she stands out among a group of Internet celebrities in Douyu.

"Don't you know? This so-called lottery has hidden rules!"

I casually replied that anchors like this usually choose from their own sponsors for activities.

Li Mazi, who was so reluctant to give up the gifts, would not be able to choose the hanging thread for another eight hundred years, and he still spent a whole day squatting stupidly.

"What a shame, I won't go if I don't go."

Li Mazi looked at me with an aggrieved face and continued watching his live broadcast.

I glanced casually and saw An Qi's face, which had been filled with countless amounts of hyaluronic acid, smiling lightly.

"Babies, this adventure is all randomly selected. If you didn't get drawn, please don't be angry!"

After An Qi finished speaking, she blew a kiss to the people who were watching her live broadcast. I saw Li Mazi hugging the tablet with a drunken look on his face, and almost stuck out his tongue to lick it.

It's really spring, and Li Mazi is starting to bloom again.

Looking at Li Mazi's appearance, I got goosebumps all over my body and felt extremely sick.

"Babys, please watch my live broadcast on time at eight o'clock tomorrow night."

After An Qi finished speaking, she went offline. I saw Li Mazi looking forward to it, so I vaccinated him in advance: "Mazi, we agreed to meet a big client tomorrow night, so don't let your guard down! "

As early as last month, Li Mazi and I made an appointment with a big client. He finally had time to have dinner with us tomorrow night and talk about antiques, but Li Mazi wanted to break the appointment because of a live broadcast.

"Brother Zhang...hehe."

Listening to Li Mazi's mean voice, I felt nauseated again. I gritted my teeth and said that if you really don't go, you won't get a penny this time.

He immediately became honest after hearing this. The two of them have been together for a long time and they both know each other's tempers. If you want to say this boy's Achilles' heel, besides women, it's money.

Li Mazi pretended to be pitiful, looked at me with resentful eyes, and kept muttering: "Brother Zhang, you are inhumane!"

Humph, if I were inhumane, you would have died a long time ago. But he refused to give up and kept writing on me, so my ears were tortured by Li Mazi all afternoon, and I had no choice but to surrender. Only then did Li Mazi happily go to the group to fool around.

It turned out that An Qi started chatting with fans in the group after finishing the live broadcast. In the end, the selected person decided to meet at a famous hot pot restaurant.

After finishing the chat in the group, Li Mazi asked nervously: "Brother, why do you think An Qi is doing a horror live broadcast? Isn't she afraid of a girl?"

"Of course I'm afraid!"

I said without hesitation, I'm afraid An Qi often has nightmares at night, but she has no choice.

Since Li Mazi is a fan of An Qi and knows more about her, this An Qi is a rural girl.

Although An Qi is still popular now, in the live broadcast industry, the waves behind her are pushing the waves ahead, and there are already newcomers who want to compete with her for the supernatural live broadcast.

As a rural girl without much education, what profession can make money faster than live streaming?

An Qi has no special skills. If she continues to be mediocre, she will be eliminated sooner or later, so she has no choice. She has to persevere no matter how afraid she is.

"She has already earned a lot of money. If she goes back to her hometown and finds someone to marry, she can live a good life." After listening to my explanation, Li Mazi still didn't understand.

I patted him and thought to myself, how could this kid learn to be so simple?

A smart person will definitely think a lot before doing something. Take An Qi as an example. First of all, her special live broadcast method can bring her a large number of fans, and fans are money to put it bluntly.

More importantly, during the offline interaction with her fans, she must have chosen her own sponsors. She definitely meant to take the opportunity to get to know rich people and even hook up with the second generation of rich people.

It’s not that I have a bad mentality, it’s just the current situation of the live broadcast industry.

Her courage is commendable, and her cheerful spirit deserves encouragement. But are ghosts and gods really that entertaining? Who can tell what will happen during the live broadcast?

The whole night, Li Mazi sighed. He had been with me for a long time and naturally knew the risks in horror live broadcasts. He was worried about An Qi.

I reluctantly fell asleep amidst his sighs, and we both felt that the matter had just passed.

Unexpectedly, a week later, we were also accidentally involved in the adventure organized by Angel, and almost lost our lives because of it!


(Note: There has been heated discussion among readers about the story of Emperor Xin in the previous volume. Here is a detailed mention. During his reign, Emperor Xin paid attention to farming and mulberry, repelled Dongyi, and selected talents. He was a real person. Mingjun! Because the Zhou people's rebellion was a treasonous act, they made various accusations to slander Emperor Xin. In this way, the rebellion was justifiable. Historians of the Song Dynasty once put forward the theory that "Jie and Zhou had too many things to do", and our great leader Chairman Mao also pointed out: "In fact, King Zhou was a man of great ability, both literary and military. He managed the southeast and consolidated the unification of Dongyi and the Central Plains, which was very meritorious in history. King Zhou was very famous at that time, and the people of the Shang Dynasty supported him very much. , King Zhou Wu spoke very badly of him." Regarding this, Lao Jiu had only one sentence: History is the novel of predecessors, and it is better to believe in history than to have no history.)

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